Dong Yun

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Dǒng Yǔn (董 允) († 246 ) was a Shu Han minister at the time of the Three Kingdoms in ancient China.

He was a lifelong friend of the talented officer Fei Yi . Together with him, he served as assistant to Crown Prince Liu Shan from 221 after Liu Bei had proclaimed himself emperor.

Dong Yun's activity under Zhuge Liang's reign is undocumented. It is believed that he served at the court while Zhuge Liang was on military campaigns.

After Zhuge Liang died in 234, he was assigned to Fei Yi and continued to oversee internal affairs. Fei Yi was admired for the fact that he only needed the morning for day-to-day political affairs. When Dong Yun followed him to the position (assistant to the regent) in 243, he soon realized that he was not able to do that. He had to work all day and admired Fei Yi's skills.

At court he also knew the harmful influence of the eunuch Huang Hao on the emperor. He warned Liu Shan about him and warned Huang Hao repeatedly, but it didn't help. Huang Hao increased the corruption at the imperial court.

After the death of regent Jiang Wan (245), Fei Yi chose Dong Yun as his assistant, but Dong died shortly afterwards.