The Hunger Games - Deadly Games

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The Hunger Games - Deadly Games (original title: The Hunger Games ) is the first volume of the three-part , the tribute of Panem- -Romanreihe by Suzanne Collins .


Part 1 - The Tributes

The action takes place in Panem, a totalitarian state on the territory of the former United States. The country is divided into 12 districts. So-called "Hunger Games" are held every year. Two so-called tributes (young people from 12-18 years of age) from each district will be drawn by lot and will be exposed to an artificially redesigned environment, the arena. This is actively influenced by "playmakers". The goal is to kill the fellow campaigners so that you emerge as the winner of the games and at the end receive a reward in the form of money and a new house. The event is a show of force by the Capitol (the leaders) to avoid riots.

At the draw for the 74th Hunger Games, 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen from District 12 volunteers so that her sister Prim, who has been drawn, does not have to go to the arena. She and Peeta, the male tribute from District 12, drive to the Capitol to prepare for the fighting. There the tributes are prepared by the stylists assigned by them, for Katniss and Peeta it is Cinna and Portia. Spectacular looking cloaks, which give the illusion that they are on fire, get the two of them a lot of attention at the parade of cars. They hope that this will impress sponsors who will finance essential gifts for them at the Hunger Games, whose already very high prices will continue to rise over the course of the Games. In the Tribute's public interview, Peeta confesses to the moderator, Caesar Flickerman, that he is in love with Katniss. Katniss believes this was just a fake to get more sponsors for her and Peeta.

Part 2 - The Games

In the battle for weapons in the arena at the beginning of the games, in which eleven tributes are killed, Katniss is attacked, but remains unharmed. On the first night, by chance, she notices that Peeta has formed an alliance with the "career tributes" (from Districts 1, 2 and 4) to help them find Katniss. When the group finds Katniss, they flee to a tree, which is then besieged by the career tributes. By throwing a nest of highly poisonous "hunter wasps" down on the group, Katniss manages to kill two tributes and chase away the rest, but suffers two stings herself. Hallucinating from the poison, only the hurried back Peeta manages to animate Katniss to flee and thus save her life.

Katniss then forms an alliance with the little, only twelve-year-old Rue, who reminds her very much of her little sister Prim, and plans with her to destroy the supplies of the career tribute. The day after the success of the project, Rue is killed by the boy from District 1, which Katniss avenges with his killing. She sings Rue to death and frames her body and face with beautiful wild flowers to show the Capitol that the tributes are more than just characters in the games. In the middle of the games there is a rule change: if there are two tributes left from the same district, they both win. This change is introduced due to the seeming love between Peeta and Katniss to make the games more dramatic. Katniss and Peeta are both still alive and hope they can both survive this way.

Part 3 - The winner

When Katniss found out about this, she immediately went looking for Peeta. According to Cato's statement, he was seriously injured by him. She finds him perfectly camouflaged, but half dead under a ledge and looks after him as best she can. Again they play the tragic couple to get sponsors. The playmakers announce that rucksacks have been made available at the Cornucopia for the rest of the Tributes, containing what they need most. Peeta and Katniss suspect they can find medicine for Peeta's leg there. However, he doesn't want her to go there for fear that she might be killed. Thereupon Haymitch, the mentor of both tributes and regulator of the sponsor gifts, sends Katniss a sleeping syrup, with which she quiets him. As announced, there are several rucksacks on the cornucopia. Katniss takes hers, but is almost killed by Clove in the meadow. However, since she respectfully attended Rue's funeral, she is rescued by Thresh, who, like Rue, comes from District 11. In her hiding place, Katniss gives Peeta the syringe that was in her bag. Katniss then loses consciousness because of the cut she received in the fight against Clove and Peeta takes care of her.

When the stream that was their source of drinking water has dried up completely, they realize that the game makers want to round up the remaining tributes (Peeta, Katniss and Cato) at what is now the only source of water, the lake. But before there can be a fight between them and Cato, mutations initiated by the playmakers emerge. These are wolves that bear a strong resemblance to the tributes that have already been killed. They attack Katniss, Peeta and Cato. In the end, Cato falls from the cornucopia in the fight and is tormented by the mutations until his pleading leads Katniss to shoot him with an arrow. After she and Peeta should have won due to the new rules, the playmakers make another announcement. This states that the rule change that allows two winners will be withdrawn. Neither Katniss nor Peeta want to kill the other. Katniss makes an appointment with Peeta that both of them commit suicide by using poisonous berries at the same time. Since institutionally no hunger game can end without a winner, the game makers panic and end the hunger games with two winners at the last minute.

Tributes of the 74th Hunger Games

District people comment
1 mica Katniss kills her when Katniss lets go of hunting wasps on her.
Marvel (according to volume two) He kills Rue and is hit in the neck by Katniss with an arrow. He chokes on his own blood as he pulls out the arrow.
2 Clove Thresh hits Clove's temple with a stone.
Cato Cato is the last to die. He is mangled by wolf-like, genetically modified monsters until Katniss releases him from his suffering with an arrow.
3 unknown The girl is killed in the arena on the first day. Cato kills the boy out of anger when it turns out that the booby trap the boy built cost the "career tribute" the supplies.
4th unknown The boy is killed on the first day. The girl is killed on the fifth day by Katniss, who drops a hunter's wasp nest on the “career tribute”.
5 Fox face (nickname) Thanks to her outstanding intelligence, Fox Face can withstand a long time in the arena. In the end, she dies because of Peeta's ignorance: he collects poisonous berries. Fuchsface watches him and concludes that the berries are edible. However, these are poisonous "night bars".
unknown The boy is killed on the first day.
6th unknown Both tributes are killed on the first day.
7th unknown Both tributes are killed on the first day.
8th unknown The boy is killed on the first day. The girl is killed by Peeta when he joins the "career tributes". She is discovered while making a fire.
9 unknown The boy is killed on the first day by Clove, who throws a knife in his back. The girl is also killed at the very beginning.
10 unknown The girl is killed on the first day. The boy dies after a few days, the cause remains unknown.
11 Rue Rue becomes Katniss' ally over the course of the Games. The alliance ends when Rue is killed by the boy from District 1. Katniss vows to win the games and make her death unforgettable.
Thresh Thresh is killed just before the end of the games, without the reason being unequivocally revealed. He is highly respected by Katniss because he spared her because of Rue when she was defenseless against him.
12 Katniss The two are the heroes of the Hunger Games, the tragic lovers who, according to the rules, are not allowed to survive together. In the arena, they form an alliance and both survive.


The book was first published on September 14, 2008 by the American Scholastic publishing house. The German translation was published by Oetinger Verlag on July 17, 2009.

The US original edition has 374 and the German edition 414 pages.

English editions

German editions

  • Suzanne Collins: The Hunger Games - Deadly Games (German by Sylke Hachmeister and Peter Klöss), Oetinger Verlag, 2009, ISBN 978-3-7891-3218-6 (hardcover)
  • Suzanne Collins: The Hunger Games - Deadly Games (film edition) , Oetinger Verlag, 2012, ISBN 978-3-7891-3222-3 (paperback)

Audio book

  • The US edition reads Carolyn McCormick.



Director Gary Ross brought the first part of the story to the screen in 2012, starring Jennifer Lawrence in the lead role of Katniss Everdeen. Josh Hutcherson plays the role of Peeta Mellark . The film grossed over $ 694 million worldwide.

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