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The dipleurula is the abstracted basic form of the larvae of echinoderms (Echinodermata).

All forms of echinoderm larvae known today can be derived from the Dipleurula. These include the bipinnaria and the brachiolaria of the starfish, the auricularia of the sea rollers and the plutei of the sea urchins and the brittle stars . The Doliolaria of the primarily fixed pelmatozoa ( sea ​​lilies and hair stars ) can also be traced back to the same basic pattern, even if they have no mouth opening.

The Dipleurula is planktotroph ( eats plankton ) and has a bilaterally symmetrical physique with a ventral (belly) mouth that is surrounded by a band of eyelashes. The anus opening is also anterior.


  • A. Goldschmid: Echinodermata, echinoderms. In: W. Westheide, R. Rieger: Special Zoology. Part 1. Protozoa and invertebrates. Spectrum, Heidelberg 2003, ISBN 3-8274-0998-5

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