Dominance (psychology)

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In biology and anthropology , dominance is understood to mean that an individual or a group of individuals has a higher social status than another individual or group , to which the latter reacts submissively. The opposite of dominance is submission or subordination / submissivity.


Dominance hierarchies can be found in many animals, including primates, and also in humans . Individual A restricts the rights and freedoms of individual B and concedes these rights and freedoms to himself, which is accepted by B. Dominance is always relationship-specific and depends on time and situation.


In psychology , one speaks of dominance behavior when an individual wants to dominate or control the behavior of one or more other individuals.


In the field of BDSM , dominance means that someone can gain control over other people or a situation through the use of certain physical or psychological methods, or actually does so, insofar as the other voluntarily gives up control. In this context, the counterpart to the dominant part is the submissive part.

Game theory

In game theory , one speaks of dominance as a strategy or of a dominant strategy when a move always leads to a better result than any other move regardless of the opponent's answer.

See also