Dead Space 2

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Dead Space 2
Dead Space 2 Logo.jpg
Studio United StatesUnited States Visceral Games
Publisher United StatesUnited States Electronic Arts
Windows , PlayStation 3 , Xbox 360 January 25, 2011 January 28, 2011 February 24, 2011
United StatesUnited States
European UnionEuropean Union
platform Windows
PlayStation 3
Xbox 360
Game engine Visceral engine
Subject Science fiction
Game mode Single player , multiplayer
control Mouse and keyboard , gamepad
system advantages
  • Windows XP / Vista / 7
  • Intel 3.4 GHz; AMD Athlon-3200 +
  • 1.5 GB of RAM
  • Min. Geforce 8600 or similar model
  • 10 GB free hard disk space
medium 2 DVD (Windows, Xbox 360)
1 Blu-ray (PlayStation 3)
language u. a. German and English
Age rating
USK from 18
PEGI recommended for ages 18+
information German version slightly cut. The Friendly Fire setting cannot be activated.

Dead Space 2 is a video game developed by Visceral Games (formerly EA Redwood Shores ) for the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It is a third-person shooter from the survival horror genre in a science fiction scenario and the second game in the Dead Space series . The player takes on the role of the marine or communications engineer Isaac Clarke, who wakes up three years after the events of the first part in a hospital in the space city of Sprawl on the remains of the Saturn moon Titan .


The federal state of Bavaria vetoed the USK release “no youth release” for Dead Space 2 , the title had to be re-examined for the sixth time after five exams. According to publisher EA, this process is unique in the history of USK. The renewed examination by the USK confirmed the approval again. Dead Space 2 was therefore only released in Germany at the end of February 2011, about a month after its European release. At the end of January 2013, the uncut version was not approved for young people either .

The game was discussed shortly before it was released because of a controversial marketing campaign that showed game scenes to 200 mothers under the pretext of market research. Their reactions were recorded and then published on the Internet.


A closed multiplayer - beta test began on September 23rd 2010, a demo version is for Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network published on December 21 of 2010.



In the animated film Dead Space: Aftermath , released in the USA at the same time as Dead Space 2, it is mentioned that Isaac Clarke, half starved, is intercepted by a government ship after a few days and is then put into stasis. The reason for doing this is because the government believes that through his contact with the Marker, he is the key to the perfect power of the human race.

The Church of Unitology also has an interest in Clarke. According to Michael Altman's teachings, the marker heralds the "convergence" that is supposed to lift humanity and the followers of the Church to the next level of evolution. The convergence turns out to be a mass suicide, which is supposed to help the Necromorphs to gain more breeding ground for the spread. When Altman accidentally discovers the Black Marker at the bottom of the Chicxulub crater off the Jucatan coast in 2214, he is the first victim to be manipulated by the marker and, through what appears to be his own thoughts, founded the Church of Unitology, whose sole aim is recruitment of members for convergence lay. It turns out that Craig Markoff, a senior employee of DredgerCorp, an EarthGov company that has fallen into disrepute among the public for its secret and weird actions, starts over Altman, whom he previously made by Krax, a dispensable and a necromorph Mutant subordinate, kills the Church of Unitology in order to interpret the plans of DredgerCorp, which were almost revealed by Altman, as goals for the common good. In truth, Markhoff, who now believes that the marker is a divine artifact, intends to reproduce the marker and usher in convergence. When Markhoff extradites Altman to Krax, he confesses that he had used him since the beginning of their cooperation to hide his plans from the public and to abuse Altman as a religious fanatic effective in the media. He reveals to Altman that after his death he will found Unitology on his behalf in order to spread the will of the marker throughout the universe. Markhoff puts a spoon in Altman's hand and throws it into the arena to Krax with the words "At least you don't die unarmed".

