German bradsot

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The German bradsot , syn. Necrotizing hepatitis , is a non-contagious gas edema disease caused by Clostridium novyi B , which occurs mainly in sheep , but also in other ruminants , very rarely in horses and pigs . "Bradsot" is Norwegian and means "quick plague".

After oral ingestion of the bacterial spores, a manifestation occurs in the liver if lesions have arisen there due to migrating parasite stages (e.g. liver fluke ). Centrilobular liver necrosis develops, and death occurs after a few hours due to the massive toxin formation of the pathogen. Well-fed sheep over one year old are particularly affected. Most of the time the disease is peracute, occasionally swelling in the lower jaw area, teeth grinding, stubbornness and labored breathing may occur beforehand.

Therapy attempts are mostly unsuccessful. Metaphylactically , other animals in the herd can be immunized actively or passively. In endangered areas, vaccination with a polyvalent clostridial vaccine in spring is recommended.


  • Anton Mayr: Medical microbiology, infection and disease theory . Georg Thieme Verlag, 2007, ISBN 9783830410607 .
  • Theodor Hiepe: Textbook of sheep diseases . Georg Thieme Verlag, 2001, ISBN 9783826331862 , pp. 248–249.