Dragon Age: Origins

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Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon Age Wallpaper.jpg
Studio CanadaCanada BioWare
Publisher United StatesUnited States Electronic Arts
composer Inon Zur
Windows, Xbox 360: November 3, 2009 November 6, 2009
United StatesUnited States

November 19, 2009

Mac OS
December 21, 2009
platform Windows , Mac OS X , Xbox 360 , PlayStation 3
Game engine Eclipse
genre role playing game
Game mode Single player
control Mouse , keyboard , gamepad
system advantages
medium DVD-ROM , Blu-ray Disc , download
language German , English
Current version 1.05 (November 28, 2011)
Age rating
USK from 18
PEGI recommended for ages 18+

Dragon Age: Origins is a computer role-playing game developedby BioWare , Edmonton Studio. It was published in November 2009 for Microsoft Windows , PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 and on 21 December 2009 for Mac OS X .


The action takes place in Ferelden , a kingdom of the fictional world Thedas . Ferelden is threatened by corruption , an attack by beings of the Fereldian underworld, the so-called Dark Brood . This is led by a dragon, the so-called arch demon . It has been shown in the past that only the members of the Order of the Gray Guardians can finally kill an archdemon and thus end the corruption, so the Gray Guardian Duncan is looking for suitable recruits.

Origin stories

The entry for the player character is individually tailored to race or class through the origin stories that give the game its name, and they take place very differently. In every origin story, however, you meet Duncan who is on his hunt for recruits.

A main character gifted with magic begins in the tower of the Circle of Magi. She tries to help a friend who is suspected of using illegal blood magic escape. Both are discovered, but the friend manages to escape using blood magic.

The main character begins as a city elf in the slums of the Fereldian capital Denerim and experiences how a human nobleman kidnaps an elven bride from her wedding party. While trying to forcibly free the kidnapped woman from the nobleman’s estate, the main character and her boyfriend are captured.

As a Dalish elf, the main character is a member of a nomadic elven tribe and discovers an ancient elven artifact in a ruin with a friend. The main character and her boyfriend become infected with an unknown disease. The main character is rescued by her tribe, the friend remains missing.

The noble dwarf main character is one of three children of the dwarf king Endrin. She gets caught up in a plot by the youngest brother Bhelen. During an expedition into the Deep Paths, the heir to the throne, Trian, dies and the main character is held responsible for his murder and is left to die in the Deep Paths.

A casteless dwarf main character lives in the slum of the dwarf city of Orzammar and ends up in the criminal underworld. When she takes part in a tournament under a false identity and is discovered, she faces the death penalty.

The noble human protagonist lives as the scion of a powerful noble family in their castle. Rendon Howe, an old friend of the father's, is there as a guest. He turns out to be a traitor who attacks the castle and kills the main character's parents.

At the end of each of these stories, the main character meets Duncan again. This offers her rescue from her predicament, but demands that she join the Gray Guardians.


After completing the origin story, Duncan and the main character travel to Ostagar. Cailan, King of Ferelden, and Loghain, his highest general and father-in-law, plan a great battle against the Dark Brood there. The main character is the only one of three candidates to survive the ritual for joining the Gray Guardians and, together with Alistair, another Gray Guardian, is assigned an important role in the upcoming fight. In the battle, Loghain orders his troops to retreat, leaving the king's troops to the enemy superiority. Whose force is destroyed along with the Gray Guardians, Cailan and Duncan die in battle. The main character and Alistair are saved by Flemeth, a powerful witch from the wilderness. Together with Morrigan, Flemeth's daughter, the two Gray Guardians set out to find allies to fight the Dark Brood. Meanwhile, Loghain is returning to the capital. He blames the Gray Guardians for the king's death and, as the queen's father, declares himself regent. Together with Rendon Howe, he starts a civil war against the nobles who do not follow him.


Although the main character has contracts that require multiple groups to support the Gray Watchers, none of these groups can do so.

There has been a riot among the mages in the circle's tower and the tower is being overrun by demons and blood mages. After the tower has been recaptured, either the surviving magicians or the Knights of the Templar Order are won as allies, depending on the decisions taken.