Appearance of the plague, first necromorph

While researching the marker on the DredgerCorp's underwater base, researchers from Markhoff's inner circle come across a code that is spread across the marker. At the same time, the marker begins to affect the base crew, and paranormal activity occurs. The suicide rate is skyrocketing and almost all crew members who have had indirect contact with the marker complain of hallucinations and headaches. The hallucinations always manifest themselves with the appearance of a deceased relative who explains his presence to the victim with surprising plausibility and then asks him for a favor, which always ends in the victim's death. So asks z. B. a hallucination a former military man to share his oxygen supply with him, but this would have to cut the hose. Assuming that they cut the non-existent tube, the victim cuts their throat. Other hallucinations, which also manifest themselves over a dead relative, warn against experiments with the marker and other interactions. It would end with the downfall of mankind. The affected person survives these hallucinations.

The inner circle cannot explain why the marker behind the hallucinations should warn those affected. Therefore, the hallucinations are dismissed as unimportant and research is resumed. After a few days, a German biologist, Dr. Grote Guthe to decipher the marker code and prepare a DNA sample. It turns out that the race that built the marker is far more advanced and intelligent than humanity. The inner circle suggests that the race plans to assimilate human DNA in order to improve. While observing this sample, Dr. Guthe was haunted by a hallucination that warns him against further attempts with the marker and leads him to draw the sample into a syringe and administer it to himself. Due to the "wrong" connection with Guthe's DNA, the sample begins to mutate in the body. Guthe realizes what he has done and goes to the marker hall in the hope that contact with the marker will neutralize the sample in his body. Opening the door to the hall, Guthe triggers the quarantine alarm, and a short time later military units enter the hall. One of them, Krax, eliminates Guthe, not knowing how to leave the host to the parasite.

On the way to the morgue, the parasite completes the mutation to become a necromorph. The Necromorph kills and infects all personnel in the vicinity. A few minutes later, the epidemic spread across the entire base, with the exception of the upper administration area. Only Altman, Markhoff, Krax and Stevens, Markhoff's right-hand man, can escape.


After the events in the previous game Dead Space , Isaac Clarke suffers from hallucinations and memory loss.

The story is divided into 15 chapters, which, unlike in the predecessor, flow into one another. At the beginning of the game, Clarke escapes from the psychological ward of a hospital. Shortly afterwards, a woman named Daina Le Guin introduces herself to him via RIG, who wants to help him out of the predicament. In the course of the game, Isaac fights his way to a church, where the woman in question awaits him. Then there is an unexpected turn. After a government attack, Isaac escapes and shortly after meets Ellie, a CEC employee, who also survived. Initially refusing, she developed into an ally after meeting Nolan Stross (a fellow prisoner of Clarke).

Nolan Stross informs Clarke that the two were used to build a second marker, but that he knows how to destroy it.

Especially in Chapter 10, the developers use known moments from the predecessor either as flashbacks or as premonitions.


Isaac Clarke

Isaac Clarke, a CEC mechanic, is the protagonist of Dead Space 2. Most of the story space of Dead Space and Dead Space 2 revolves around him. In contrast to the first part, Isaac speaks in cutscenes.

Ellie Langford

In the course of the action, you meet the CEC machine operator Ellie Langford, one of the last survivors of the Sprawl. She assists Isaac in a number of situations. She later helps him penetrate the government sector underground.

Nolan Stross

Nolan Stross is another survivor who, like Isaac, suffers from dementia and paranoia. This gets worse as the game progresses. In the course of the plot, it is learned that Stross was a scientist who dealt with the marker and that contact with it forced him to murder his wife and son.

Hans Tiedemann

Tiedemann is the director appointed by EarthGov on the Sprawl and represents the government on the station. At the beginning of Dead Space 2, Tiedemann declares a state of emergency and a state of war to stop Isaac. He sees it as his right to know the marker and the secrets associated with it and thus to give the human race absolute power.

In the course of the game, Tiedemann went mad through contact with the marker and tried by all means to prevent Isaac from destroying the marker. In the end there is a showdown between Tiedemann and Clarke.


