Drosera burkeana

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Drosera burkeana
Nuclear eudicotyledons
Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Sundew family (Droseraceae)
Genre : Sundew ( Drosera )
Type : Drosera burkeana
Scientific name
Drosera burkeana

Drosera burkeana is a carnivorous plant belonging to the genus sundew ( Drosera ). It is native to South Africa and wasfirst describedby Jules Émile Planchon in 1848.


Drosera burkeana are small herbaceous plants . They grow as a cup-shaped rosette from a few thin, but long roots .

The petioles are about 1 centimeter long, cylindrical in cross-section and slightly hairy, the stipules are simple below, slit-leaved and rust-colored above. The blade is about 1 centimeter long, inversely ovate to spatulate and becoming bald on the underside.

The inflorescences bend away below the rosette, the inflorescence axis is upright and 5 to 20 centimeters long. At the end it bears three to ten flowers that are close to each other. The sepals are fused, the individual lobes are up to 4 millimeters long and egg-shaped. The petals are inverted egg-shaped, nailed short and have an approximate length of around 5 millimeters.

The thin stamens are flattened and the connective is slightly wider. The styles are divided from the base, curved upwards, the stigmas spoon-shaped and membranous. The capsule fruits are oblong and round and 3 millimeters long, the seeds ovate, black and 0.5 millimeters long.


The species is found from South Africa (Transvaal, Swaziland) to further north into tropical Africa and Madagascar. Drosera burkeana only grows in swamps.


  • Anna Amelia Obermeyer: Droseraceae. In: The Flora of Southern Africa. Volume 13: Cruciferae, Capparaceae, Resedaceae, Moringaceae, Droseraceae, Roridulaceae, Podosfemaceae, Hydrostachyaceae. Botanical Research Institute - Department of Agricultural Technical Services - Republic of South Africa, Pretoria 1970, pp. 187-201.

Web links

  • Drosera burkeana . In: S. Dressler, M. Schmidt, G. Zizka (Eds.): African plants - A Photo Guide. Senckenberg, Frankfurt / Main 2014.