In the Brecilien Forest, the main character meets a group of Dalish elves who are suffering from attacks by werewolves. The main character can, depending on their approach, win either the elves or the werewolves as allies.

In the dwarf town of Orzammer, the main character finds a bloody dispute over the succession to the throne between Prince Bhelen and Lord Harrowmont. She must win the trust of either party and work for their popularity among the nobles. Eventually, the main character gains the influence necessary to crown their preferred king and wins his support.

In Redcliffe, the character finds a village under siege by the undead. After eliminating the cause, she can enter the castle. However, the liege lord Eamon Guerrin is in a coma because he was poisoned on orders from Loghain. As soon as the main character has found a cure for the sick Eamon, he wins the support of his troops and the opportunity to take political action against the traitor Loghain.

The Landthing

After all allies have been gathered in Redcliffe, the main character takes action against Loghain. Eamon convenes a Landthing, a gathering of the entire nobility, to indict Loghain for his treason. At least now, the main character learns that her companion Alistair is a half-brother of the fallen king and can therefore lay claim to the throne. The main character also learns that Rendon Howe has imprisoned the Queen and may want to kill her. In Howe's estate, the main character frees Riordan, a Gray Guardian from neighboring Orlais, in addition to the Queen. In the Landthing, the main character (or a group member) has a duel with Loghain. Depending on the decisions of the main character, different constellations arise for the succession to the throne and possibly Alistair's execution as well as Loghain's accession to the Gray Guardians.

the last fight

In the run-up to the final battle against the dark brood, the main character learns from Riordan that only a Gray Guardian can finally kill the arch demon, but dies in the process. As a way out, Morrigan offers an occult ritual, planned by her mother Flemeth, that can prevent the Guardian's death. If the main character refuses the ritual, Morrigan leaves the group. The next day the departure to Denerim, where it comes to the battle with the dark brood. Riordan dies fighting the arch demon, but the main character can lead a successful advance himself. If the character has previously consented to Morrigan's ritual, he himself kills the arch demon and survives. Otherwise, one of the guards present performs the final prank and dies. Either way, the archdemon will be destroyed and the corruption will end

If the main character survived the fight, they can meet their companions at the victory ceremony and learn about their plans for the future. Otherwise, one experiences the honor and memorial service for the main character. Then there is a closing credits that depict some events in Ferelden after the corruption and show numerous consequences of decisions made during the game.

Manufacturer Bioware assigned his game to dark heroic fantasy and described the action of the game as an "epic story of violence, lust and betrayal". The game was influenced, among other things, by the novel series The Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin .


The game begins with the usual role-playing game with the creation of a player character. Unlike earlier role-playing games Biowares, Dragon Age: Origins is not based on a variant of the D&D set of rules. The player determines the race, character class , gender and social status or origin of the main character. There are three races to choose from (elf, dwarf, human) and three basic classes (warrior, magician, villain). This choice gives rise to six different stories of origin. The choice of origin influences the social status of the character as well as the attitude and behavior of non-player characters towards the game character. For example, if you start as a noble dwarf , you begin the story as part of the royal family in a dwarf city, whereas as a middle-class dwarf you begin your story as a street thief in the city's slums.

The origin story includes a gameplay tutorial as well as several hours of game time, in which the status and motivation of the main character are defined during the game. Non-player characters from the stories of origin also appear in the main story, some of them as opponents. The game uses a group system in which the player controls the main character and a maximum of three other companions who can be selected from a group of characters. The camera shows what is happening from a shoulder perspective . During the game, the player can change the angle of view, whereby the PC version offers significantly more options than the console version. In general, the camera can be rotated and tilted around the character. On the PC, the player can also zoom in or out and thus get an overview perspective , comparable to the isometric representation from Bioware's earlier title Baldur's Gate .