The entire story takes place on the space station The Sprawl and on the docked spaceship USG Ishimura .

The sprawl

The Sprawl (usually known as Titan Station ) is a huge civil space station. It orbits the last remnant of Saturn's moon Titan and is described as a large, largely self-sufficient metropolis.


The Sprawl was built on the last remaining remnant of Saturn's moon Titan. Titan was the target of the very first planet crack back then. It was chosen because the moon was still within reach and could therefore be effectively supplied from the earth. Only after the invention of the “shockpoint drive” by Hideki Ishimura was it possible to “harvest” planets beyond the solar system. The Ishimura , which was built afterwards, was named after him.

The Sprawl has its own government and police force, but is under the control of the Earth Government (EarthGov).


The sprawl is divided into two sectors, the civil sector and the government sector. Both sectors are connected by three "tubes".

With its huge buildings and structures, the civil sector encompasses the entire semicircle that circles the titanium splinter. The CEC branch is located in the middle of the civil sector. During the action of Dead Space: Mobile , the protagonist Vandal opens the tunnel connecting the civil sector with the mines, thus allowing the Necromorphs to spread.

The government sector is on the splinter orbited by the rest of the sprawl. The sector houses a shuttle port, the EarthGov facilities and the huge research laboratory in the middle of which is “Project Annex” - the chamber in which the marker was built. The breakthrough of Isaac and Ellie also brought Necromorphs into the sector for the first time, which was previously protected by kinetic barriers.

The first outbreak

Three years after Tiedemann freed Isaac from his escape shuttle, he and his top scientists kidnapped Isaac Clarke and Nolan Stross to the central medical laboratory in the government sector to build a new marker from the blueprints implanted in their brains by the red marker.

After the marker was made, incidents similar to those depicted in Dead Space: Downfall on Aegis 7 and the Ishimura began. Residents, and especially children, became restless and violent attacks increased.

Although there was no evidence of where the infection first broke out, it is likely that a worker during the repairs to the Ishimura was infected with the biomass called “corruption”, reactivated by the new marker. Shortly after the appearance of the first Necromorphs, an evacuation was ordered, martial law was declared and the government sector cordoned off. Even so, millions of unarmed civilians succumbed to the sudden onslaught of the Necromorphs.

The transformed Necromorphs now flocked to the government sector to usher in convergence.

USG Ishimura

The USG Ishimura was the main location of the first part. The ship, built around 2446, is a planet cracker and was developed to exploit raw materials from distant planets. She is seen as the savior of the earth and its colonies, as she brings new raw materials into the now completely exploited earth system. At the time of the Aegis VII incidents, the Ishimura is six months from decommissioning.

The Ishimura was brought to the Sprawl after the events of the first part of Aegis VII and is being examined and repaired there by the government and the Concordance Extractions Corporations (CEC).

In the tenth chapter of the game you return to Ishimura , which is still under repair . Meanwhile, you learn that the Necromorphs need the direct presence of a marker in order to exist. If there is none, all that remains of the Necromorphs is a kind of slime (the "corruption").

The government disguises what is happening on the Ishimura as a terrorist attack.


It has been announced that the protagonist will have a new arsenal of weapons to use in the fight against the Necromorphs, as well as that in Dead Space 2, extended space walks will be included.


publication Rating
PS3 Windows Xbox 360
4players 88% 88% 88%
Games current 9/10 9/10 9/10
GameStar k. A. 90/100 k. A.
IGN 9.0 / 10 9.0 / 10 9.0 / 10
Video Games Zone 88% k. A. 88% 9.0 / 10 k. A. k. A.
TVGC 9/10 9/10 9/10
GameRankings 89.22% 86.18% 89.10%
Metacritic 89/100 87/100 90/100


Dead Space 2 scored as good as its predecessor. The average was 90%.


