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Dorgon (Manchu: Dorgon.png, Chinese  多爾袞  /  多尔衮 , Pinyin Duō'ěrgǔn * 17th November 1612 ; † 31 December 1650 ) was a Manchu -Prinz and uncle of the first Qing -Kaisers Fulin , as the Regent, he served . In addition to Nurhaci , whose 14th son he was, he is considered a pioneer of the Qing dynasty. He had conquered Beijing with his army in 1644.

A law passed by Dorgon in 1645 ordered that every Chinese man must wear a braid under penalty of death. This Chinese braid was the typical hairstyle of men in China at the end of the imperial era.

After the death of his brother Hong Taiji , who was married to the dowager empress Xiao Zhuangwen and mother of his nephew Fulin , he received the title of imperial consort. After his death, he was first honored like an emperor, but shortly thereafter lost all honors to be rehabilitated under the 4th Qing Emperor Qianlong .

Web links

  • Dorgon on Encyclopaedia Britannica