The event

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Anton Chekhov

The event , also an event ( Russian Событие , Sobytije ), is a short story by the Russian writer Anton Chekhov , which appeared on November 24, 1886 in the Peterburgskaja Gazeta . During the author's lifetime the text was translated into Bulgarian, Danish, German, English, French, Serbo-Croatian, Czech and Hungarian.

The winter morning awaits the six-year-old siblings Wanja and Nina with lively news. The gray cat with the green eyes has young. The three kittens are still blind, but at least they can beep from under the kitchen bench from the coke box. The whole morning the children sit in front of the box, serious, worried and concentrated. The future is being planned. One kitten is to go to the country house, the second is to catch rats in the cellar and the third is to comfort the cat mom, who then only has one child with her. There is a question. Who is the father of the boys? The riddle cannot be solved. As if the big brown wooden horse has to play the role of father under the lumber room stairs.

Uncle Petrushka drops by with his big black Danish mastiff Nero. That would be a better kitten father - much more alive than the dead horse.

In the evening in bed, Vanya and Nina have to cry for a long time before going to sleep. Nero ate the three kittens and got away with it.

Used edition

  • The event. P. 290–296 in Gerhard Dick (ed.) And Wolf Düwel (ed.): Anton Chekhov: The Swedish match. Short stories and early narratives. German by Gerhard Dick. 668 pages. Rütten & Loening, Berlin 1965 (1st edition)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Notes under The Event (Russian) in FEB on pp. 668–669