Carlos Brandt

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Carlos Brandt (born October 11, 1875 - † February 27, 1964 ) was a Venezuelan writer , historian and philosopher .


The son of German immigrants and older brother of the composer Augusto Brandt lived in Germany from the age of fourteen to nineteen. At the age of twenty-five he turned to Leo Tolstoy , who encouraged him in his literary ambitions. In 1901 his first book La belleza de la mujer appeared .

He was arrested under the dictatorship of Juan Vicente Gómez and then lived in exile in Spain, Italy, Belgium, Holland and finally in the USA. His encounter with the anarchist Generación Consciente in Barcelona was formative for him .

Most of his books were written during his time in exile. In 1913 Fundamentos de la Moral appeared in the English translation under the title The Vital Problem . The American School of Naturopathy awarded him an honorary doctorate for the work . With this and other works, Brandt is considered one of the masterminds of ethically based vegetarianism .

In addition to his historical and philosophical writings, Brandt's extensive correspondence with writers such as George Bernard Shaw and Leo Tolstoy is noteworthy, as well as with Benedict Lust , one of the founders of naturopathy .


  • La Belleza de la Mujer
  • El modernismo
  • Fundamentos de la Moral ( The Vital Problem )
  • La Clave del Misterio
  • Diógenes , el atleta de la Voluntad
  • Giordano Bruno , el mártir más auténtico de la historia
  • Spinoza y el panteísmo
  • La Epoca del Terror
  • Racional Patology
  • Beethoven
  • Cervantes , the titán de la literatura
  • El Sendero de la Salud
  • El Misterioso Almirante
  • Camino de Perfección
  • La Paz Universal
  • Los Enigma de la Ciencia
  • Leonardo da Vinci
  • La Superstición Médica
  • El vegetarianismo
  • El Fundamento de la Moral
  • Siluetas Luminosas
  • Bajo la Tirania de Cipriano Castro