Christian Delacampagne

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Christian Delacampagne (born December 23, 1949 in Dakar ; † May 20, 2007 in Paris ) was a professor at the Department for Romance Languages ​​and Literatures at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore .


Attended the École Normale Supérieure , 1969 Agrégation in Philosophy , 1982 Docteur d'Etat ès Lettres et Sciences humaines at the Sorbonne , 1981–1993 Director of the French Cultural Institutes in Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Cairo, Tel-Aviv, 1993–1997 Cultural Attaché of the French Consulate General in Boston, 1998 Connecticut College, 2000 Tufts University, 2002 Johns Hopkins University.

In his research on racism , he pointed out at an early stage that it cannot be tied to the concept of race and cannot be restricted to modern times. His dissertation, which deals with the "Invention of Racism" in antiquity , was one of the first relevant studies on this subject.

Delacampagne died on May 20, 2007 in Paris of complications from cancer.


  • The racist is not a thoughtful person; he just needs some preconceived notions to justify the glorification of his own race and the slander of others, even their extermination. Incidentally, this is also the reason why science finds it so difficult to cope with racism: The racist and the scientist are not on the same wavelength, because the scientist adheres to the conscientious investigation of the truth, while the latter is convinced having eaten them with spoons.

Fonts (selection)

  • About racism. 16 chapters on the anatomy, history and interpretation of racial madness ("Le Racisme", 1976). Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart 1979, ISBN 3-12-906311-0 (together with Léon Poliakov and Patrick Girard ).
  • L'Invention du racisme. Antiquité et Moyen Age . Fayard, Paris 1983, ISBN 2-213-01117-6 .
  • Histoire de la philosophie au XX ° siècle . Seuil, Paris 1995, ISBN 2-02-021113-0 .
  • Mysterious Egypt (“Immortelle Égypte”, 1990). Bechtermünz Verlag, Augsburg 1997, ISBN 3-927117-85-4 (with photographs by Erich Lessing ).
  • De l'Indifférence. Essai sur la banalisation du mal . Editions Odile Jacob, Paris 1998, ISBN 2-7381-0629-3 .
  • The history of racism (“Une Histoire du racisme, des origines à nos jours”, 2000). Artemis and Winkler, Düsseldorf 2005, ISBN 3-538-07206-X .
  • The history of slavery (“Une Histoire de l'esclavage, des origines à nos jours”, 2002). Artemis and Winkler, Düsseldorf 2004, ISBN 3-538-07183-7 .
  • Islam et Occident. Les raisons d'un conflit . PUF, Paris 2003, ISBN 2-13-053730-8 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Christian Delacampagne: Léon Poliakov / Christian Delacampagne / Patrick Girard, Rassismus. About xenophobia and racial madness , Luchterhand-Literaturverlag, Hamburg 1992, ISBN 3-630-71061-1 , p. 28.