Bovine herpes virus 1

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Bovine herpes virus 1
Classification : Viruses
Area : Duplodnaviria
Empire : Heunggongvirae
Phylum : Peploviricota
Class : Herviviricetes
Order : Herpes viral
Family : Herpesviridae
Subfamily : Alphaherpesvirinae
Genre : Varicellovirus
Type : Bovine herpes virus 1
Taxonomic characteristics
Genome : dsDNA linear
Baltimore : Group 1
Symmetry : icosahedral
Cover : available
Scientific name
Bovine alphaherpesvirus 1
Short name

The bovine herpesvirus 1 (en. Bovine alphaherpesvirus 1 , BoHV-1 ; in German usage mainly abbreviated as BHV1 ) is a herpes virus that causes a mostly acute, highly contagious viral disease in cattle and other cattle species . The respiratory form ( Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis , IBR), which occurs most frequently, manifests itself in the form of rhinitis and tracheitis in the upper respiratory tract. The genital form can cause vulvovaginitis ( infectious pustular vulvovaginitis , IPV) in the female animal and infectious balanoposthitis (IBP, inflammation of the glans ) in the male animal .

The disease is a notifiable animal disease in Germany .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e ICTV: ICTV Taxonomy history: Human alphaherpesvirus 1 , EC 51, Berlin, Germany, July 2019; Email ratification March 2020 (MSL # 35)