Defense Production Act

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The Defense Production Act is a US federal law dating from 1950.

The law was passed on the occasion of the Korean War . It empowers the US president to oblige industrial companies to produce certain goods.

During the COVID-19 pandemic , companies were obliged to manufacture medical devices and protective masks on the basis of this law . The law was applied from March 27, 2020 to force the automobile manufacturer General Motors to produce ventilators . On April 2nd, 3M was required to make face masks.

In early April 2020, 600 ventilators from China destined for Brazil and ended up in Miami were sold to the American government.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Memorandum on Order Under the Defense Production Act Regarding General Motors Company
  2. ^ 3M Response to Defense Production Act Order. In: April 3, 2020, accessed on April 7, 2020 .
  3. ^ Marian Blasberg, Georg Fahrion, Alexander Sarovic, Fritz Schaap: "These are times for fraudsters". In: Spiegel plus. April 10, 2020, accessed on April 19, 2020 : “In accordance with the Defense Production Act, we are obliged to sell your order to the American government.” Also in: Der Spiegel No. 16 of April 11, 2020. p. 84.