In contrast to older Bioware games, decisions made by the player have no influence on their moral status ( alignment ), but rather influence the trust of the group members. However, the moral behavior of the player influences the story of the game throughout. The player reaches the end of the game regardless of whether his actions are good or bad, but his decisions change the situations of the game world accordingly. For example, the decision of who will be King Fereldens affects the peoples and races and their place in the world. A high level of trust among group members grants these attribute bonuses. With some group members romances are possible, depending on the decisions of the player it can also happen that the group members decide to leave the group or attack the player if they have a strongly contradicting opinion.

As with all Bioware role-playing games, the battles take place in real time and can be paused at any time to give the characters detailed instructions. A special playful feature is the ability to combine different attack techniques or spells. E.g. Frozen enemies can burst through appropriate attacks or can be ignited by casting a fire spell on a previously created oil pool. The level of difficulty can be changed in the options menu while the game is running. If a fight turns out to be too difficult, an easier level of difficulty can be selected and this can be increased again later.

Development history

The game uses the Eclipse engine developed by Bioware itself. Three weeks before the release, Bioware published a character editor for demonstration, which corresponded to the full scope of the finished game and whose creations could be incorporated into the finished game. When the game was released, there were problems with incorrectly pressed DVDs. As a result, the game in the PC version was not available in many internet shops and often in stationary stores on the release date originally announced by EA, but only a few days later.

A toolset that was released as a download a few days after publication resulted in an active modding community for the PC version . In February 2010, a month before the Awakening add-on was released , Electronic Arts announced in a press release that the game had sold 3.2 million copies. In July 2010, designer Rob Bartel told the online magazine MCV that Dragon Age: Origins was Bioware's most commercially successful game to date.

Since many bugs remained in the game with the last official Bioware patches , there are some community-driven patch projects (so-called fan patches ) to fix these problems. The game community also tries to reconstruct original game content, which the developers developed for the game but not completed, and to integrate it back into the game.

Downloadable additional content (DLC)

Bioware published numerous smaller, paid expansion packages ( DLC ) for Dragon Age: Origins and the add-on Awakening in the period from the release of the main program to September 2010 . As such, they are available for download via the console operator's networks and numerous online sales platforms. They are also part of the so-called Ultimate Edition , consisting of the main game, add-on and all downloadable content. In an interview in 2011, Bioware employee Yaron Jacobs described the DLC program for Dragon Age: Origins as the most successful of the entire EA group to date.

There were also numerous bonus items that were included in the form of promotional codes, especially for those who pre-ordered the game from various retailers.

Trapped in the stone

This download content was already available when the game was released. For first-time buyers of the game, a promotional code was included with which the expansion could be downloaded for free. This is a sales measure within the framework of the so-called Project Ten Dollar , which is primarily aimed at buyers of used games. The expansion is integrated into the main game and contains an additional quest around the stone golem shale. The player can free him from his stupor by visiting the village of Honnleath and add it to the group as an additional companion. The player gets access to some new equipment.

Blood dragon armor

The blood dragon armor was a special cross-promotion bonus. The promotion code of this download content added the armor set of the same name to the game and could also be used again for the game Mass Effect 2 . The download code was included with the game together with the DLC Im Stein gefangen when it was first published.

Guardian fortress

Like the first two downloadable content, Guardian Fortress was made available as a chargeable download when the game was released by Bioware. Only buyers of the special Digital Deluxe Edition of EA's own online sales platform received this extension free of charge in addition to the first two extensions. The expansion is integrated into the main campaign. The player can visit the former fortress of the Gray Guardians on the Soldiers' Peak. During the quest line he digs deeper into allegedly cursed walls, explores the history of the fortifications and learns new skills. The fortress can then be used as a base with dealers and a storage box for equipment.

The return to Ostagar

The release of the additional content "Return to Ostagar" was originally planned for the Christmas season 2009, but after an initial, error-prone release on January 13, 2010, it finally appeared on January 31, 2010 for Xbox and PC and on March 11 for the PS3. This allows the player to return to the Ostagar Battlefield during the main campaign, where almost all of the Gray Guardians were killed by the Dark Brood at the start of the game. This offers the opportunity to learn more about the respective motivations of King Cailan and Loghain. After playing through the game, the player receives the armor of the late king and the weapons of the captain of the Gray Guardians, Duncan. He is also given the opportunity to include the war dog in the group, which is also associated with further successes and items.

