Constantin Bobescu

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Constantin Bobescu (also Constantin Bobesco ; born May 21, 1899 in Reni , Bessarabia ; † May 26, 1992 in Sinaia , Romania ) was a Romanian violinist , composer , conductor and music teacher .

Live and act

Constantin Bobescu was a son of the singer, actor and variety director Aron Leon Boba (1856–1915), who was a farmer's son from Rădeşti near Aiud and later took the name Bobescu, and his wife Adolphine nee. Alexandrescu. The actor and director Emil Bobescu (1882–1961), the composer and conductor Aurel Bobescu (1885–1982), the actress Eleonora Bobescu (* 1887) and the violinist and conductor Jean Bobescu (1890–1981) were his siblings. The violinist Lola Bobesco (1921–2003) was the daughter of Aurel Bobescu.

Constantin Bobescu studied from 1908 to 1912 at the Universitatea de Arte " George Enescu " in Iași with Eduard Caudella violin and composition and then until 1916 at the Școala de Artă "Cornetti" in Craiova with his brother Jean Bobescu violin, with Ion Soloviu music theory and with George Fotino Harmonik . He was then from 1918 to 1927 violinist with the George Enescu Symphony Orchestra in Iași and made his debut in 1918 as a soloist in the Violin Concerto in E major by Johann Sebastian Bach (BWV 1042). During this time he also studied from 1920 to 1924 with the support of "two rich ladies" and from 1926 to 1927 at the Schola Cantorum in Paris with Guy de Lioncourt ( counterpoint ), Paul Le Flem (harmonics), Nestor Lejeune (violin) and Vincent d'Indy (composition). From 1927 to 1928 he was professor of violin at the Conservatory in Chernivtsi and then until 1835 professor of violin and director of the Conservatory "Astra" in Brașov . From 1935 to 1972 he was the conductor of the Bucharest Radio Symphony Orchestra . From 1940 to 1946 he was a member of George Enescu's second string quartet.

Tours have taken him through France, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cuba, Mexico, Spain, the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. He recorded several records as a violinist and conductor with the Bucharest label Electrecord . As a music journalist, he has published articles in the daily newspapers Gazeta de Transilvania and Scânteia and in the magazine Muzica and has appeared on radio and television. He was a member of the Romanian composers' union Uniunea Compozitorilor și Muzicologilor din România . In 1955 he was awarded the Romanian title of Artist Emerit al Republicii Populare Române , and in 1968 he was awarded the Second Class Order of Culture Merit .

Constantin Bobescu was married to Jana Bobescu and had two daughters. Rodica Bobescu (* 1926) became the director of music performances on radio and television and Sanda Bobescu became a concert pianist and music teacher at the Bucharest Conservatory.


Bobescu composed four operas , for each of which he wrote the libretto :

  • 1929: Zobail , opera in one act, libretto after George Coșbuc , premiered in 1930 at Opera Națională Română Cluj , Cluj-Napoca , conductor Jean Bobescu
  • 1934: Trandafirii roşii (Red Roses), opera in three acts, libretto after Zaharia Bârsan , premiered in 1937 at the Opera Națională Română Cluj, conductor Jean Bobescu
  • 1939: Ioan Botezătorul (John the Baptist), opera in five acts, libretto after Hermann Sudermann , premiered in 1939 with the Radio Symphony Orchestra of Bucharest under Constantin Bobescu
  • 1980: Gaiţele , opera in three acts, libretto based on Alexandru Kirițescu

Furthermore, he composed incidental music , chamber music , choral music , film music , vocal music , and symphonic music. He transcribed and arranged works by other composers such as Ludwig van Beethoven , Johann Sebastian Bach , Frédéric Chopin , Antonín Dvořák , César Franck , Gaetano Pugnani , Ciprian Porumbescu , Arcangelo Corelli , Francesco Maria Veracini , Giovanni Ivan Battista Vitali , Manuel de Falla , Iosifovici and Grigora Dinicu .


  • Mozart / Bach , works by Mozart and Bach with Lola Bobesco , Constantin Bobescu as conductor of the Bucharest Radio Symphony Orchestra, Electrecord, Bucharest 1964
  • N. Buicliu , works by Nicolae Buicliu , Constantin Bobescu as conductor of the Bucharest Radio Symphony Orchestra, Electrecord, Bucharest o.J.
  • Poveste Din Pădure (Tales from the Forest), composer Constantin Bobescu, recorded by the Bucharest Radio Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Ludovic Bács (1993)



  • Florica Gheorghescu: "O poveste adevãratã" - Intamplãri din viata muzicianului Constantin Bobescu. (“A true story” - events in the life of the musician Constantin Bobescu). June 2009 (online Part I , Part II , Part III at
  • Florica Gheorghescu: Constantin Bobescu. O viață… un destin. (Constantin Bobescu. A life ... a fate). Niculescu, Bucharest 1999.

Web links

Notes and individual references

  1. In other sources the place of birth Iași is given. The place of birth Reni follows "O poveste adevãratã" - Intamplãri din viata muzicianului Constantin Bobescu (partea I a) and can also be found in other sources such as and . His brother Jean Bobescu was born in Iași in 1890.
  2. "O poveste adevãratã" - Intamplãri din viata muzicianului Constantin Bobescu (partea I a) on (Romanian)
  3. Constantin Bobescu și amintirile sale despre Basarabia on (Romanian)
  4. a b "O poveste adevãratã" - Intamplãri din viata muzicianului Constantin Bobescu (partea II a) on (Romanian)
  5. "O poveste adevãratã" - Intamplãri din viata muzicianului Constantin Bobescu (partea III a) on (Romanian)
  6. Florica Gheorghescu: Pianista Charlotte Coulaud on, December 16, 2010 (Romanian)
  7. Mozart / Bach on Discogs
  8. N. Buicliu on Discogs
  9. Poveste Din Pădure on Discogs
  10. Enescu in inima mea on (Romanian)
  11. Victor Eskenasy: Constantin Bobescu și amintirile sale despre Basarabia on, October 22, 2014 (Romanian)