The blue boys

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Charleroi - station Janson - Les Tuniques bleues - 01.jpg
French series logo

The Blue Boys (French original title: Les Tuniques Bleues ) is a humorous comic series by Louis Salvérius (drawings, volumes 1–4, 9 and 10), Willy Lambil (drawings, from volume 4), Raoul Cauvin (text) and Leonardo (colors ) set at the time of the American Civil War .

The first comic story in the series was published in France and Belgium in 1968 in the Belgian comic magazine Spirou , and albums were also published from 1972. In Germany the series was first published by Kauka (1969–1974) and Bastei (1981 and 1982), then later by Carlsen Verlag (1989–1999) and, since 2004, by Salleck Publications . Kauka only released a few early short stories and four albums. Bastei published 17 booklets with mostly album-length stories (approx. 44 pages) under the title Bud & Chester . The album-length stories of Bastei only overlap in the two titles that Carlsen published exclusively in paperback. A complete edition has been published by Salleck Publications since June 2013. The computer game North & South was also released .


main characters

Cornelius Chesterfield (at Bastei: Chester Chesterfield ) is a sergeant in the 22nd Cavalry Regiment . His father Jos (h) ua was allegedly present at the Battle of Alamo , where he received no less than six medals and fought with Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett (Carlsen 1). He would like his son to be a soldier in the American Civil War, while his mother would prefer Cornelius to work in the Graham butcher shop and earn money there. He is also supposed to marry his boss's daughter, Charlotte Graham. She later wrote him a letter in which she asked him to return to her after the war (Salleck 34). Cornelius meets Blutch, who owns the Pacific bar, delivering goods and gets drunk with him. As drunk they sign up for the army (Carlsen 1). Cornelius devotes himself entirely to the army, detests all deserters and dreams of having many scars. In contrast to Blutch, he respects the soldiers of higher rank and never contradicts them - even with insane orders.

Blutch (at Bastei: Bud Buddington ): The orphan was given to Doc Harding as a baby. Blutch was taken from him by the local women and taken to the Poplar Bluff orphanage . Doc helps him escape years later. Together they flee from Missouri to California. Blutch works there as a gold prospector, shoe shiner, dock worker, apprentice hairdresser, bathing attendant, waiter, newsboy and demolisher. After a few years together, the two split up (flashback in Carlsen 16). In Connecticut, Blutch opens the Pacific bar (later The Alamo ), where he and Chesterfield are recruited for the northern states while drunk. In the army he becomes a corporal in the 22nd Cavalry Regiment (Carlsen 1). Although he says he hates Chesterfield limitless, the two go through the adventures inseparably. He has trained his horse arabesque in such a way that it collapses and plays dead as soon as it hears gunshots or the command "Attackeeee!" As a result, he almost always manages to escape the fighting. His only dream is to leave the army. But his escape attempts are nipped in the bud by Chesterfield, or at least he finds him again quickly every time.

Captain Ambrose Stark (at Bastei: Captain Starky ): Stark's father is a tailor in Altoona and he himself is trained in West Point . Instead of practicing his father's profession, he signed up for the army with his friend Frank Sloan after completing his training. There he becomes the leader of the 22nd Cavalry Regiment and has a great aversion to infantry, civilians and everything that walks on two feet. He himself constantly lives on his horse and just waits for the next attack. This behavior is explained by a shrapnel in his head (Salleck 34). Often wounded, sometimes severely, he survives all carnage; often Stark, Blutch, and Chesterfield are the only survivors. During the compulsory breaks (it takes time for new cavalrymen to appear), Chesterfield and Blutch experience many of their adventures, either carrying out assignments from Washington or just looking for new recruits.

General Arthur Alexander : He is Stark's line manager and often gives Sergeant Chesterfield ludicrous jobs. General Alexander is mostly surrounded by Stilman and Horace and does not appear until the French volume 12 (bastion 9).

