Drosera andersoniana

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Drosera andersoniana
Nuclear eudicotyledons
Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Sundew family (Droseraceae)
Genre : Sundew ( Drosera )
Type : Drosera andersoniana
Scientific name
Drosera andersoniana
W. Fitzg.

Drosera andersoniana is a carnivorous plant of the genus sundew ( Drosera ). It was first described in 1909 by W. Fitzgerald.


Drosera andersoniana is a perennial, herbaceous, climbing plant. The stem axis reaches lengths of up to 25 cm. It forms a flat rosette of leaves at the base. The leaves that grow on the trunk are single or small groups of 2 or 3 leaves and alternate along the stem axis . The upright stem axis is covered with many cylindrical, red glands above the basal rosette.

The leaf blades of the basal rosette are transversely elliptical, 6 mm long and 10 mm wide. They have longer tentacle glands along the slightly concave edge. Smaller tentacle glands inside. The petioles are flattened, growing on the trunk, glabrous, 12 mm long and 1 mm wide. The leaf blades along the upright stem are kidney-shaped , 4 mm long, 5 mm wide and shield-shaped. They have longer tentacle glands along the strongly concave edge. Smaller tentacle glands inside. The central petiole is flattened round, narrow, pointed, hairy and 2 cm long. The outer pair has the same structure and is 1 cm long.

The inflorescence is racemose from 3 to 15, sometimes branching at the tip of the plant, white to light pink flowers. The single flowers are on hairy 4 to 15 mm long pedicels with some lanceolate bracts. The bracts are green, hairy, black-dotted, 3 to 4 mm long and 0.5 mm wide. The sepals are green, narrowly ovate, 4 mm long, 2 mm wide, at the edge and at the tip with awl-shaped glands. The rest of the edges and the surface are covered with cylindrical, red glands and dotted with black. The petals are obovate, 7 mm long, 6 mm wide, broken off and slightly serrated. The 5 stamens are 4 mm long, the stamens are white, the anthers are yellow, the pollen is pale yellow. The ovary is green, spotted with black, almost spherical, 1.7 mm in diameter, 1.3 mm long and has 3 carpels. Each carpel is slightly lobed. The three styluses are white, green at the base, 2.5 mm long and segmented many times. Each segment has multiple branches at the top. The scars are white and simply shaped within the stylus tips. Flowering time is from August to September.

The tuber is yellow, top-shaped, has a diameter of around 7 mm, a length of also 7 mm and is enclosed by a black, paper-like leaf sheath at the end of a 12 cm long, vertical runner. Like all so-called "Tuberous Drosera", it retreats into this tuber at times of high temperatures and relative dryness and survives underground.

Distribution of Drosera andersoniana in Australia

Distribution, habitat and status

The species is endemic to the area east of Southern Cross and near Hyden in southwest Australia. It settles there on loamy soils in bodies of water near rocky outcrops.


Drosera andersoniana belongs to the subgenus Ergaleium, Ergaleium section, i.e. to the climbing bulbous drosera.
