Djado Sékou

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Djado Sékou (* 1926 in Hamdallaye , † 1988 in Niamey ) was a Nigerian narrator from the Djesseré profession .


Djado Sékou belonged to the Zarma ethnic group . He was a student of Djesseré Badjé Bannya from Liboré , whose son Djéliba Badjé was also a well-known storyteller.

In addition to Badjé Bannya and Djéliba Badjé as well as Koulba Baba , Nouhou Malio and Tinguizi , Djado Sékou is considered one of the great Djesseré masters of the 20th century. He told his stories in the Zarma language . He was musically accompanied by the lute instrument Molo . A characteristic of Djado Sékou's style was a second, subordinate narrative voice. This was often taken over by the Djesseré Karimou saga, and occasionally by a woman. The narrative style was characterized by humor and exaggeration and was poetically enriched, for example through wordplay. With explicit content, which he only weakened in old age, Djado Sékou successfully addressed a young audience. A recurring theme of his stories was the love of a man for a woman, as being in love and ecstasy as well as in lack of fulfillment and love affliction.

Djado Sékou is the creator of more than fifteen epic stories. Well-known titles are Awli Djawando , Bakary Dja , Bubu Ardo Galo , Dondu Gorba Dicko , El Hadj Oumarou Foutiyu , Hama Bodeïzé Paaté , Hamala Seyni Gakoye , Lobo Django and Sombo Soga . Radio Niger and the Research Institute for Human Sciences (IRSH) in Niamey made audio recordings of several of his lectures.

The Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture Djado Sékou in Kalley Center , a district of Niamey, was named after him in 1993, five years after his death. Djado Sékou remained a very popular artist in Niger for decades. On the black market for audio cassettes, his recordings were considered bestsellers. Even more than 30 years after his death, he could still be heard often on the radio.


  • Sandra Bornand: Une narration à deux voix. Exemple de coénonciation chez les jasare songhay-zarma du Niger . In: Ursula Baumgardt, Sandra Bornand (Eds.): Autour de la performance (=  Cahiers de littérature orale . No. 65 ). Langues O ', Paris 2010, ISBN 978-2-85831-182-8 , pp. 39-63 ( ).
  • Ousmane Mahamane Tandina: The joys or misfortunes of love in the courtly epics of Djado Sékou . In: Tydskrif vir letterkunde . Vol. 42, No. 2 , 2005, p. 49-65 ( ).

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Hamadou Seini: Zarma-Songhoï Verbal Artistry and Expression: From the Epic to the Francophone Novel, with a Focus on Intertextual Dialogue Across the Genres . Dissertation. University of Colorado, Boulder 2013, pp. 33 and 41 ( [PDF; accessed April 13, 2020]).
  2. a b c d Sandra Bornand: Le discours du griot généalogiste chez les Zarma du Niger . Karthala, Paris 2005, ISBN 2-84586-625-9 , pp. 224 .
  3. a b c Hamadou Seini: Zarma-Songhoï Verbal Artistry and Expression: From the Epic to the Francophone Novel, with a Focus on Intertextual Dialogue Across the Genres . Dissertation. University of Colorado, Boulder 2013, pp. 31–32 ( [PDF; accessed April 13, 2020]).
  4. Ousmane Mahamane Tandina: épopée L' . In: Marie-Clotilde Jacquey (ed.): Littérature nigérienne (=  Notre librairie . No. 107 ). CLEF, Paris 1991, p. 60 .
  5. Ousmane Mahamane Tandina: The joys or misfortunes of love in the courtly epics of Djado Sékou . In: Tydskrif vir letterkunde . Vol. 42, No. 2 , 2005, p. 49 ( [accessed April 13, 2020]).
  6. Hamadou Seini: Zarma-Songhoï Verbal Artistry and Expression: From the Epic to the Francophone Novel, with a Focus on Intertextual Dialogue Across the Genres . Dissertation. University of Colorado, Boulder 2013, pp. 29–30 ( [PDF; accessed April 13, 2020]).
  7. Taweye Kio: La Maison de la Culture Djado Sékou: Une fierté national. In: Niger Diaspora. August 9, 2018, accessed April 13, 2020 (French).
  8. ^ Sandra Bornand: Une narration à deux voix. Exemple de coénonciation chez les jasare songhay-zarma du Niger . In: Ursula Baumgardt, Sandra Bornand (Eds.): Autour de la performance (=  Cahiers de littérature orale . No. 65 ). Langues O ', Paris 2010, ISBN 978-2-85831-182-8 , pp. 39 ( [accessed April 13, 2020]).
  9. Farmo Moumouni: Djado Sékou ou l'école de la tradition. In: Niger Diaspora. October 19, 2019, accessed April 13, 2020 (French).