Bodo Schütt

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Bodo Schütt ( February 10, 1906 in Kiel - February 19, 1982 in Westerland ) was a German doctor and poet.


Childhood and youth

Bodo Schütt is the only child of a conservative north German bourgeois family. He spent his childhood and youth in Berlin and Kiel. He is close to the Wandervogel movement , reads Georg Stammler and Walter Flex , discovers and explores the piano compositions of Chopin , dealt early with the mystics, Jakob Böhme and Paracelsus , whose natural philosophical thoughts on preventive and preserving vitality he later included in his medical practice conventional medicine will try to reconcile it. I.a. Inspired by Rilkes , Hölderlin and Stefan Georges poetry, he wrote his first poems.

Academic years

He studied medicine in Graz and Kiel, among others , joined the 100,000-man army of the Reichswehr on April 2, 1928 after completing his physics course and continued his medical studies as a soldier in Greifswald and Berlin, among other places. In 1932 he passed his medical state examination in Berlin and received his doctorate in medicine with the " History of hemostasis from antiquity to the time of Ambroise Paré" . He received specialist training in internal medicine in Leipzig from Morawitz and Bürger.

Medical officer / resident doctor

From his first marriage from 1933 to 1956 there were two sons. A second marriage since 1957, remains childless.

As a medical officer in the army, he was deployed in peacetime from 1932 in the garrisons of Frankfurt / Oder, Hirschberg im Riesengebirge, Leipzig and from 1939 in Döberitz near Berlin, which remained the family residence until his wife and children fled in April 1945. During the Second World War , under the technical responsibility of the Army Medical Inspection, he received various commands at home and took part in front-line missions in Poland, France and Russia, most recently as a division doctor in an infantry division in Army Group North. Because of an infectious hepatitis , he was detached from the front at the end of 1944 and deployed as chief doctor of a reserve hospital in the Mark Brandenburg region. He evacuated this hospital in the last days of the war between the fronts in Schleswig-Holstein up to the island of Föhr - he speaks of the last wave of retreat that washed him back to his motherland [Schleswig-Holstein] - where he is still there to his discharge from the Wehrmacht in autumn 1945.

After obtaining the " license to practice medicine", he worked as a specialist in internal diseases in Westerland on Sylt from 1946 until a few months before his death.


The first individual poems were published in the 1930s. From 1938 to 1944, the Albrecht Langen * Georg Müller Verlag published monthly " Journal for Poetry, Art and Public Life, DAS INNERE REICH" repeatedly published poems by Bodo Schütt and the publisher Heinrich Ellermann published in his series "DAS GEDICHT, Blätter für Poetry “in the middle of the war his poem DEN MÜTTERN. [10] Z wipe 1941 and 1944 appear four volumes of poetry that are selling so well that the family almost exclusively from royalties can live. In his epilogue to the first edition of the first volume of poetry, “ Gestirn des Krieges , Friedhelm Kaiser mentions that these poems “immediately before the outbreak of war, on marching paths and battlefields in Poland, in the quarters of the waiting winter 1940 on the Westwall [Eifel], during the western campaign in Belgium and France and again in the districts of Flanders on the canal ”. Bodo Schütt corresponds with poets and writers such as the Austrian poet Josef Weinheber and Curt Hohoff ; receives confirmation and recognition. He attentively follows the poetic work and, after the war, the poetic comeback of Gottfried Benn, who was reactivated as a medical officer in 1935 and who has also been practicing freely since 1945 . He has had a deep friendship with the playwright Curt Langenbeck since 1945; after his cardiac death in 1953 he dedicates a detailed obituary [ Guilt and Moral Truthfulness ] to him. The themes of his own poems were nature and mysticism from an early age, and war in the first half of the 1940s. In 1944, in an essay on the situation and task of poetry in the present, he describes war “as a rectification of experience and desire” to which poetry is linked. Like - in particular Gottfried Benn - he emphasizes that form always remains the first requirement that a poem has to meet, as well as the importance of an aesthetic design compared to the content, and he distances himself from the [then predominant] ideological usage poetry . Georg Ried counts him among the poets of the Third Reich , whose poetry stands out from the Nazi purpose poetry through "real sounds".

