Corinna Dahlgrün

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Corinna Dahlgrün (born July 12, 1957 in Hamburg ) is a German Protestant theologian. She is the niece of the politician Rolf Dahlgrün .


Corinna Dahlgrün studied German literature with a focus on the Middle Ages and Protestant theology in Hamburg. After passing the first theological exam (1986), she held teaching positions at the Universities of Hamburg and Kiel . In Kiel she worked as a scientific assistant to Joachim Scharfenberg . In 1991 she received her doctorate with a thesis on church history and mediavism on Hartmann von Aue . 1990–1992 Dahlgrün completed a vicariate in the parish of St. Johannis in Hamburg- Harvestehude , which she completed with the second theological exam. Then she was pastor at St. Gertrud in the Hamburg district of Hamburg-Uhlenhorst . In 1995 Dahlgrün joined Manfred Josuttis as a university assistant for practical theology at the University of Göttingen , where she qualified as a professor in 2000 with a thesis on eschatological preaching. Then Dahlgrün was professor for practical theology at the Bethel Church University . Since 2005 she has held the chair for practical theology at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena .


The focus of Dahlgrün's academic work includes questions of liturgy and spirituality . Among other things, she deals with the spiritual dimension of contemporary avant-garde music. Together with the church musician and composer Hans Darmstadt , Dahlgrün directed the Interdisciplinary Days for New Music and Theology four times in Kassel between 1998 and 2004 .

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