The oppressive atmosphere was praised by the critics. Shock moments, different types of opponents, varied scenes and an intense soundscape contributed to this. The puzzle elements, the simple and responsive controls, the good lighting effects and an above-average playing time were also rated positively. It was also noted positively that Clarke now speaks to his human encounters and worries about their problems, helps them, etc. The occasional and increasingly worsening hallucinations contribute positively to the setting and give the player the opportunity to empathize with Isaac.

The overloaded keyboard layout, the dull thundering on a key in Quickplays, the now seldom occurring spontaneous boss fights and a high recycling rate of textures and room sections (from chapter six you get the feeling that you are walking back the sprawl) as well as illogical level relationships (children's room suddenly ends at a train station).

Additional content

A first DLC entitled Dead Space 2: Severed was announced on January 25, 2011 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 and released on March 2, 2011. Severed tells the story of two characters from Dead Space: Extraction , which runs parallel to the main plot . The DLC is not available for the PC version and, according to Electronic Arts, is incompatible with the cut USK versions of the game.

To the irritation of PC gamers, it turned out that some small DLCs, which were advertised as console-exclusive, are already contained on PC DVDs that have been sold and can be unlocked by manipulating savegame.


On December 10, 2010, a graphic novel Dead Space: Salvage was released , which is a prequel to Dead Space 2 and a sequel to Dead Space, it describes the rediscovery of the USG Ishimura by the Magpies, a group of outlaw miners, after the incidents of Aegis VII.

On January 24, 2011, the animated film Dead Space: Aftermath , which describes the events after the escape of the protagonist of Aegis VII, was released.


  • Eoin Murphy: Dead Space 2 . In: The Irish Journal of Gothic and Horror Studies . No. 10 , 2011, p. 90 (English).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Dead Space Wikia - The Sprawl Official wiki for Dead Space
  2. Meta-rating, Dead Space 2 (PlayStation 3). In: Metacritic . CBS Corporation , accessed September 23, 2018 .
  3. Meta-rating, Dead Space 2 (Windows). In: Metacritic . CBS Corporation , accessed September 23, 2018 .
  4. Meta-rating, Dead Space 2 (Xbox 360). In: Metacritic . CBS Corporation , accessed September 23, 2018 .
  5. Meta-rating, Dead Space 2 (PlayStation 3). In: GameRankings . CBS Corporation , accessed September 23, 2018 .
  6. Meta-rating, Dead Space 2 (Windows). In: GameRankings . CBS Corporation , accessed September 23, 2018 .
  7. Meta-rating, Dead Space 2 (Xbox 360). In: GameRankings . CBS Corporation , accessed September 23, 2018 .
  8. Fabian Siegismund : Dead Space 2 in the test - cut or in one piece? In: GameStar . January 25, 2011, accessed September 23, 2018 .
  9. a b Thorsten Küchler: Dead Space 2 in the test for PS3 and Xbox 360: An enormously gripping horror shooter - now in stores. In: February 25, 2011, accessed September 23, 2018 .
  10. a b c Alexander Wenzel: Dead Space 2: Test of EA's atmospheric horror shocker - Now in stores. In: Games Aktuell . February 25, 2011, accessed September 23, 2018 .
  11. a b c Michael Krosta: Test: Dead Space 2. In: 4Players . January 28, 2011, accessed September 23, 2018 .
  12. ^ A b c Greg Miller: Dead Space 2 Review. In: IGN . January 21, 2011, accessed September 23, 2018 .
  13. TEST: Dead Space 2. In: January 25, 2011, archived from the original on July 29, 2013 ; accessed on September 23, 2018 .
  14. a b c Dead Space 2. In: TVGC. January 31, 2011, accessed September 23, 2018 .
  15. Fabian Siegismund: Gamestar test for Dead Space 2 . In: GameStar , Jan. 25, 2011. Retrieved Feb. 2, 2011
  16. -814322
  18. Andy Chalk: Dead Space 2 DLC Packs Unlocked on PC
  19. Amazon Dead Space: Aftermath German