Ceiling fresco in the porcelain pavilion of the Dresden Zwinger

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The ceiling fresco in the porcelain pavilion of the Dresden Zwinger was a fresco in the Dresden Zwinger . The fresco on the upper floor of the porcelain pavilion was created by Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini in 1725 and showed The Banquet of the Gods . August the Strong is said to have been represented as Jupiter. The fresco was destroyed in the fire in 1849.


The fresco was liked by Daßdorf and Schumann, while Racknitz was indifferent because it was not mentioned:

“The two beautiful ceilings in the first and third library rooms, which the famous Pellegrini painted on wet lime, contribute not a little to this embellishment and deserve the special attention of the lover of fine arts. It would be hoped that these masterpieces by a great artist, especially the former, which represents a banquet of the gods, would be preserved for posterity by means of a good copper engraving. "

“The beautiful rooms in the Zwinger were originally intended for playrooms and dining rooms, with ceiling frescoes by Sylvester, Torelli , Fehling and Pellegrini. A meal of the gods from the latter stands out. "

“But he [Pellegrini] went to work in a rather fleeting manner, so that contemporaries did not prophesy his work to last 50 years. If he, who had nothing less than thorough knowledge and skills in art, received 1900 thalers for two halls in the Zwinger, which formerly housed the library, that was certainly too much, but it would also be too much if Füesli made him one for it Called 'happy artificial cream puffs'. "

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl Wilhelm Daßdorf: Description of the most excellent peculiarities of the electoral residence city of Dresden and some surrounding areas , Dresden 1782, p. 321
    as well. Johann August Lehninger: Description de la ville de Dresde , Dresden 1782, p. 117.
  2. James Schumann (Ed.): Dresden under the government of Koenig Anton Clemens I, Dresden 1829, p. 105
  3. ^ Joseph Friedrich Freiherr von Racknitz, sketch of a history of the arts, especially of painting, in Saxony, Dresden 1811, p. 38.


  • Harald Marx : The decorative monumental paintings in the Dresden Zwinger . In: ders. (Ed.): On the decorative painting of the 18th century in Saxony , art history dissertation. Halle / Saale 1971, pp. 121–127.
  • George Knox : Antonio Pellegrini 1675-1741 , Oxford University Press Inc., New York 1995, pp. 184f.
  • Fritz Löffler : The Zwinger in Dresden , 2nd edition, Leipzig 1976, p. 56.