Clifford Ladd Prosser

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Clifford Ladd Prosser (born May 12, 1907 in Avon , New York , † February 3, 2002 in Urbana , Illinois ) was an American physiologist and zoologist .


Clifford Ladd Prosser was an important representative of comparative animal physiology. He studied zoology at Rochester University and received his PhD from Johns Hopkins University in 1932 . About his work with Hallowell Davis (1896-1992) at Harvard University , he came to England, where he worked with Edgar Adrian and also met with John Eccles in Oxford. He then taught at Clark University . The University of Illinois called Prosser to Urbana in 1939, but was recalled to Chicago two years later to work on the Manhattan Project . He was one of the 69 employees of the project who petitioned the American President to give Japan the chance to give up before using an atomic bomb.

In 1949 Prosser founded the Department of Physiology in Urbana, later adding Biophysics. He worked here for fifty years, interrupted by several research stays. In 1963 he spent a year of research in Munich and gave lectures at the Ludwig Maximilians University .

Prosser was a member of several academies of science , editor of numerous specialist publications and was president of several specialist societies. He died shortly before his 95th birthday.

Publications (selection)

  • Adaptional Biology: From Molecules to Organisms . Wiley, 1986
  • Comparative Animal Physiology . Wiley, 1950-1991

Individual evidence

  1. Dietrich Schneider: Clifford Ladd Prosser, May 12, 1907 to February 3, 2002 (obituary) (PDF; 1.1 MB)