After the war, the island of Sylt not only becomes home to him, but it is also, as he puts it, “existence on the dividing line between residential land, human land and the realm of giants, the elements”. From this, as well as from his medical work, he draws his suggestions for topics, content [and form] of the second phase of his poetry and his later work . He therefore sees with concern the endangerment of the social island structures and the vastness and seclusion of the landscape by what he puts it "every time desolate occupation time during the season" with cars and people and the incessant crawling of guests.

The journalist and poet Margarete Dierks , a ethnic / theological Unitarian interprets and interprets his [post-war] poetry sensitively. She writes, among other things: “In his poems there is the mention, the linguistic intervention of the forces of nature. In its cosmic and earthly work the human being is included like other organic and inorganic structures. Mythical and realistic day-night-present are intertwined or stand side by side in rhyming lines, often coarse. ”[...]“ He takes what he immediately experienced into the poem, which makes his lyrical language and the statements peculiar convincing, such as his own everyday life as a country doctor: When I'm exhausted / drive through the darkness / father guardian rater / of a thousand children - ... / drunk with tiredness / rushed over the villages ... / I sit with strangers for a long time / sit I get lost with friends / I rest with the dead / between the edges of the sea / the depths of silence - / Death as Arzney. " [...] and she sums up:" In his [Bodo Schütts] collection of poems, Sylt is balladic and lyrical, real and figurative and made tangible for the reader. "

Individual publications

  • DAS INNERE REICH, poems in various editions of the 5th to 10th year from 1938 to 1944.
  • Aesculapian writes, HG. Artur Boskamp, ​​Itzehoe 1965, p. 179.
  • Sylt Reader, HG. Kurt-Lothar Tank, Berlin-Ffm-Wien 1973, p. 53 ff.
  • Poetry by contemporary German-speaking doctors, HG Armin Jüngling, Munich-Graefelfing 1971, pp. 149 ff.
  • Appearance and Reality, HG Armin Jüngling, Marquardstein 1977, p. 166 ff.
  • German poetry from the baroque to the present, HG. Gerhard Hay and Sybille von Steinsdorff, Munich 1980, p. 278.
  • Nordfriesland, book 7/3, WINDS ARE EQUAL THOUGHTS - poems by Sylt, Neumünster 1973.

Awards / honors

  • Poetry prizes from the Berlin magazine DIE DAME, which is published biweekly by Deutsche Verlag: in 1940 one of the five (2nd – 6th) prizes each endowed with 200 RM for the poem ANRUF and in 1941 first prize endowed with 1000 RM for the poem HERZ UND SCHICKSAL
  • 1944 Hermann Löns Prize of the German Hermann Löns Society for the poems STAR IN THE LIMITLESS and GESTIRN DES WAR


    • Star of war. Eugen Diederichs, Jena 1941.
    • Star in the limitless. Eugen Diederichs, Jena 1943.
    • Change and preservation. Eugen Diederichs, Jena 1944.
    • Mind and shape. Eugen Diederichs, Jena 1944.
    • Songs on the beach. Eugen Diederichs, Düsseldorf 1953.
    • Year of the island. Wolff, Flensburg 1968.
    • Intermediate time and ballad of the day after time. Bläschke, Darmstadt 1973.
    • Sylt is my house. Argus, Opladen 1974, ISBN 3-920337-17-4 .
    • Northern coast. Westerland / Bredstedt 1979, ISBN 3-88007-537-9 . (contains new and partially revised poems from songs on the beach and the year of the island)

