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In CDS / ISIS ( Computerized Documentation System / Integrated Set of Information Systems , English roughly "computerized documentation system / integrated collection of information systems") is a database management system for the general information storage and an interface to query which of the UNESCO developed, maintained and has been spreading since 1985.

The Windows version of the software , known as Winisis , can also run on a single computer or on a LAN . The Java version JavaISIS is a client-server version that allows external querying via the Internet and is available for the Windows, Linux and Macintosh operating systems. GenISIS allows the user to produce HTML web forms for the CDS / ISIS database query.

This database system is primarily used for bibliographic databases . The freely definable database structure allows the system to be used for many other purposes, in which alphanumeric data are to be collected and made available in a structured manner. Because of its multilingual system architecture, CDS / ISIS and Winisis are translated into many languages ​​and distributed worldwide.

In many countries there are multipliers and distributors for CDS / ISIS and Winisis registered by UNESCO. In addition, a number of user organizations have been founded that support each other in the further development and use of the software.

CDS / ISIS and Winisis are particularly widespread in Latin America and Eastern Europe. But the system is also used in Asia and Africa. It is less popular in Western Europe. While it is used even in public libraries in Portugal and Italy, in Germany it is mainly used in university institutes and other educational institutions, museums and smaller associations.

The CDS / ISIS Netzwerk eV, an organization for German-speaking users, provides a German-language version. Winisis with an example database and German-language documentation can be downloaded free of charge from the website of this non-profit association.

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