Colonel Horace : This officer, whose hallmarks are his red hair and beard, is a member of General Alexander's staff and his closest adviser. It does not appear until the French volume 15 (bastion 12).

Captain Stephen Stilman : Officer under Alexander who never takes his life at risk and is never on a battlefield. It is typical for him to always have a drink in hand and to sit on a chair. Stilman blew General Alexander several times with his biting comments, but is always calm and calm himself. It only appears from the French volume 15 (bastion 12). His first major appearance was connected with the proposal to enable the army to advance more quickly with dromedaries as pack animals (Carlsen 8). Since the album The Assassin , he has played an increasingly important role. In this tape he is supposed to kill General Grant so that his sister Abigail Stilman - a Confederate hostage - is not killed.

Supporting characters

Cockroach (at Bastei and Salleck Kakerlak , at Carlsen Pocket Jackal ): A southerner who has set himself the goal of shooting Blutch and Chesterfield. He first met the two of them when they were taken to Robertsonville Jail. Since then they keep bumping into each other. (Bastei 13, Carlsen Pocket 10, Carlsen 2, 13, 14, Salleck 33, 37, 41, 42, 43, 45)

Tripps and Bryan (with Bastei Smily and Mackintosh ): These two cavalrymen are good friends of Blutch and Chesterfield. They met at the Biglerville training camp (Carlsen 1). They are currently stationed in Fort Bow, where they have had many adventures with Blutch and Chesterfield (Salleck 32).

Colonel Appeltown (at Bastei Colonel Potter ): Colonel Appeltown is the commandant of Fort Bow in Indian territory. In the earlier volumes he was the direct superior of Blutch and Chesterfield. The two of them have often caused trouble for the Colonel, which is why he doesn't like to see them come back to visit from the war front during a break in the fight. He is later addressed by Chesterfield as a Colonel (Salleck 32, 38, 43).

Lieutenant George Appeltown (at Bastei Lieutenant George Potter ): the son of Colonel Appeltown. After his service, he would like to go into politics. (Bastei 11, Salleck 25, 38)

Emily Appeltown (at Bastei Äppelpei Potter , at Salleck Amelie Appeltown ): The daughter of Colonel Appeltown. Sergeant Chesterfield is madly in love with her. So far he has not been able to confess his love to her for various reasons. A fake wedding between Blutch and Emily is supposed to prevent the Indian chief Gray Wolf from taking Emily to his wife. (Bastion 1, 4, 11, 15, 16, 17, Carlsen 7, 11, 17, 20, Salleck 25, 32, 38, 43)

Historical personalities

Historical figures appear in many of the Blue Boys' volumes. Sometimes it's just a brief appearance in the background, sometimes it's an important part of the plot.




(Historical) stations

In the first albums released by Bastei, the stories are set near Fort Bröckelstone ( called Fort Bow in the Carlsen volumes ) in the Indian territory run by Commander Potter . This is shaken again and again, as Blutch and Chester lay the fort in ruins several times and start quarrels with the neighboring Indian tribes. Some of the early volumes were also collections of rather short, funnier stories.

From volume 6 onwards, the two common areas change constantly. You can find them in New York (Salleck 28), as well as in Mexico (Bastei 16, Carlsen 22, 23) and Amsterdam (Carlsen 19). For most of the albums they are at least temporarily in their warehouse with General Alexander and Captain Stark. These adventures are no longer about Indian affairs, but about the war between northern and southern states.

Many albums go back to historical events , but Raoul Cauvin changed them into comical terms: "I have always chosen situations or conditions in such a way that they do not really provoke laughter at first glance: the war, a cemetery, a hospital .. ... And then I find it interesting what you can do with this starting point, how far you go, and to what extent the reader accepts this. "

Some volumes based on historical events are Bastei 6, Carlsen Pocket 20, Carlsen 2, 10, 15, 18, 19 and Salleck 27, 28, 30, 35.

