Bundestag constituency Essen III

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Constituency 120: Essen III
Bundestag constituency 120-2013.svg
Country Germany
state North Rhine-Westphalia
Constituency number 120
Eligible voters 192.918
voter turnout 79.48%
Election date September 24, 2017
Constituency representative
Photo of the MP
Political party CDU
Voting share 37.08%

The Bundestag constituency of Essen III (constituency 120) is located in North Rhine-Westphalia and includes the city districts II, III, VIII and IX of the city of Essen . The constituency includes the districts of Rüttenscheid , Stadtwald and Rellinghausen (District II) to the south of the city center , the west of Essen with Altendorf , Frohnhausen and Holsterhausen (District III), the southeastern districts of Burgaltendorf , Byfang , Heisingen , Kupferdreh andÜberruhr (District VIII Ruhr Peninsula), and in the south-west Bredeney , Werden and Kettwig (District IX). The delimitation of the constituency has been changed twice in the past, most recently in 2002 (elimination of district I, city center, addition of district III west). Before the 2013 federal election, the constituency was number 121.

Bundestag election 2017

Bundestag election 2017 - WK Essen III
(Second votes in%)
Gains and losses
compared to 2013
 % p
Majorities in the city districts (Bundestag election 2017)

The 2017 federal election took place on Sunday, September 24, 2017. 23 parties were approved in North Rhine-Westphalia , and 9 direct candidates were also available for election. Compared to the election in 2013, the direct candidate of the CDU Matthias Hauer was able to expand his lead, which was still very narrow at the time. With this he obtained the CDU's only direct mandate in Essen. However, he still lost almost 3,000 first votes in the higher voter turnout with over 2,000 more voters. It is noticeable that, as in the past, the north of Essen predominantly voted for the SPD candidates, while the south of Essen tends towards the CDU. So there was a majority for the SPD candidate Gereon Wolters in district III, while the competitor Hauer won the majority in the other districts of this constituency.

Final result
Subject of evidence First votes Second votes
Applicants Political party number % number %
Matthias Hauer CDU 56,393 37.08 45,826 30.07
Gereon Wolters SPD 46,829 30.79 37,699 24.74
Kai Gehring GREEN 12,511 8.23 14,312 9.39
Ayten Kaplan THE LEFT 9,846 6.47 12,574 8.25
Tim Wortmann FDP 12,639 8.31 23,068 15.14
Stefan Keuter AfD 12.306 8.09 12,735 8.36
PIRATES 554 0.36
NPD 259 0.17
The party 1,778 1.17
FREE VOTERS 302 0.20
Referendum 153 0.10
ÖDP 174 0.11
Martina Stalleicken MLPD 208 0.14 134 0.09
SGP 13 0.01
ADD 364 0.28
UBI 173 0.11
DiB 249 0.16
Diana grief DKP 197 0.13 89 0.06
DM 115 0.08
The humanists 97 0.06
Health research 134 0.09
Animal welfare party 1,356 0.89
V party³ 251 0.16
Serge Menga Nsibu Individual applicants 1,175 0.77
Valid votes 152.104 100.0 152,409 100.0
voter turnout
Subject of evidence First votes Second votes
number % number %
Eligible voters 192.918 100.0 192.918 100.0
⤷ voters 153,336 79.48 153,336 79.48
⤷ Invalid votes 1,232 0.80 927 0.60
⤷ Valid votes 152.104 99.20 152,409 99.40

Bundestag election 2013

This map of the direct mandates for the 2013 Bundestag elections shows how far the constituencies were won. The constituency of Essen III is clearly visible here with only ninety-three votes ahead and a white color.
Bundestag election 2013 - WK Essen III
(in %)
Gains and losses
compared to 2009
 % p

In the 2013 federal election , the constituency caused a particular stir, as Matthias Hauer (CDU) won the constituency with only three first votes ahead of Petra Hinz (SPD) according to the preliminary official final result on the evening of election day . As a result, the district returning officer had the election records checked, which revealed inconsistencies. Therefore, all votes cast in the constituency 120 were counted anew, after which Hauer won by 93 votes. In addition to the Wesel I constituency, it is the only direct mandate of the CDU in the Ruhr area and the only one of the 64 constituencies in North Rhine-Westphalia in which the CDU was able to win a direct mandate compared to the 2009 Bundestag election.