Apart from the additional packages when the main program was released, Return to Ostagar was the only download extension before the release of the official add-on Awakening .

Holiday pranks

The expansion appeared on April 1, 2010 and thematically takes up the tradition of the April prank. The public holiday in Thedas, known as Satinalia, is used by the residents to play pranks on one another. This download content allows the player in the main campaign to play a special April prank on each of his companions.

At the same time as the festive pranks , the download content of the festive gifts appeared , which could also be purchased together in a combined package.

Holiday gifts

The holiday gifts appeared at the same time as the holiday pranks on April 1, 2010. In contrast to the pranks, the player here has the opportunity to give each of his companions a special present for the Satinalia festival. The extension could also be purchased together with the festive strike as a combination package.

The Chronicles of the Dark Brood

On May 5, 2010, Bioware announced the stand-alone campaign The Chronicles of the Dark Brood on the official website , which was published on May 18, 2010. It is an alternate narrative of the Battle of Denerim , in which the actual main character of the player was killed on his entrance exam for the Gray Guardians. Instead, the player leads the final battle as a Hurlock vanguard on the side of the Dark Brood. He takes on the army of Fereldens under the leadership of Alistair. The aim is to fight your way through the individual quarters from Denerim to Fort Drakon and to defend the arch demon against the heroes led by Alistair. Playing through the campaign unlocks a game item that can be used in the main campaign and the Awakening game expansion .

Leliana's song

At E3 2010, Bioware announced the DLC Leliana's Song for July 6, 2010. It is an independent, approximately two-hour campaign in which the player slips into the role of the main female character Leliana . He explores her past hinted at during the main game as a member of a criminal ring from Orlais. Leliana is supposed to do various jobs for her lover Marjolaine in Denerim. During the course of the mission, a. Leliana's reasons for joining the Church are highlighted. The expansion also unlocks a special item that can then be used in the main campaign and the Awakening expansion .

Amgarrak Golems

On July 28, 2010, Bioware announced the Amgarrak Golems DLC , which was released on August 10, 2010. It is a stand-alone campaign designed for higher-level characters. The character can be imported from the main game or the Awakening add-on . The player is sent into the Deep Paths to look for a missing dwarf expedition. After completing the DLC, several bonus items will become available in the main campaign or add-on according to the procedure.

Witch hunt

Following the announcement by Bioware on August 25, 2010, the last downloadable content Witch Hunt was published on September 14, 2010 . The approximately two-hour expansion is about the main campaign character Morrigan after her disappearance after the final battle with the arch demon (campaign of the main game). A year later there were reports that Morrigan had re-emerged and the player was investigating these rumors. The Eluvians, the magical mirrors of the old elven kingdom, play a role in this. Together with the elf Ariane and the magician Finn, the player character embarks on a search for the isolated clues and thus brings the background story to Morrigan to an end. The character can be imported from the main game, the add-on Awakening and the DLC Golems from Amgarrak , or alternatively it can be recreated. As with the previous expansions, upon completion a unique item will be unlocked for the main campaign or add-on.


character Original speaker Voice actor
Alistair Steve Valentine Martin May
Morrigan Claudia Black Tanja Dohse
Zevran Jon Curry Sascha Rotermund
Leliana Corinne Kempa Marion von Stengel
Sten Mark Hildreth Konstantin Graudus
Oghren Steve Blum Ben Hecker
Wynne Susan Boyd Choice Margit Strassburger
Shale Geraldine Becker Katja Brugger
Arl Eamon Graham McTavish Uli Plessmann
Flemeth Kate Mulgrew Angela Stresemann
Duncan Peter Renaday Thomas Karallus
Loghain Simon Templeman Christoph Gutknecht
Bhelen Aeducan Wally Wingert Nico king
Zathrian Tim Russ
Cailan Peter Bramhill Michael Kruger
Arl Howe Tim Curry



The game received consistently high ratings, especially for the PC version (Critify: 92% (PC), 87% (PS3), 89% (Xbox 360); Metacritic: 91/87/86). The action, the character portrayals and the successful role-play aspects, such as character development or set of rules, were rated largely positively. On the other hand, the often straightforward level design and the sterile presentation of the game world were rated negatively. The console version performed worse on average, as the controls in particular were found to be too cumbersome.


