Out in Berlin

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Original title Out in Berlin
Country of production GDR
original language German
Publishing year 1969
length 15 minutes
Director Trutz Meinl
script Rudolf Müller
Trutz Meinl
production DEFA
music Thomas Natschinski
camera Rudolf Müller
cut Hanna Kubin

Outside in Berlin is a documentary film of the DEFA studios for popular science films of defiance Meinl from the year 1969 .


The film begins in the pouring rain in front of the Berlin-Köpenick town hall while a city guide explains that this is the largest district of the GDR capital . The building became famous because of the captain von Köpenick , who acquired the city treasury here in 1906. A look over the Dahme shows the old town.

Many Berliners take the S-Bahn, tram and buses to the countryside to spend their free time there. The first stop is one of the many open-air swimming pools in the city district, where many families go swimming. Passenger ships of the White Fleet pass regularly , whose route also leads through New Venice . From the large excursion boats there is a transfer to the smaller boats, of which there are around 50,000. Various leisure boats are shown in action, but also sport rowing boats and canoes, which are located in the numerous sports communities.

But the recreation area of ​​Köpenick consists not only of water, but also of 7,600 hectares of forest, which is ideal for walks and almost all paths lead to one of the many excursion restaurants, which offer a total of almost 20,000 seats. There are also several campsites in the district that are occupied by many users all summer. Here you can end the day leisurely at the grill and around the campfire.

Production and publication

Outside in Berlin , ORWO -Color was used for filming and its premiere was on May 16, 1969. The texts for the film came from Heli Busse and the dramaturgy was in the hands of Peter Sattler.


In an article about the 6th International Short Film Festival in Kraków , Günter Sobe writes in the Berliner Zeitung that this product presents itself as a failed film column, stiff, posed and wanted. .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Berliner Zeitung of June 29, 1969, p. 10