Final result
Direct candidate Political party First votes in% First votes absolutely Second votes in%
Matthias Hauer CDU 39.5 59.101 36.3
Petra Hinz SPD 39.5 59.008 33.1
Petra Hermann FDP 2.0 3,007 5.7
Kai Gehring GREEN 7.7 11,576 9.7
Cornelia Swillus ankle THE LEFT 4.9 7,341 6.6
Frank panties PIRATES 2.1 3,169 2.1
Manuel Mikolajtzyk NPD 1.0 1,489 0.9
REP - - 0.1
Alliance 21 / RRP - - 0, 0
Referendum - - 0.1
ÖDP - - 0.1
MLPD - - 0.1
Katarzyna Dorota Kruczkowski BüSo 0.1 213 0.1
PSG - - 0, 0
Martin Erwin Renner AfD 2.7 4.015 3.9
BIG - - 0.1
per Germany - - 0.2
THE RIGHT - - 0, 0
Non-voters - - 0.1
The party - - 0.5
Others 0.4 570 -
With 151,040 voters, the turnout was 77.2%.

Result of the 2009 Bundestag election

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in% Bundestag election 2005
second votes in%
Petra Hinz SPD 38.6 31.0 42.0
Matthias Hauer CDU 36.1 30.0 30.9
Petra Hermann FDP 7.5 14.1 9.4
Kai Gehring GREEN 9.5 12.0 9.7
Cornelia Swillus ankle The left . 6.9 8.3 5.6
- REP - 0.4 0.3
- The animal welfare party - 0.6 0.5
Hermann August Schnarre NPD 1.1 0.8 0.6
- family - 0.4 0.3
- PIRATES - 1.6 -
- PENSIONER - 0.3 -
- center - 0.1 0.1
Matthias Kraume BüSo 0.3 0.1 0.0
- Referendum - 0.1 0.1
- MLPD - 0.1 0.1
- PSG - 0.0 0.0
- ödp - 0.1 -
- DVU - 0.1 -

Former constituency winners

choice Surname Political party First votes
2017 Matthias Hauer CDU 37.1%
2013 Matthias Hauer CDU 39.6%
2009 Petra Hinz SPD 38.6%
2005 Petra Hinz SPD 48.1%
2002 Hans-Günter Bruckmann SPD 49.8%
1998 Ingrid Becker-Inglau SPD 49.9%
1994 Ingrid Becker-Inglau SPD 44.9%
1990 Ingrid Becker-Inglau SPD 41.3%
1987 Ingrid Becker-Inglau SPD 44.9%
1983 Paul Hoffacker CDU 46.2%
1980 Antje Huber SPD 49.1%
1976 Antje Huber SPD 47.7%
1972 Antje Huber SPD 53.1%
1969 Antje Huber SPD 49.8%
1965 Hans Toussaint CDU 48.6%
1961 Hans Toussaint CDU 48.7%
1957 Hans Toussaint CDU 56.3%
1953 Jakob Kaiser CDU 53.5%
1949 Jakob Kaiser CDU 32.4%

Constituency history

choice Constituency name area
1949 32 food III Southern part of Essen with the Ruhr peninsula and u. a. Huttrop , Rüttenscheid , Bredeney and Werden
1953-1961 91 Essen III
1965-1976 89 Essen III
1980-1998 90 Essen III Districts I, II, VIII and IX with the Essen city center and the Ruhr peninsula as well as u. a. Rüttenscheid, Bredeney, Werden and Kettwig
2002-2009 121 Essen III Districts II, III, VIII and IX with the Ruhr peninsula as well as u. a. Altendorf , Frohnhausen , Holsterhausen , Rüttenscheid, Bredeney, Werden and Kettwig
2013 120 food III

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. constituency division Essen III. (No longer available online.) Federal Returning Officer, 2013, archived from the original on January 16, 2013 ; Retrieved January 22, 2013 .
  2. ^ Election to the German Bundestag - Election to the German Bundestag 2017 Essen - constituency 120 (Essen III). Retrieved September 24, 2017 .
  3. ^ The Federal Returning Officer : Results Essen III - The Federal Returning Officer. Retrieved September 24, 2017 .
  4. ^ City of Essen: Results of the 2013 federal election, first votes , accessed: September 26, 2013.
  5. City of Essen: Mayor suggests district electoral committee recount of the entire constituency 120 , press release from September 26, 2013, accessed: September 26, 2013.
  6. WAZ: Hauer (CDU) wins "Thriller constituency" according to the recount by 93 votes . In: derwesten.de . Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung. September 30, 2013. Archived from the original on October 12, 2013. Retrieved October 2, 2013.
  7. State Returning Officer of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia: Federal Parliament election 2013 - Final results in North Rhine-Westphalia (PDF; 5668 kB) Retrieved on February 26, 2017.