Cow scythe

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As cow sense ( "sense of the cow") is defined as the partly innate and partly trained ability of a horse to which his actions of a cow vote. Occasionally the term is also used for herding dogs .

The work of cattle herders is made easier in all parts of the world by the use of horses, which allow the shepherd to move easily in and with the herd. The prerequisite for this is a horse that does not panic within the herd, but reacts as automatically as possible to reactions of the herd and allows the rider to concentrate on the herd. Especially when isolating individual animals, as is necessary for medical care or when applying brand marks , horses stand out that recognize very quickly which cattle the rider is targeting and that actively participate in the isolation. This active participation of the horse in the work is known as cow sense and is the breeding characteristic of every breed of horse drawn for shepherd work . The best known example of this is the American Quarter Horse , which by demonstrating this ability at tournaments ( cutting ) made the cow sense known outside of work riding.