It was by the readers of Gamestar for game of the year 2009 chosen.

The game also received awards at conventions , such as B. at the Role Play Convention 2010 "Dragon Age: Origins" won an " RPC Fantasy Award for one of the most creative ideas and products " during the fair.

Awakening (add-on)

Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening
Dragon Age Origins Awakening Logo.png
Studio CanadaCanada BioWare
Publisher United StatesUnited States Electronic Arts
United StatesUnited StatesMarch 16, 2010 March 18, 2010 (PC, Xbox 360, PS3)
platform PC ( Windows , Mac OS ) Xbox 360 , PlayStation 3
Game engine Eclipse
genre role playing game
Game mode Single player
control Mouse , keyboard , gamepad
system advantages
medium DVD-ROM , Blu-ray Disc , download
language German , English
Current version 1.04 (July 19, 2010)
Age rating
USK from 18
PEGI recommended for ages 18+

On January 5, 2010, publisher Electronic Arts and developer Bioware announced the release date of the first add-on Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening for March 16, 2010. In the European Union , the enlargement was published on March 18th.


The expansion ties in with the events of the main game with a new campaign. The player has the option of importing his old character from the main campaign or creating a new Gray Guardian from Orlais.

The gray guardians receive the former fiefdom of Arl Howes under the leadership of the player character. The arlschaft north of Denerim consists mainly of the city of Amaranthine and the fortress of Vigil's Watch. The latter is attacked by the dark spawn at the beginning of the game and most of its inhabitants are killed. During the defense, the player encounters a hurlock for the first time, which has an independent consciousness. After the attack could be repelled, it is the player's task to rebuild the arlschaft and follow the trail of the dark brood. In doing so, he comes across the mysterious architect , a Hurlock emissary, who is associated with the new form of the intelligent Hurlocks.

New content

In addition to the new areas of the expansion campaign, five new accompanying characters, each with their own background stories, will be introduced. These include the characters Anders and Justice, who also play a role relevant to the plot in the successor Dragon Age 2 . Of the companions of the main game, only Oghren is available again. Other former companions have minor guest appearances.

With the add-on, the maximum number of levels for characters has been increased. Three new skills, six class specializations, 4 talents per talent group and 8 new magical skills have been added, but are limited to the add-on and the three separate downloadable content.


character Original speaker Voice actor
Different Greg Ellis Tammo ruff
justice Adam Leadbeater Holger Löwenberg
Nathaniel Howe Simon Chadwick Robin Brosch
Oghren Steve Blum Ben Hecker
Sigrun Natalia Cigliuti Kristina von Weltzien
Mhairi Alix Wilton Regan Britta Steffenhagen
Velanna Gray DeLisle Djuwita Müller
The architect Jamie Glover Wolfgang Jürgen
The mother Dee Dee Rescher Isabella Grothe
Truchsess Varel Robin Sachs Bernd Stephan


Dragon Age 2

Logo Dragon Age 2

In 2011, the official successor to Dragon Age: Origins was released under the title Dragon Age 2 . In it, the player experiences the story of the main character Hawke, who was driven out of Lothering by the corruption. The action takes place north of Ferelden in the vicinity of the city of Kirkwall in the Free Marches.

The game was released on March 10, 2011 for the PC (Windows, Mac OS), Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 platforms.

