Database server

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The term database server refers to computers on which database systems are stored. The server provides data management services that can be used by other computers. In larger systems with a high volume of data, high-performance mainframes are specially configured as database servers, which serve as a hub for the flow of information. A distinction is made between two applications:

  1. a software ( server ) that manages a database and requests or queries at a client or application server edited or
  2. a computer on which the aforementioned software is executed.

Smaller systems use normal servers with the appropriate hardware.

Database server as software

Database server software is also referred to as a database management system. Common database systems are Firebird , Oracle , DB2 , Informix , Microsoft SQL Server , PostgreSQL or MySQL . These software packages manage the data and any queries and queries. It is a process that is assigned to a database management system and allows other processes (clients) to access the database.

Database server as hardware

Physically, the database server in the smaller systems is any computer on which a (software) database server is running. In larger systems, computers specially designed for use as database servers, such as an IBM System i5 (formerly AS / 400) or a Digital Alpha 8400 from Digital Equipment Corporation, are often used.

Since a computer that is used as a database server can also perform other tasks at the same time, it is possible and also common in smaller environments that it also performs other server services at the same time, for example being used as a web server and being designated accordingly in the respective context.


  • Hajo Schulz, Peter Siering: Data Servants - Free Database Servers in Comparison . In: C't . February 24, 2003 ( ).
  • JC Mackin, Mike Hotek, Mike Hotek: Designing a Database Server Infrastructure with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 . 1st edition. Microsoft Press, Unterschleissheim 2007, ISBN 978-3-86645-901-4 .

Individual evidence

  1. Database server - What is a database server?, accessed on September 15, 2018 .
  2. Klaus-P. Wagner, Dieter Backin, Thomas Hüttl: Introduction business informatics - basic IT knowledge for studies and practice . Springer-Verlag, Wiesbaden 2012, ISBN 978-3-8349-3135-1 , p. 111 ( ).
  3. ^ Doug Lowe: Database Server . In: Networks for Dummies . John Wiley & Sons, 2012, ISBN 978-3-527-63883-3 , pp. 144 ( ).
  4. Christoph PREVEZANOS: database server . In: Computer-Lexikon 2012 . Pearson Germany, Markt + Technik Verlag, Munich 2011, ISBN 978-3-8272-4728-5 , pp. 225-226 ( ).
  5. database server . In: Manfred Broy, Otto Spaniol (Hrsg.): VDI-Lexikon Informatik und Kommunikationstechnik . Springer-Verlag, 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-46845-2 , p. 164 ( ).