Federal working group More safety for children

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Logo of the Federal Working Group (BAG) Mehr Sicherheit für Kinder e. V.

The Federal Working Group (BAG) More Security for Children e. V. is a non-profit association founded in 2002 with headquarters in Bonn.

The BAG is currently the only nationwide association that is exclusively dedicated to the prevention of children's accidents at home and in their free time. As a national umbrella organization, it advocates the prevention of children's accidents. It has 42 members from the fields of health promotion, child protection, medicine, rescue services, product safety, sport and technology. According to its own statements, it is not bound by any party politics or denomination and wants to track down grievances, urge politicians and administration to act and bring about a society that is safe for children through its own initiatives and educational work. Your primary goal is to create safe living environments for children.

Since BAG was founded in 2002, Dr. Stefanie Märzheuser President of the association. Andreas Kalbitz has been the managing director since 2017.

Goals / tasks

The BAG is raising public awareness of the issue of “accidents in children”. Around 1.7 million children suffer an accident every year. Around two thirds of all accidents occur in the household and during leisure time. According to the BAG, 60 percent of these accidents can be prevented. The BAG is therefore pursuing the goal of reducing this number. It promotes public interest in the subject of child safety, clarifies dangers and accident risks and instructs parents, carers and children on safety-conscious behavior and gives them tips for everyday life with children such as imparting information and knowledge about the tasks of accident prevention. The BAG coordinates and networks initiatives and projects that deal with the prevention of accidents among children and young people. This includes the exchange of experience and cooperation between institutions, organizations, initiatives and projects at national and international level. The BAG also carries out campaigns and projects to improve child safety.

The BAG also prepares data and statistics on accident blackspots and accident frequencies. It trains multipliers on accident prevention and is in contact with manufacturers and dealers when the safety of children is concerned. In addition, the BAG ensures that child safety remains on the political agenda. With projects on child safety, the association puts knowledge from science into practice. Finally, the BAG cooperates with experts at national and international level in specialist advisory boards and working groups.

The BAG observes scientific developments in the field of accidents involving children, analyzes and evaluates scientific results, compiles data and derives priorities for its concepts and actions. She strives to evaluate her projects and further develop methodological standards. In addition, the BAG wants to lobby against child accidents and make the issue heard in the political arena.


It was founded in 2002 in Bonn from the “BAG Children's Safety” alliance, which was founded in 1997 on the initiative of the Federal Ministry of Health .

Members are medical societies and associations, rescue organizations, traffic educators, technical service providers, health promotion organizations and child aid associations. You advocate that the subject of "accidents in children" is given more weight in Germany. In addition to the members, institutions and initiatives that are not members of the association themselves participate in the working groups of the BAG, organize campaigns and projects, disseminate the BAG's media and contribute to the prevention of children's accidents in Germany on a broad basis Basis is provided.

The content-related technical worker takes place in four working groups:

  • Working group "Strategy and Practice"
  • Working group "Epidemiology, Evaluation and Health Reporting"
  • Working group "Product Safety"
  • Working group "National Accident Prevention Program"

Actions by the BAG

Child safety day

Since 2000, the association has organized Child Safety Day every year on June 10th at national and regional level as an event and media event. The event, which always has a central theme, aims to raise awareness of the risk of accidents. The child safety day is aimed at multipliers and above all at parents and their children. Special attention is paid to socially disadvantaged families, who are particularly often affected by accidents. The member organizations of the BAG and all interested local cooperation partners have the opportunity to show with decentralized accompanying and follow-up events that the prevention of children's accidents on site plays a role.

Overview of topics since 2000

year slogan Content dimension
2019 "Making the household safe together" Avoid accidents with children in the household and in the kitchen

"I can see what you can not see …"

  • Avoid child accidents at home

"Only the best for children"

  • Dangers from children's toys

"Child safety is colorful."

  • Child safety is alive and fun
  • Selected accident types
  • Educational issues
  • Promotion of risk literacy
  • Creating safe conditions

“Children and animals. Sure it works! "

  • Correct handling of animals
  • Avoidance of the risk of injury
2014 Safety in and around the water


  • Accident prevention in and around the water
  • To learn how to swim
2013 The focus is on the little ones.

"From zero to safe"

  • Prevention of accidents in infants and young children
  • Hazardous place at home
2012 Warning, poisonous!

More safety for children

  • Avoidance of poisoning accidents
  • Addressing families with a migration background
2011 To run. Leap. Climb.

Sure it works!

  • Avoid falling accidents
  • Strengthen danger awareness
2010 "10 years in action"

To run. Leap. Climb. Sure it works!

  • Avoid falling accidents
  • Strengthen danger awareness
2009 Growing up safe.

Protect children from poisoning!

  • Prevention of household chemicals poisoning accidents
2008 Children want security!
  • Create safe, healthy and supportive living conditions
  • Children need a say in accident prevention
2007 Live with children -

safe is better!

  • Prevention of typical accidents in infants, toddlers and preschoolers
2006 Hopping like jumping:

Promote movement - avoid accidents!

  • Getting children moving
  • Take up child accidents as a topic in school lessons
2005/2006 Children's accidents concern everyone.

Every day.

  • Accidents involving children are ubiquitous - but they can be avoided
  • Everyone can do something to prevent accidents in children
2003 On your marks. Finished. Come on.

Avoid accidents in your free time.

  • Avoid accidents while playing and exercising
  • Prevention by promoting physical activity
2002 I can see what you can not see ...

Discover and eliminate the risk of accidents at home.

  • Prevent child accidents at home
2001 Detect danger - avoid accidents.

Risk of fire and water protection and safety for your child

  • Prevention of drowning, scalding and burn accidents
2000 Beware of traps!
  • Avoid falling accidents -

Advanced training

The BAG qualifies specialists from educational institutions, health care and youth welfare so that they can teach parents professional and successful safety skills. The training courses are based on uniform standards based on a curriculum. The seminars aim to provide key people with in-depth and interdisciplinary knowledge about children's accidents and how to avoid them. The participants are thus enabled to actively prevent accidents in their professional contexts.


Specialized conferences organized by the BAG on current topics in child accident prevention take place regularly. Exchange of experience, knowledge transfer and networking in the field of accident prevention are among the central tasks of the BAG. The BAG implements these projects by bringing together experts and helping to discuss and disseminate the technical status of current issues.

Specialized database "Prevention of accidents in children in Germany"

The specialist database for child accident prevention provides a comprehensive overview of which actors are active in child accident prevention in Germany and which measures and media are available for different age and target groups. It is aimed at specialists who are looking for or planning media or accident prevention measures. It was handed over in 2019 by the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) to the Accident Prevention Service Center of the Federal Association for More Safety for Children.

Web links