Coordination française nationale des travailleurs

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The Coordination française nationale des travailleurs (CFNT) was a list for the employee representation in the labor court elections (élections prud'honales) 1997 in France , which was close to the right-wing extremist party Front national .

It was formed on the occasion of the elections to the labor courts (conseil de prud'hommes) in December 1997. In the 34 departments in which the CFNT competed, it received an average of 5.9% of the votes. They performed best in Mantes-la-Jolie (10.1%), Salon-de-Provence (9.8%), Dreux (9.0%) and Nice (8.9%). Compared to the election result of the National Front in the previous parliamentary election (14.9% nationwide), the result of the CFNT was weak. A total of 18 candidates from the CFNT were elected to the labor courts. The other unions complained, however, and the seats were withdrawn from them because the organization was ideologically too dependent on the national front and it was therefore not a real union. Subsequently, the French labor law was changed in order to exclude candidates from party-politically inspired lists from the labor court elections.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Michel Wieviorka: Le Front national. Entre extremisme, populisme et démocratie. Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, Paris 2013, p. 44.
  2. Dominique Andolfatto, Thierry Chofat: Le Front national et les syndicats. Une stratégie d'entrisme? In: Sylvain Crépon u. a .: Les faux-semblants du Front national. Sociologie d'un parti politique. Les Presses Sciences Po, Paris 2015.