Supervisor (law)

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In Germany, a supervisor is the legal representative of adults who cannot, or cannot sufficiently, take care of their own affairs and therefore require supervision . Supervisors have numerous obligations towards the supervised person and the supervisory court.

Types of carers

A distinction is made according to their professional position:

Regardless of the general legal representation, there is support for special cases:

Supervisor restrictions

A distinction is made between “exempt” supervisors and “non-exempt” supervisors.

“Liberated” carers are usually direct family members (parents, children, spouses, life partners, but not siblings), as well as club and government officials. These are exempt from some supervisory measures by the court.

You may largely use the financial resources of the person you are caring for, mainly for everyday duties, without judicial involvement. However, you are accountable to the supervisory court annually. Whether a supervisor is "exempted" or not results from § 1908i Abs. 2 BGB.

Responsibilities of the supervisor

Web links

Wiktionary: Supervisor  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

See also