Dieter Baacke

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Dieter Baacke (born December 2, 1934 in Hanover ; † July 23, 1999 in Bielefeld ) was a German educational scientist and professor at Bielefeld University . He introduced the term media literacy into the media policy and media pedagogical discussion , which can now be found in numerous government programs, coalition agreements and statements on child and youth policy.

Life and education

After graduating from high school in Hanover , he studied German, Latin, theology, philosophy and pedagogy at the universities of Marburg , Vienna and Göttingen . From 1972 he was professor for extracurricular education at Bielefeld University with a focus on media education and media research, youth and childhood research, and youth and adult education.

He died on July 23, 1999 at the age of 64 from complications from a heart attack.


Dieter Baacke, Die 4 Medienkompetenzen.png

His child and youth research was based on the paradigms of the Frankfurt School and the socio-ecological approach of socialization by Urie Bronfenbrenner . In dealing with existing media-critical theories and action-oriented theories of socialization, he developed his model of the social ecology of the media. He emphasized the individual and social importance of the media in the context of development.

Dieter Baacke was a longstanding board member of the Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft . Since it was founded in 1984, he has been chairman of the Society for Media Education and Communication Culture (GMK), as well as vice-president of the German Children's Fund , member of boards of trustees such as the Children's and Youth Film Center . He was also involved in the arts and culture, advising official agencies and governments and was co-director of the Academy for Media Education, Media Research and Multimedia . His lectures at home and abroad contributed to his international reputation as an important German media educator. He headed the Commission for Art and Culture at Bielefeld University and was chairman of the Association for the Promotion of Art and Culture at Bielefeld University. The GMK (Society for Media Education and Communication Culture) has been awarding the Dieter Baacke Prize every year since 2000 for media education projects with children, young people and families.

Works (selection)

  • The romantic-allegorical drama and Immermann's " Merlin " Göttingen 1963, DNB 481907106 (dissertation University of Göttingen, Philosophical Faculty, March 28, 1963, 387 pages).
  • Beat - the speechless opposition . Munich 1968 (3rd edition 1972)
  • Communication and competence . Munich 1973
  • Introduction to extracurricular education . Munich 1976 (2nd edition 1985)
  • Mass communication . Stuttgart 1978
  • Youth and Fashion (with other authors). Opladen 1988
  • Worldviews, perception, reality. The aesthetically organized learning process (together with FJ Röll). Opladen 1995
  • Italian youth (together with Ippazio Fracasso-Baacke ). Weinheim 1993
  • Handbook for Youth and Music (with other authors). Opladen 1997
  • Media education . Tübingen 1997
  • The 13 to 18 year olds . Weinheim 1994 (7th edition)
  • The 6- to 12-year-olds . Weinheim 1995 (6th edition)
  • The 0 to 5 year olds . Weinheim 1999
  • Youth and youth cultures . Juventa publishing house. Weinheim / Munich 1999 (1st edition 1987)
  • Media education . Tübingen 2007, (1st edition 1997) (basics of media communication 1).

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