Dragon Age: Inquisition

Logo Dragon Age 3

On May 19, 2011, Bioware indirectly confirmed the work on a third part of the series based on a job advertisement. On September 17, 2012, the company announced the game without a release date and with the official title Dragon Age 3: Inquisition . In the further course of development, the name was shortened to Dragon Age: Inquisition . The game is based on the Frostbite 3 engine . At the Electronic Arts E3 press conference on June 10, 2013, it was announced that Dragon Age: Inquisition will be available for PC, PS3, Xbox 360 and NextGen consoles in Fall 2014.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Marc Sauter: Dragon Age Origins: 16 CPUs in the test - quad-core up to 75 percent before dual-core . In: PC Games Hardware . Computec Media Group . November 3, 2009. Accessed July 11, 2011: "Bioware uses the newly developed Eclipse engine for Dragon Age Origins."
  2. Dean Takahashi: BioWare's founders envision Dragon Age Origins as dark heroic fantasy universe ( English ) In: GamesBeat . VentureBeat. April 7, 2009. Retrieved July 17, 2011.
  3. Dragon Age Origins. BioWare , accessed on January 5, 2010 (English): "From the makers of Mass Effect, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and Baldur's Gate comes an epic tale of violence, lust, and betrayal."
  4. a b Sean Molloy: Dragon Age: Exclusive first look at Bioware's new PC RPG ( English ) In: 1UP . December 7th, 2006. Archived from the original on March 17th, 2013. Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved July 17, 2011. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.1up.com
  5. ^ Georg Zoeller : D&D type ruleset? ( English ) In: Official forum . BioWare . July 26, 2008. Archived from the original on December 1, 2008. Retrieved on February 2, 2013.
  6. David Gaider : Let's hear it for the Villains ( English ) In: Official forum . BioWare . February 15, 2007. Archived from the original on December 1, 2008. Retrieved February 2, 2013.
  7. ^ David Gaider : Tell me about myself ( English ) In: Official forum . BioWare . May 4, 2007. Archived from the original on October 16, 2007. Retrieved on February 2, 2013.
  8. Riemann Bayer: Dragon Age Origins Character Creator in the local download - Update: Pretty-ugly characters . In: PC Games Hardware . Computec Media Group . October 18, 2009. Retrieved July 17, 2011.
  9. Sebastian Thöing: Dragon Age: Origins: Release withdrawn? Forgot copy protection? Update 3: Delivery defective - slight release delay . In: PC Games . Computec Media Group . November 5, 2009. Retrieved July 17, 2011.
  10. Benjamin Jakobs: Dragon Age: Toolset released . In: EuroGamer.de . November 9, 2009. Retrieved July 17, 2011.
  11. Dragon Age Nexus , modifications for Dragon Age
  12. Electronic Arts : BioWare's Dragon Age: Origins Reaches Triple Platinum Sales ( English ) In: Official company website . January 29, 2010. Retrieved October 22, 2011.
  13. Ben Parfitt: Dragon Age bigger than Mass Effect ( 3nglish ) In: MCV . Computec Media Group . July 8, 2010. Retrieved October 22, 2011.
  14. Razorfish: Dragon Age Origins Fan Fixes ( English ) biowarefans.com. January 20, 2011. Retrieved January 2, 2011: " […] list of fan-made patches that unobtrusively remedy various issues with the game, such as broken side quests, dialog continuity, imports, missing / unaccessible items, graphical glitches and nonfunctional game mechanics. "
  15. RaenImrahl: The Origins / Awakening COMMUNITY FIXIT PROJECT ( English ) social.bioware.com/forum. June 1, 2011. Retrieved on January 2, 2012: " developers are working on fixing DLC ​​authorization and performance issues with the next patch (1.05), there's been some talk of coordinating all those community-generated bug fixes in one place [...] “  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / social.bioware.com  
  16. Paul "Qwinn" Escalona: Qwinn's Unofficial Dragon Age: Origins Fix Pack 2.0 ( English social.bioware.com/project). May 20, 2010. Retrieved January 2, 2012: “ This is a collection of fixes for bugs in Bioware's Dragon Age: Origins that are still unaddressed as of the official patch 1.03. "
