The divorced

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Original title The divorced
Country of production German Empire
original language German
Publishing year 1917
length approx. 68 minutes
Director Viggo Larsen
production Oskar Messter

The Divorced is a German silent film fun game from 1917 with the then famous film couple Viggo Larsen and Wanda Treumann in the leading roles. Larsen also directed.


Axel and Marion von Veldkamp were once married to each other, until one day his wife's extravagance drove the husband to divorce. Nevertheless, the two never fell in love. An event brings the divorced back together one day. The notary Dr. Brunner asked for an appointment because an uncle Axels has died and, probably unaware of the divorce, has considered them both. Axel and Marion are to receive half of his cash as well as his house. The legacy, however, has a catch: Axel and Marion have to move into the house in good harmony, otherwise the entire legacy will go to charitable foundations. Little did Axel and Marion suspect that the uncle knew very well about their separation and hoped to bring the couple back together, which were actually made for each other.

This whole affair is very uncomfortable for the divorced couple, but they submit to the last will of their uncle because they don't want to forego such a high inheritance. Prompt there is a feud between the two ex-spouses. Axel's servant Paul, who gets on well with Marion's maid, tells him that the maid had revealed to him that Marion would soon be engaged to a rich American named Jon Castor. Jealous as he is, Axel is now wondering whether he should not repay the same with the same and invent his own “fiancé”, whose existence Marion should find out through Paul or her maid. Said and done. Marion is as jealous as Axel was. He now continues to turn the escalation screw and announces that he wants to hire a second servant, because for a servant the work for himself and his future is simply too much.

Marion is boiling with rage and then disguises herself as a servant in order to be able to watch her ex on the fingers. Of course, everyone in the house recognizes Marion under the disguise, and Axel makes a lot of fun out of overwhelming the wrong, new servant with a maximum of unpleasant work. In order to take his small but fine revenge to extremes, he orders the false servant to serve the invited guests on his engagement evening. When he wanted to announce the engagement that evening, Marion rushed out of the hall in servant disguise and Axel ran after her. Finally, the two divorced people who are still in love are reconciled.

Production notes

The Divorced was created at the beginning of 1917 in the Messter-Film-Atelier in Berlin's Blücherstraße 32, passed the film censorship in April 1917 and was premiered that same month. The length of the four-act film was around 1400 meters, and a youth ban was issued.


“... it is Wanda Treumann in particular who delights us, she plays truly unsurpassable. (...) In addition to the fine plot and discreet presentation, the brilliant direction is also to be praised, which fully adapts to the elegant environment. "

- Neue Kino-Rundschau from August 25, 1917. p. 62

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