CIO (union)

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The CIO ( C ongress of I ndustrial O rganizations ) was an American Federation of Trade Unions organized the predominantly unskilled industrial workers.

The CIO had members in the US and Canada and exercised its greatest influence during the Great Depression of the 1930s with their big strikes from.


It was founded in 1935 as a radical response to the policies of the AFL (American Federation of Labor) . In the course of the industrial revolution , a new class of unskilled or semi-skilled workers had developed, such as B. the assembly line workers in the automotive industry . This new working class had not previously been prominently represented by any union.

The CIO lost its influence in the 1950s. In 1955 the CIO rejoined the AFL, which continues to exist under the name American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations ( AFL-CIO ). One of its most famous members was the long-time chairman of the CPUSA , Gus Hall , who also organized strikes for them.

President of the CIO

See also
