Bio tattoo

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Biotattoo or Temptoo (from temporary and tattoo ) is the marketing name used by some beauticians and pigmenters for a regular tattoo that is made using permanent make-up techniques.

The basic principle is the same as that of an ordinary tattoo, the only difference being that bio tattoos or temptoos are pricked with needles and colors that are intended for permanent make-up. The practice of doing such tattoos emerged in the 1990s . It was and is still advertised that the color is only applied to layers of the skin that are constantly renewed naturally. As a result, such a tattoo would only be visible for a few months or years. These uppermost layers of skin, the epidermis , are renewed within about four weeks. The underlying dermis never, under normal conditions.

The bio tattoos are controversial both among tattooists and pigmenters, as the maker almost never succeeds in pricking only the upper layers of the skin. As a result, the tattoo does not disappear after a certain period of time and you therefore have a permanent tattoo. Even if only the top layers of the skin were hit, they only lasted weeks and not months (see Mehndi ). It can therefore also happen that only parts of the tattoo are broken down and other parts can still be seen.

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