They both take part in the Battle of Bull Run , witness the Battle Monitor against Virginia , try to enforce Lincoln's Morrill anti-bigamy law in Utah , help with the siege of Vicksburg , pursue the notorious Confederate outlaw William Quantrill after the massacre by Lawrence , and fight in the fog at the Battle of Chattanooga .

Comic books

No. Publishing year French original edition German edition (s)
1. 1972 Un chariot dans l'Ouest (44 pages) The fearless four (Kauka FF Super 48, 1971), No scalp for chief knife cut (Bastei 1)
2. 1972 Du Nord au Sud (44 pages) The secret mission (Kauka FF Super 66, 1973), A rascal makes himself thin (Bastei 2)
3. 1973 Et pour quinze cents dollars en plus (44 pages) Bang on Fall (Kauka FF Super 72, 1974), The Texan Rope Trick (Bastion 3)
4th 1973 Outlaw (44 pages) The Utah Bathtub Tango (Bastion 5)
5. 1974 Les Déserteurs (44 pages) The wild ride to Bröckelstone (bastion 4)
6th 1974 La Prison de Robertsonville (44 pages) Two sky dogs on their way home (bastion 13, page half 22B missing), The Jackal of Robertsonville (Carlsen Pocket 10, 1990)
7th 1975 Les Bleus de la marine (44 pages) Two Cowboys on the Mississippi (Bastei 6), The Battle of the Tank Steamers (Carlsen Pocket 20, 1990)
8th. 1976 Les Cavaliers du ciel (44 pages) The cavalry test pilots (Bastion 7)
9. 1976 La Grande patrouille (42 pages, 16 short stories) Greetings from ambush (Bastion 17)
10. 1976 Des Bleus et des tuniques (44 pages, 4 short stories) A sergeant turns up (Kauka FF Super 64, 1973), a Mustang scratches the curve (Bastei 15)
11. 1976 Des Bleus en noir et blanc (44 pages) The Laramy Prairie Reporters (Bastion 8)
12. 1977 Les Bleus tournent cosaques (44 pages) The Don Cossacks of Colorado (Bastion 9)
13. 1978 Les Bleus dans la gadoue (44 pages) The Sacramento Mud Battle (Bastion 10)
14th 1979 Le Blanc-bec (44 pages) The Lady-Killer of Bröckelstone (Bastion 11)
15th 1979 Rumberley (44 pages) The rebels of Karacho-City (Bastion 12)
16. 1980 Bronco Benny (44 pages) Free drop for Bronco Benny (Bastion 14)
17th 1981 El Padre (44 pages) A hallelujah to Don Chester (Bastion 16)
18th 1982 Blue rétro (44 pages) The baptism of fire (Carlsen Volume 1, 1989)
19th 1982 Le David (44 pages) The Secret Weapon (Carlsen Volume 2, 1989)
20th 1983 Black Face (44 pages) Black Face (Carlsen Volume 3, 1990)
21st 1984 Les Cinq salopards (44 pages) Five Bad Boys (Carlsen Volume 4, 1990)
22nd 1985 Des Bleus et des dentelles (44 pages) The Soldier's Bride (Carlsen Volume 5, 1991)
23. 1985 Les Cousins ​​d'en face (44 pages) Enemy Cousins ​​(Carlsen Volume 6, 1991)
24. 1985 Baby blue (47 pages, 5 short stories with similar content) Baby Blue (Carlsen Volume 7, 1992)
25th 1986 Des Bleus et des bosses (44 pages) With cunning and trickery (Carlsen Volume 8, 1992)
26th 1987 L'Or du Québec (44 pages) The Gold of Quebec (Carlsen Volume 9, 1993)
27. 1987 Bull Run (44 pages) The Battle of Bull Run (Carlsen Volume 10, 1993)
28. 1988 Les Bleus de la balle (44 pages) The Mood Guns (Carlsen Volume 11, 1993)
29 1989 En avant l'amnésique! (44 pages) Remember, Blutch! (Salleck Volume 26, 2005)
