The weak heart

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The weak heart ( Russian Слабое сердце ) is a novella by Fyodor Dostoyevsky , which was first published in 1849. It is about the two friends Arkádij Iwánowitsch Nefédjewitsch and Wássja Schúmkoff; the latter is planning a wedding but is depressed by financial problems.


When Wássja returns to his friend and roommate Arkádij on the eve of New Year's Day, he reveals to him that he is engaged. The two friends visit the bride-to-be and her mother in exuberance. Before that, however, the critical aspect of finances will be discussed. In this regard, Wássja relies fully on his work as a copyist; especially with Julián Mastákowitsch - one of his clients - he sees a bright future. Arriving at the beloved Lisanka's, the two friends spend a nice evening. Arkádij also takes Lisanka right into her heart. Back at home, Wássja sits down directly at the mountain of work that is still waiting for him. He will also work almost through the next day. He announces that he does not want to accept the invitation from Julian Mastákowitsch - his "benefactor". Instead Arkádij should write his name on the list of well-wishers; but when he wants to enter Wássja's name, he sees that he has already left his signature. When Arkádij finally returns, Wássja reveals to him the full extent of the tragedy. Instead of working, he spent the last few days with Lisanka. Now he won't finish the transcripts in time. Wássja seems to go mad with all the work; he imagines he should be sent to the military. He finally escapes from the apartment. Arkádij only finds him at work with his superior Julián Mastákowitsch. Arkádij explains the story to him; all bystanders are shaken by fate. Wássja is finally picked up by an ambulance. His friend Arkádij, on the other hand, becomes more and more shy and unhappy over the next few years.


  • Fyodor M. Dostoevsky: The double. Early novels and short stories , Munich: Piper (2004). ISBN 978-3492242646
  • Fyodor M. Dostoevsky: White Nights. Early Prose II , Berlin and Weimar: Aufbau-Verlag (1986)
  • Fyodor Dostoyevsky: A weak heart . Narrative. Translation Ilse Krämer . With eight lithographs by Hans Falk . Zurich: Kurt Stäheli, 1946