Intestinal center

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An intestinal center is a network of specialists from various medical and nursing disciplines from the outpatient and inpatient area, in which patients with colon cancer are treated holistically and in all phases of their illness. From prevention to diagnosis and treatment to aftercare, there is close cooperation between the various specialist disciplines and professional groups; the individual examination and treatment steps are coordinated with one another and with the needs of the patient. The basis of the treatment and thus also of the certification are the current S3 guidelines "Colorectal carcinoma" for colon cancer of the scientific specialist societies.

Participating specialist and professional groups

As a rule, the management of an intestinal center is the responsibility of the specialist departments of visceral surgery and / or gastroenterology . In addition, the so-called main cooperation partners include the fields of oncology , radiation therapy , radiology and pathology . In addition to these specialist disciplines, special attention is paid to pain therapy and physiotherapy, specialized oncological care and so-called supportive therapy. These include a. Pastoral care, psycho-oncology, social services, nutritional advice and self-help groups, with the help of which the best possible support for patients and relatives is made possible during the entire treatment process. Medical supply stores, outpatient nursing services, rehabilitation clinics and hospices complete the offer and serve as a smooth transition from the inpatient to the outpatient area.


In Germany only a certain number of intestinal centers have received a certificate from the German Cancer Society. These have been called colon cancer centers since 2010 to make it clear that the certification relates exclusively and specifically to colon cancer. The German Cancer Society wants with the award of the quality label " Certified cancer center" ensure that patients can be sure of being treated in the certified center on the current state of scientific knowledge of a network of specialists. With the certification process, the German Cancer Society wants to significantly improve the care situation for patients suffering from colon cancer by defining specific professional requirements and reviewing them as part of the certification process. The term “intestinal center”, however, is not protected - it can be used by any clinic. The certification procedure for the intestinal center of the German Society for General and Visceral Surgery (DGAV) also relates more to diseases of the rectum than to colon cancer. The DKG-certified colon cancer centers are united in an umbrella organization, the Working Group of German Colon Cancer Centers (ADDZ).

Certified bowel centers in Germany

In 2019 there are 277 DKG- certified bowel centers in Germany .

Number of bowel centers certified according to DKG (according to federal states, as of 1.7.2019)
state Number of intestinal centers
Baden-Württemberg 39
Bavaria 44
Berlin 12
Brandenburg 4th
Bremen 4th
Hamburg 3
Hesse 19th
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 5
Lower Saxony 24
North Rhine-Westphalia 68
Rhineland-Palatinate 12
Saarland 2
Saxony 12
Saxony-Anhalt 8th
Schleswig-Holstein 10
Thuringia 11


OnkoZert is an independent institute that oversees the certification process on behalf of the German Cancer Society. The organ cancer centers voluntarily set pre-established quality standards as their goal in order to continuously improve the care of cancer patients. The test is carried out by technical experts, whose qualifications are checked. A certification committee is elected from among the technical experts, which ultimately decides on certification. If the professional requirements are met and the certification process is successfully completed, the Organ Cancer Center receives recognition from the German Cancer Society and various medical societies. For selected organs (breast, intestine, prostate, ...), specific professional requirements are defined by the medical associations.

Requirements for certification

Health facilities that are intensely devoted to malignant diseases of the colon and rectum can have their specialist specialization checked by OnkoZert. In order to receive recognition as a "Certified Intestinal Center" from the German Cancer Society, the organizations must have a recognized quality management system (e.g. ISO 9001, KTQ®) and meet the technical requirements (FAD) for colon cancer centers. In the questionnaire "Colon Cancer Centers" the respective valid criteria are mentioned. The text of the questionnaire is determined by the chairperson of the certification commission (currently T Seufferlein, S Post). Version I1 of October 17, 2018 is valid. The questionnaire is structured as follows:

1. General information on the Colon Cancer Center: This information is very similar for all organ centers.

 1.1 Struktur des Netzwerks: Kooperationspartner, Kooperationsvereinbarungen
 1.2 Interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit: Tumorkonferenz, Morbiditäts-/Mortalitätskonferenz, Qualitätszirkel
 1.3 Kooperation Einweiser und Nachsorge
 1.4 Psychoonkologie
 1.5 Sozialarbeit und Rehabilitation
 1.6 Patientenbeteiligung: Selbsthilfegruppen
 1.7 Studienmanagement: Beteiligung an Studien wird hinterfragt!
 1.8 Pflege: Pflegevisiten, onkologische Ausbildung für die Chemotherapie, Stomatherapeuten
 1.9 Allgemeine Versorgungsbereiche: Seelsorge, Ernährungsberatung, Nutritional Risk Screening, Apotheke,

2 Organ-specific diagnostics

 2.1 Sprechstunde: Wartezeiten, Expertise für spezielle Methoden
 2.2 Diagnostik: 2 Fachärzte für Innere Medizin und Gastroenterologie mit je 200 Koloskopien jährlich und 25 Polypektomien mit Schlinge

3. Radiology: MRI preoperative 4. Nuclear medicine 5. Operative oncology

 5.1 Organübergreifende operative Therapie
 5.2 Organspezifische operative Therapie: 30 Kolonkarzinom-Operationen und 20 Rektumkarzinom-Operationen, 2 Fachärzte mit Zusatzweiterbildung "Spezielle Viszeralchirurgie"

6. Medical / internal oncology

 6.1 Hämatologie und Onkologie
 6.2 Organspezifische medikamentöse onkologische Therapie: Patienten mit Chemotherapien jährlich oder mindestens 50 Patatienten mit Kolon- oder Rektumkarzinom

7. Radiation oncology: Common questionnaire for all organ centers. 8. Pathology: Common questionnaire for all organ centers. 9. Palliative care and hospice work 10. Tumor documentation Quality of results

In addition to the questionnaire, the following must be submitted:

 Matrix Ergebnisqualität

Note: The numbers shown represent minimum quantities.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Please enter either wayback - or webciteID - or archive-is - or archiv-url parameters (PDF; 6.62 MB)
  2. ^ Andreas Kämmerle, Julia Ferencz: Oncomap: Gut Centers. OnkoZert GmbH, July 1, 2019, accessed on July 1, 2019 .
  3. T Seufferlein, S Post: questionnaire for cancer centers. OnkoZert, October 17, 2018, accessed on July 7, 2019 .
  4. ^ OnkoZert: Radiation Oncology Survey Form. Version G1. December 20, 2018, accessed July 7, 2019 .
  5. ^ OnkoZert: Questionnaire Pathology. Version H2. January 24, 2019, accessed July 7, 2019 .