  17. Terra_Ex: Dragon Age: Origins - Morrigan Restoration Patch Dialog Fixpack ( English ) nexusmods.com. July 30, 2014. Retrieved September 7, 2014: “ […] restores several missing and fully voiced scenes to the game relating to Morrigan in addition to fixing innumerable issues with various parts of her dialogue not triggering correctly. These scenes were always intended to be in the final game but were likely cut due to scheduling issues. "
  18. איתמר וויסברג (Itamar Weisberg): ראיון עם דרקון (Interview with a Dragon) (Hebrew) . In: VGames , March 20, 2011. Retrieved August 4, 2011. 
  19. English translation: Interview with a dragon (Interview with DA2 lead level designer) . Bioware Network, accessed August 4, 2011
  20. Daniel Raumer: Electronic Arts - ... fights against used games . In: GameStar . IDG . February 18, 2010. Retrieved July 11, 2011.
  21. Questions about Return to Ostagar? * Spoilers * ( English ) Social.bioware.com. January 2010. Retrieved July 10, 2011: "Thanks for your patience over the holiday season and I'm sorry we weren't able to get Return to Ostagar out to you on the timelines we had originally hoped."
  22. Mike Fahey: False Start: Dragon Age Return To Ostagar DLC Now Unavailable . In: Kotaku , January 14, 2010. Retrieved July 11, 2011. 
  23. Mike Fahey: DLC: PS3 Dragon Age Players Return To Ostagar Next Month . In: Kotaku , February 24, 2010. Retrieved July 11, 2011. 
  24. Haynes, Jeff: IGN: New Dragon Age DLC Announced. Uk.xbox360.ign.com, June 8, 2010, accessed June 8, 2010 .
  25. ↑ Game expansions. BioWare , June 8, 2010, accessed June 8, 2010 .
  26. Stephany Nunnely: Dragon Age DLC Leliana's Song announced ( English ) In: VG247 . EuroGamer Network. June 17, 2010. Retrieved January 9, 2013.
  27. Benjamin Jakobs: Dragon Age: New DLC announced Golems of Amgarrak . In: EuroGamer.de . EuroGamer Network. July 29, 2010. Retrieved January 9, 2013.
  28. New DLC announced: Golems of Amgarrak. BioWare , June 30, 2010, accessed June 30, 2010 .
  29. ^ Witch Hunt: "Never follow me". BioWare , August 25, 2010, accessed August 25, 2010 .
  30. ^ Critify.de , average PC rating, accessed on July 17, 2011
  31. ^ Critify.de , average PS3 rating, accessed on July 17, 2011
  32. Critify.de , average Xbox360 rating, accessed on July 17, 2011
  33. Metacritic : Average rating of the PC version , based on 67 articles. Retrieved June 8, 2012.
  34. Metacritic : Average rating of the PS3 version , based on 41 articles. Retrieved June 8, 2012.
  35. Metacritic : Average rating of the Xbox 360 version , based on 68 articles. Retrieved June 8, 2012.
  36. Stefan Weiß: Dragon Age: Origins in the test: The new role-playing masterpiece is really that good . In: PC Games . Computec Media Group . November 5, 2009. Retrieved July 17, 2011.
  37. Jörg Langer: RPG epic with design flaws: Dragon Age Origins . In: Gamersglobal.de . November 2, 2009. Retrieved July 17, 2011.
  38. ^ Jochen Gebauer: Dragon Age: Dragon clapping with obstacles . In: Spieletipps.de . Bread and Games Ltd. November 11, 2009. Retrieved July 17, 2011.
  39. Stefan Weiß: Dragon Age: Origins in the test for PS3 and Xbox 360: First-class story but graphically on a second division level . In: Videogameszone . Computec Media Group . November 5, 2009. Retrieved July 17, 2011.
  40. Readers' choice for the Game of the Year ( Memento of the original from February 13, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / dragonage.gamona.de
  41. Role Play Convention 2010 - Cologne welcomed orcs, elves and role-playing game fans from all over the world . In: Official website . Role Play Convention . April 19, 2010. Archived from the original on March 1, 2011. Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved January 9, 2013. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.rpc-germany.de
  42. ↑ Game expansions. BioWare , June 8, 2010, accessed June 8, 2010 .
  43. Martin Le: Dragon Age 3 - Bioware manager confirms development and is looking for new employees . In: GameStar . IDG . May 20, 2011. Retrieved July 11, 2011.
  44. http://blog.bioware.com/2012/09/17/a-blog-from-mark-darrah-dragon-age-iii-inquisition/