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ECUARUNARI ( Kichwa : Ecuador Runakunapak Rikcharimuy , 'Movement of the Indians of Ecuador', literally: 'Awakening of the people of Ecuador') is an umbrella organization that represents indigenous peoples and organizations with a Kichwa background in the highlands of Ecuador .


The association defines itself as an "alliance of the peoples of the Kichwa nationality of Ecuador" ( Confederación de los Pueblos de la Nacionalidad Kichwa del Ecuador or Ecuador Kichwa Llaktakunapak Jatun Tantanakuy ). In its beginnings, however, it saw itself as an Indian organization with church ties.

The association publishes its bilingual magazine Rikcharishun several times a year (Kichwa: "Let's wake up!" Or "We will wake up").

From 2003 to 2010, Humberto Cholango , a member of the Kayampi (Cayambi) people from the Pichincha province, was chairman of ECUARUNARI. Delfín Tenesaca from Mayorazgo ( Puruhá , Chimborazo Province ) held this office from 2010 to 2013 .


The association has its origins in the 1960s, when the Catholic Church in Ecuador began to distribute land on a private basis before the first state land reform law was passed . These efforts can be seen against the background of limiting the influence of the Cuban revolution . On the basis of this private land reform, members of indigenous rural communities organized themselves within the framework of progressive Catholic organizations. In June 1972 more than 200 delegates from various rural indigenous organizations and cooperatives with a Catholic background from the highland provinces of Imbabura , Pichincha , Cotopaxi , Bolívar , Chimborazo and Cañar met at a congress in the municipality of Tepeyac ( Chimborazo province ) and founded the umbrella organization ECUARUNARI. At this congress, two opposing positions were represented with regard to the social base to be organized by ECUARUNARI: One wanted to unite indigenous and non-indigenous sectors, while the other, supported by the Church, wanted a purely indigenous organization. The direct influence of the church has been questioned by some representatives. Finally, at the Congress ECUARUNARI was defined as an indigenous organization with church ties. A national leadership (Directiva Nacional) was elected, which was responsible for the regular convening of meetings. At the regional level there were "Movements of the Provinces" ( Wawa Rikcharimuy , Movimientos Provinciales ), each with its own management level. In the early 1970s ECUARUNARI brought about extensive mobilizations for land reform at the national level, which forced the government to pass a second land reform law in 1973.

At the same time, the association went through a deep ideological, political and structural crisis due to internal contradictions, which got so worse after 1975 that it brought the organization to the brink of split and dissolution. Finally, a congress was convened, which took place with 180 participants, including 100 delegates, from July 19 to 25, 1977 in the town of Chibuleo in the Tungurahua province . Here, on the one hand, the land reform was assessed, which had hardly touched the large estates , and on the other, the condition of ECUARUNARI was analyzed and measures for consolidation were taken. Political officials who were viewed as splitters were excluded, including Antonio Lema and Marco Barahona. The organization sharply demarcated itself from evangelical associations, including the Linguistic Summer Institute , and condemned imperialist interference from abroad. Overall, this fourth congress marked a political turnaround and rapprochement between ECUARUNARI and the labor movement . In the time that followed, the organization was able to consolidate itself and, through mass mobilization at the local and regional level, also advance the implementation of the land reform laws, which meant the repossession of previously stolen lands.

ECUARUNARI was involved in founding the indigenous umbrella organization CONAIE in 1986 , to which it is still a member.

Language policy

One of the most important goals of ECUARUNARI, the preservation and defense of the Kichwa language, shows particularly clear lines of conflict with the Linguistic Summer Institute. While the latter regards the individual Kichwa dialects as individual languages ​​and has even implemented individual complete translations of the Bible for the variants of Chimborazo and Imbabura , ECUARUNARI stands for a common written language . A uniform orthography was created for this purpose , Shukllachishka Kichwa (Quichua unificado) . This is used in the EIB ( Educación Intercultural Bilingüe , " Intercultural Bilingual Education "), which was included in the 1998 constitution of Ecuador due to pressure from the indigenous organizations - but only for the indigenous people and not for all Ecuadorians. Unlike in Peru, for example , the EIB is really the responsibility of the Indian ethnic groups, so that member organizations of ECUARUNARI or Kichwa communities were able to open their own schools with the EIB in many places. However, these schools do not yet exist nationwide.

Represented ethnic groups

Represented organizations

  • Imbabura : FICI - Federación de los pueblos Kichwa de la Sierra Norte del Ecuador - CHIJALLTA FICI (Karanki, Natabuela, Otavalos, Cayambi), Chairman: Manuel de la Torre
  • Pichincha : FPP - Pichincha Rikcharimuy (Cayambi, Kitu Kara), