Debate about Martin Heidegger and fake news

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Blackboard at the Heidegger House in Messkirch

The debate about “fake news” in the Heidegger case was based on the thesis that the philosopher of being was involved in the Nuremberg Laws and the Holocaust . Apart from Martin Heidegger, it also affected all other members of the committee for legal philosophy founded by Hans Frank in 1934 . The allegation was made in 2017 by the semiotic and director of the CNRS , François Rastier , and the philosopher Sidonie Kellerer with reference to a still unknown document, supported by the ex-vice-chairman of the Martin Heidegger Society , Donatella Di Cesare . The philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy and the publicist Kaveh Nassirin accused them of only simulating discoveries and spreading “fables” and “ alternative truths ”. The dispute, in which the otherwise political catchphrase “ fake news ” was used for the thesis in a scientific controversy, took place in the major daily newspapers and in academic online media in France, Germany, Italy and Austria.

Course of prehistory

In Liberation on October 12, 2017, Jean-Luc Nancy formulated the thesis that the discussion about Heidegger's Nazi past is proxy and serves an exorcism of the fascist parts of Western civilization. These would not fit into the ideology of political correctness . Heidegger is therefore "worse than damnable: he is not correct".

Thereupon Sidonie Kellerer accused him on October 27, 2017 in Le Monde of having alleged "without evidence" that Heidegger had already shown contempt for Nazism in texts from the 1930s and referred to an unknown, "dated document" that prove that Heidegger "until July 1942" was a member of the "Committee for Legal Philosophy", which also "developed" the Nuremberg Laws. For the latter statement, she referred to Emmanuel Faye . The accusation was exacerbated by François Rastier when he announced in the science portal The Conversation that the unknown document proves that “all members” of the committee, including Heidegger, not only prepared the Nuremberg Laws, but also “in practice until December 1942” and theory “drove the Holocaust. The chairman of the committee, Hans Frank, was also responsible for the "first gassings in Auschwitz and Chelmno".

The former deputy chairman of the Martin Heidegger Society , Donatella di Cesare, called the discovery of the unpublished document on Heidegger in the Corriere della Sera "very relevant news" and expressed her dismay about it, "like such an important fact only now to light "I wonder how it is possible that no one in Germany has researched this matter for so many years." Nancy, on the other hand, accused him of merely simulating Kellerer. The said document is "not as new as it says".


The document was published by Kaveh Nassirin on July 11, 2018, initially in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , later with scientific commentary in the online edition of FORVM and on PhilPapers. Nassirin explained that the paper in the Bundesarchiv-Lichterfelde ( BArch R 61/30, sheet 171 ) was merely a list of twelve names that had not been dated and whose purpose was unknown. The list proves "no word of continuation ('until 1941/42'), also no re-establishment of the 'Committee for Legal Philosophy', which was dissolved in 1938" and no connections to the planning and execution of the Holocaust. The statement regarding the committee and its active role in the Nuremberg Laws and the Holocaust called Nassirin the "example of a post-factual court martial for which a trifle is enough to convict" and criticized that von Rastier "even the lack of evidence as evidence of participation in the Holocaust is recognized ”. For Rastier's statement that the committee took part in the Holocaust “until December 1942” in “Practice and Theory”, there was “not even a slip of paper as evidence”.

The qualification of the authors for questions of National Socialism is also doubtful, for which Nassirin as examples Kellerer's dating of the decision on the “ Final Solution ” to “January 1942” - the month of the Wannsee Conference - and Rastier's attribution of Hans Frank's responsibility for “the first gassings in Auschwitz and Chelmno ”. Both statements are wrong and can be traced back to a "directed use of historical dates and names for the purpose of forcing them into an interpretative conception that Heidegger wants to declare to be an activist in the extermination of European Jews". With such a methodology "an approach of 'alternative truths' is legitimized, with which in the end every person can be charged with every crime".

The publication of the replica in the FAZ was rejected by Patrick Bahners , whereupon Gerhard Oberschlick published the text in FORVM. Under the title of the peoples murderers working against "are that our research as fake news slandered" reaffirmed Kellerer and Rastier there their appearance and alleged that. They referred to anti-Semitic quotations from Heidegger's works to justify their statements. But they admitted that the statement about Frank's responsibility in relation to the beginning of the Holocaust through gassings in Auschwitz and Chelmno had been made “incorrectly”: “In fact, Hans Frank was not responsible for the murders in Reichsgau Wartheland and in Upper Silesia , but 3 Millions of dead in the Belzec, Sobibor, Majdanek, Treblinka camps. ”But the“ consistently speculative arguments ”, according to the authors,“ do not refute our interpretations ”. Rather, it is " arguments ad hominem feminamque " that culminate in the "accusation of ' identification with the aggressor '", "a kind of partial Stockholm Syndrome ".

With quotes from the Odyssey , Rastier was accused by Nassirin of the duplicate shipwreck of a semiotic , telling fables and pronouncing a judgment in which the convicts “sometimes didn't even have names”, for which among others Viktor Bruns , Rudolf Stammler and Hans Freyer as Examples were given. The blanket accusation of all members of the “Committee for Legal Philosophy” is the “principle of corporate guilt by indictment”, which annuls individual guilt . The correction mentioned in the reply to Frank's responsibility for "Auschwitz and Chelmno", in contrast, there were "3 million dead in the camps Belzec , Sobibor , Majdanek , Treblinka ", was also wrong again, since the Reinhardt campaign was in between in the three camps 1.6 and 1.8 million people were murdered, in Majdanek around 78,000, possibly plus those named in the Höfle telegram . So there are more "than a million dead who were invented as an addition to the horror of those four extermination camps". Since there was still no evidence to back up the claims that the committee was involved in the Nuremberg Laws and the Holocaust, Nassirin compared them to the invention of the Trojan horse .

See also

Web links


  1. on the course of the debate: K. Nassirin, Shipwreck of a Semiotics: On François Rastier's thesis that Martin Heidegger took part in the Holocaust , “Overview of Prehistory” and others. "Chronologie", FORVM u. PhilPapers pdf p. 2ff. ; Kellerer / F. Rastier, Worked against the genocides , "Preliminary remark by the author duo", FORVM (accessed on October 28, 2018)
  2. J.-L. Nancy, Liberation v. October 12, 2017, Heidegger incorrect : “à savoir que dans l'ensemble des éruptions fascistes (et à certains égards de toutes les éruptions dites 'totalitaires'), ce sont bel et bien toute notre société, toute notre civilization même, notre culture , notre humanisme et notre idéalo-matérialisme qui ont été mis en jeu. Rien d'étonnant dès lors à ce que la philosophie en ait ressenti les secousses. Mais cela contrevient aux bien-pensants du politiquement correct. Heidegger est pire que condamnable: il est incorrect. "
  3. S. Kellerer, Heidegger n'a jamais cessé de soutenir le nazisme , in: Le Monde v. October 27, 2017, Heidegger n'a jamais cessé de soutenir le nazisme : “Ainsi, dans une tribune parue le 12 octobre dans Liberation, Jean Luc Nancy affirm-t-il - sans preuves - que Heidegger aurait 'accablé' les nazis avec la dernière 'virulence', dans ses textes des années 1930. (...) C'est là une découverte majeure ... (...) une liste datée des membres de la commission qui prouve que Heidegger est resté membre de cette instance au moins jusqu'en juillet 1942. "
  4. cf. Emmanuel Faye: National Socialism in Philosophy. Being, historicity, technology and destruction in Heidegger's work. In: Hans Jörg Sandkühler (Ed.): Philosophy in National Socialism . Meiner, Hamburg, 2009, p. 135 f. : Victor Farías has "shown that Heidegger (...) is again committed (...) for example through his active participation (...) in a committee for legal philosophy which (...) was charged with legitimizing the future Nuremberg Laws"; Farías does not refer to the Nuremberg Laws in the context, pp. 277–279; ders., The coronation of the complete edition , A conversation with Iris Radisch , “Zeit online” v. December 27, 2013, edited on January 2, 2014: "Heidegger accepted, however, that with Alfred Rosenberg and Julius Streicher to belong to the Committee for Legal Philosophy of the Academy for German Law, which had worked on legitimizing the Nuremberg race legislation." See also p Kellerer; F. Rastier: Answer to Hermann Heidegger's letter to the editor in Die Zeit : "The committee played a key role in the preparation of the Nuremberg Laws."
  5. François Rastier, The Conversation , November 1, 2017 Heidegger, théoricien et acteur de l'extermination of juifs? : "Une telle commission, dont tous les membres sont partisans d'une extermination totale de juifs et dont la première tâche concrète est de contribuere à l'élaboration des lois de Nuremberg promulguées dès l'années suivante"; F. Rastier, Liberation v. November 5, 2017, Un antisemitisme exterminateur
  6. François Rastier, The Conversation , November 1, 2017 Heidegger, théoricien et acteur de l'extermination of juifs? : "Sous son autorité, les premiers gazages avaient alors déjà commencé dès septembre à Auschwitz et décembre à Chelmno".
  7. Antonio Carioti in: Corriere della Sera, v. November 17, 2017, Heidegger filosofo del Reich fino al 1942 quoted D. di Cesare: “Non si tratta di un dettaglio biografico, ma di una notizia molto rilevante (...) Colpisce che un fatto così grave venga alla luce soltanto adesso: mi domando come may in Germania per tanti anni nessuno abbia svolto ricerche sull'argomento ”.
  8. J.-L. Nancy, Liberation v. November 5th, Heidegger et l'echec de l'occident : "Mme Kellerer fait semblant de découvrir."
  9. Kaveh Nassirin: Worked against the genocides? In: . Retrieved July 17, 2018 . ; ders., Martin Heidegger and the legal philosophy of the Nazi era: detailed analysis of an unknown document (BArch R 61/30, sheet 171) , FORVM u. PhilPapers pdf
  10. ^ FORVM, pdf of the FAZ article, illustration of the document
  11. K. Nassirin, Martin Heidegger and the legal philosophy of the Nazi era: detailed analysis of an unknown document (BArch R 61/30, sheet 171) , FORVM u. PhilPapers pdf .
  12. K. Nassirin, Martin Heidegger and the legal philosophy of the Nazi era: detailed analysis of an unknown document (BArch R 61/30, sheet 171) , FORVM u. PhilPapers pdf .
  13. K. Nassirin, Martin Heidegger and the legal philosophy of the Nazi era: detailed analysis of an unknown document (BArch R 61/30, sheet 171) , FORVM u. PhilPapers pdf .
  14. S. Kellerer, Heidegger n'a jamais cessé de soutenir le nazisme , in: Le Monde v. October 27, 2017, Heidegger n'a jamais cessé de soutenir le nazisme : "alors que la 'solution finale' a été décidée en janvier 1942".
  15. K. Nassirin, Martin Heidegger and the legal philosophy of the Nazi era: detailed analysis of an unknown document (BArch R 61/30, sheet 171) FORVM u. PhilPapers pdf .
  16. K. Nassirin, Martin Heidegger and the legal philosophy of the Nazi era: detailed analysis of an unknown document (BArch R 61/30, sheet 171) , FORVM u. PhilPapers pdf .
  17. S. Kellerer / F. Rastier, worked the peoples murderers contrary , FORVM (accessed on 28 October 2018)
  18. S. Kellerer / F. Rastier, worked the peoples murderers contrary , FORVM (accessed on 28 October 2018)
  19. K. Nassirin, shipwreck of a semiotician: To François Rastiers thesis of a participation of Martin Heidegger in the Holocaust , FORVM ; pdf
  20. K. Nassirin, shipwreck of a semiotician: To François Rastiers thesis of a participation of Martin Heidegger in the Holocaust , FORVM .