Cow Cow Davenport

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Cow Cow Davenport

Charles Edward "Cow Cow" Davenport (born April 23, 1894 in Anniston , Alabama , † December 3, 1955 in Cleveland , Ohio ) was an American blues - and boogie-woogie - pianist . He also played the Hammond organ , composed and sang.

life and work

Cow Cow Davenport played the piano at the age of twelve and wanted to be a musician. However, his family did not agree with his career plans and sent him to the seminary, where he was kicked out for playing ragtime .

Davenport's musical career began in the 1920s; he played on a revue show, the Banhoof's Traveling Carnival , a medicine show . He earned his first fame as an accompanist for blues singers Dora Carr and Ivy Smith ; he also performed with Tampa Red . Davenport made recordings on various labels and was also a talent scout for Vocalion . His best known early recordings (after 1926) include "Chimes Blues", "Slow Drag" and "State Street Jive" . In the early 1930s, he had a stroke and could no longer move his hands. He worked as a dishwashing assistant when he was rediscovered by jazz pianist Art Hodes in 1938. Hodes took care of his rehabilitation and helped him find admission opportunities.

His most famous song was the "Cow Cow Blues" . 1953 "Cow Cow Blues " was rewritten by Ahmet Ertegün for Ray Charles ' "Mess Around" ; this title was Charles' first step away from the Nat Colehish style and into the music he recorded with Atlantic in the 1950s and became famous for. Davenport was also the composer of "Mama Don't Allow It" . He claimed to have written the Louis Armstrong hit "I'll Be Glad When You're Dead (You Rascal You)" but to have resold the rights to it. In reality, the song was from Sam Theard .

Cow Cow Davenport died in Cleveland, Ohio in 1955 and was inducted into the Alabama Music Hall of Fame after his death .

The 1940s hit song "Cow Cow Boogie" is presumably named after him, but was not written by him.


  • John Jörgensen & Theo Wiedemann: Jazz Lexicon . Munich, mosaic, c. 1960


  1. after Arnold Caplin, in the liner notes for the LP Hot Pianos 1926-1940
  2. The "Cow Cow Boogie" was written by Benny Carter , Gene De Paul and Don Raye .