The middle age

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The middle age. Perspectives of Medieval Research is a scientific journal in the field of medieval research .

The magazine, which appears annually in two issues, is the official organ of the Medievalist Association . It was published by Akademie Verlag in Berlin until 2013 and has been published by de Gruyter since 2014 (when the publisher was taken over) . The first volume of the magazine was published in 1996. A special feature of the magazine is that each issue has a thematic focus and this topic is viewed from as many different perspectives as possible in medieval research - such as history, archeology, realism or different philologies. The magazine sees itself as a forum for interdisciplinary medieval studies . The secretary is responsible for their publication by the Medievalists Association. In addition, each issue also has editors who specifically look after the respective topic. In addition to the main topic, the booklets also contain a Middle Ages forum with advance announcements and reports on conferences, a calendar and reviews.

Members of the Medievalist Association receive the magazine free of charge. The language of publication is generally German, but other common academic languages ​​are also possible. The magazine is currently published by Regina Toepfer (German studies, Braunschweig) on ​​behalf of the Presidium of the Medievalist Association. Previous editors were Ludger Lieb , Gerlinde Huber-Rebenich , Ortrun Riha and Frank Fürbeth .

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