Literature - a selection

  • Dietrich Wobern: The end of a flight: Sylt. Childhood and youth in war and post-war. Norderstadt 2007, ISBN 3-8334-8143-9 .
  • Georg Ried: The essence and development of German poetry from its beginnings to the present, 19th edition Munich 1964, p. 277.
  • Georg Ried: World literature of our time, Munich 1965, p. 65.
  • Margarete Dierks: Bodo Schütt, a doctor and poet [Sylt, can be experienced in a poem] in Glaub und Tat, German-Unitarian Blätter, issue 1, January 1977, 28th year, p. 20 ff.
  • Kurt-Lothar Tank: Sylt Reading Book; sh. above, p. 50 f.
  • Hinrich Matthiesen: My Sylt - A reading book -; S. 57, Ffm., Berlin, 1992, ISBN 3-548-22827-5 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Harry Kunz, Thomas Steensen: The New Sylt Lexicon. Neumünster 2007. p. 344.
  2. Dietrich Wobern: The end of a flight: Sylt - childhood and youth in war and post-war . Norderstedt 2007, ISBN 978-3-8334-8143-7 , pp. 10 f .
  3. Die Waage 5 Zeitschrift der Chemie Grünenthal, Volume 14/1975, inside back cover
  4. Dietrich Wobern: The end of a flight: Sylt - childhood and youth in war and post-war . ISBN 978-3-8334-8143-7 , pp. 4. 14, 23, 25, 65, 66 .
  5. Dietrich Wobern: The end of a flight: Sylt - childhood and youth in war and post-war . ISBN 978-3-8334-8143-7 , pp. 5. 28, 30, 36, 48 .
  6. Dietrich Wobern: The end of a flight: Sylt - childhood and youth in war and post-war . ISBN 978-3-8334-8143-7 , pp. 62, 68, 73 .
  7. Dietrich Wobern: The end of a flight: Sylt - childhood and youth in war and post-war . ISBN 978-3-8334-8143-7 , pp. 7. 68-73 .
  8. Dietrich Wobern: The end of a flight: Sylt - childhood and youth in war and post-war . ISBN 978-3-8334-8143-7 , pp. 85 .
  10. LYRIK LAYING IN DARK TIME, page 68, edition spangenberg in Ellermann-Verlag, Munich 1984th
  11. a b Dietrich Wobern: The end of a flight: Sylt - childhood and youth in war and post-war . ISBN 978-3-8334-8143-7 , pp. 24 .
  12. Friedhelm Kaiser : Action alone completes the heart. In Bodo Schütt : Gestirn des Krieg , p.67, Jena: Diederichs 1941, p. 67.
  13. SYLTER TAGEBLATT of November 21, 1953, p. 4.
  14. Dietrich Wobern: The end of a flight: Sylt - childhood and youth in war and post-war . ISBN 978-3-8334-8143-7 , pp. 79 .
  15. Bodo Schütt: On the situation and task of poetry in the present. In book studies: organ of the office for the maintenance of literature at the representative of the Führer for the entire intellectual and ideological education of the NSDAP and the Reich Office for the Promotion of German Literature, volume. 3 (1944), pp. 65 and 67.
  16. Georg Ried: Essence and Becoming of German Poetry from the Beginnings to the Present . S. 271 .
  17. Georg Ried: World literature of our time . S. 65 .
  18. Manfred Wedemeyer: "Sylt's literary world" in MERIAN Sylt - Föhr - Amrum from May 5, 1975, p. 102.
  19. a b Kurt Lothar Tank: Sylter Lesebuch, p. 51 .
  20. letter of 04/17/76.
  21. Hinrich Matthiesen: My Sylt - A reading book . ISBN 3-548-22827-5 , pp. 57 .
  22. Margarete Dierks: Bodo Schütt, a doctor and poet [Sylt, can be experienced in a poem] in Glaub und tat, German-Unitarian Blätter, issue 1, January 1977, 28th year, p. 20 ff.
  23. Die Dame, Hefte 23/1940, p. 9 f. and 32 as well as issue 23/1941, p. 8 f. and p. 26 and Wobern, p. 55, Helga Strallhofer ? -Mitterbauer: Nazi literary prizes for Austrian authors: a documentation, Vienna, Cologne, Weimar, Böhlau 1994, p. 91.
  24. a b List of the literature (books) to be sorted out by the German Administration for National Education in the Soviet Occupation Zone, Berlin Zentralverlag 1946, No. 10684 and No. 10685.