30th 1989 La Rose de Bantry (44 pages) The Public Enemy (Carlsen Volume 12, 1994)
31. 1990 Drummer boy (44 pages) Drummer Boy (Carlsen Volume 13, 1994)
32. 1991 Les Bleus en folie (44 pages) A mad mission (Carlsen Volume 14, 1994)
33. 1992 Grumbler et fils (44 pages) The Angels of Peace (Carlsen Volume 15, 1995)
34. 1992 Vertes années (44 pages) A Fatherly Friend (Carlsen Volume 16, 1995)
35. 1993 Captain Nepel (44 pages) Riot in Fort Bow (Carlsen Volume 17, 1996)
36. 1994 Quantrill (44 pages) Quantrill's Gang (Carlsen Volume 18, 1996)
37. 1995 Duel dans la Manche (44 pages) Duel on the High Seas (Carlsen Volume 19, 1997)
38. 1996 Les Planqués (44 pages) The Slackers (Carlsen Volume 20, 1997)
39. 1997 Puppet Blues (44 pages) Maneuvers of deception (Carlsen Volume 21, 1998)
40. 1998 Les hommes de paille (44 pages, part 1) Straw men (Carlsen Volume 22, 1999)
41. 1998 Les Bleus en cavale (44 pages, part 2) Circus Ready (Carlsen Volume 23, 1999)
42. 1999 Qui veut la peau du général? (44 pages, part 1) The assassin (Salleck Volume 24, 2004)
43. 2000 Des Bleus et du blues (44 pages, part 2) ... have the blues (Salleck Volume 25, 2004)
44. 2001 L'Oreille de Lincoln (44 pages) Lincoln's Listener (Salleck Volume 27, 2005)
45. 2002 Émeutes à New York (44 pages) Riots in New York (Salleck Volume 28, 2007)
46. 2003 Requiem pour un Bleu (44 pages) Requiem for a Blue Boy (Salleck Volume 29, 2008)
47. 2004 Les Nancy Hart (44 pages) Nancy Hart (Salleck Volume 30, 2009)
48. 2004 Arabesque (44 pages, 6 short stories with similar content) Arabesque (Salleck Volume 31, 2011)
49. 2005 Mariage à Fort Bow (44 pages) Wedding at Fort Bow (Salleck Volume 32, 2011)
50. 2006 La Traque (44 pages) Caught (Salleck Volume 33, 2011)
51. 2007 Stark sous toutes les coutures (44 pages) A captain with a needle and thread (Salleck Volume 34, 2007)
52. 2008 Les Tuniques bleues dans le Brouillard (44 pages) The Battle of the Fog (Salleck Volume 35, 2008)
53. 2009 Sang bleu chez les Bleus (44 pages) The blue blood (Salleck Volume 36, 2009)
54. 2010 Miss Walker (44 pages) Miss Walker (Salleck Volume 37, 2012)
55. 2011 India, mon frère (44 pages) Blutch's Red Brother (Salleck Volume 38, 2013)
56. 2012 Dent pour dent (44 pages) Tooth for a tooth (Salleck Volume 39, 2013)
57. 2013 Colorado story (46 pages) Colorado Story (Salleck Volume 40, 2014)
58. 2014 Les bleus se mettent au vert (46 pages) The job in the countryside (Salleck Volume 41, 2015)
59. 2015 Les quatre évangélistes (46 pages) The four evangelists (Salleck Volume 42, 2016)
60. 2016 Carte blanche pour un bleu (46 pages) Free Hand (Salleck Volume 43, 2017)
61. 2017 L'étrange soldat Franklin (46 pages) The Strange Soldier Franklin (Salleck Volume 44, 2018)
62. 2018 Sallie (46 pages) Sallie (Salleck Volume 45, 2019)

Some stories of the blue boys were also published in Germany in the albums Tom and Biber (Vol. 1-5, 1969) and the magazine series Pepito (1973-74). Some short stories were also published in Kauka Comic (1970). A complete edition of this series has been published by Salleck Publications since 2013.


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