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A dōtei ( Japanese 童貞 ) is generally used in Japanese- speaking countries to denote a male person who has not yet had any experience of sexual intercourse . Since there are different opinions regarding the directive no experience in sexual intercourse such as: B. If there is penetration and ejaculation are, for the first time lost the Dotei or even those that the masturbation regarded as loss of Dotei, no precise definition exists.


When contrasting current ideas about dōtei, dōtei can mean either of two:

  1. a male person with no sexual experience
  2. the condition of a male person with no sexual experience

The terms commonly used in the West to translate dōtei, such as virgo or castus, come rather close to the Japanese words Teiketsu ( 貞潔 , “chastity”) or Renketsu ( 廉潔 , “purity”). Dōtei also has the meaning of a Catholic nun, for example Yokohama Futaba Gakuen's forerunner was called Futsugō Dōtei Gakkō ( 仏 語 童貞 学校 , "French- speaking Dōtei School"). The novel entitled Die Nacht des Germaniums by the writer Mangetsu Hanamura and other works provide examples of this importance. In addition, the now known as Shojo Kaitai ( 処女 懐 胎 , "The Conception of the Virgin") in the Japanese-speaking world L'immaculée conception Paul Éluards and André Breton in the 1936 edition of Dōteijo Jutai ( 童貞 女 受胎 , "The conception of the Dōtei -Mädchens ") titled.

Dōtei ni naru ( 童貞 に な る ) means to become a nun . The Kanji ( ) means child, boy , ( tei ) means chastity.

In the 1920s, religious use became somewhat more limited, and the term for the condition without sexual experience with the opposite sex became more common. In the dictionary Kōjirin ( 広 辞 林 ) published in 1925, dōtei is defined as the preservation of childlike purity of a boy or girl who has not yet intercourse with the opposite sex , regardless of gender. In fact, it is not limited to human beings, but also applied to their possessions. Even in Asada Hajimes Dōteiron ( 童貞 論 , "Treatise on Dōtei") people who are in the dōtei state are referred to as Dōtei Hojisha ( 童貞 保持 者 , "Dōtei obeying people"). In the book by the Japanese sexologist Sawada Junjirō Shojo to Dōtei ( 処女 と 童貞 , "Virgin and Dōtei"), Dōtei often refers to people.

Dōtei has been referring to the person more and more often since the 1950s, but the talk is mostly of male persons. In Kōjirin's editions of 1955 and 1958, the note was added mainly with respect to males . Since the 1970s, this definition has clearly been used to describe males. Although this note is also found in Kōjien and Iwanami Kokugo Jiten , the term is defined as applicable to both men and women.

In the Japanese language of the soldiers , the perpetration of the first killing is called a dōtei break.

Moral concepts

According to the study carried out by Yasuda Tokutarō and Yamamoto Senji from 1925 to 1928, there was a strong tendency among workers at the time to protect dōtei from marriage and men who followed dotei were respected and revered accordingly. However, the importance of Dōtei decreased sharply over the following decades.

In 1948, a newlywed man sued his wife in the dōtei Soshō ( 童貞 訴訟 , "The Dōtei Trial") for compensation for his lost dōtei, arguing that his wife had not fulfilled the duties of common life . However, the court ruled that the value of lost female chastity was legally equal to that of the lost dōtei.

Since the 1960s, the image of the dōtei in Japanese society has been changing and the former virtue of the dōtei is increasingly ostracized.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Tomomi Shibuya: 日本 の 童貞 ("Dōtei in Japan"). Bungei Shunjū, 2003, pp. 9-15
  2. Tomomi Shibuya: 日本 の 童貞 , p. 102
  3. 小河 織 衣, 女子 教育 事 始 三 ; Orie Ogō, Beginning of Raising Girls 3 , p. 26, p. 39
  4. Tomomi Shibuya: 日本 の 童貞 , p. 104
  5. Hajime Asada: 童貞論 , p 71
  6. Tomomi Shibuya: 日本 の 童貞 , p. 110
  7. Tokutarō Yasuda: 性 科学 の 基礎 知識 ("Basic Sexological Knowledge "), 1950, p. 132
  8. 下級 裁判 所 民事 裁判 判例 集 (“Collection of precedents in civil proceedings of the lower instance”), p. 119
  9. Tomomi Shibuya: 日本 の 童貞 , p. 111
  10. Tomomi Shibuya: 日本 の 童貞 , p. 173


  • Tokutarō Yasuda ( 安 田 徳 太郎 ): 性 科学 の 基礎 知識 ("basic knowledge of sex ") . Hyōronsha, 1950.
  • Takeshi Oshino ( 押 野 武志 ): 童貞 と し て の 宮 沢 賢治 (" Miyazawa Kenji as Dōtei") . Chikuma Shobō, 2003, ISBN 978-4-480-06109-6 .
  • Tomomi Shibuya ( 渋 谷 知 美 ): 日本 の 童貞 ("Dōtei in Japan") . Bungei Shunjū, 2003, ISBN 978-4-16-660316-9 .
  • Shin Watanabe ( 渡 部 伸 ): 中年 童貞 ("Middle- aged dōtei ") . Fusōsha, 2007, ISBN 978-4-594-05385-7 .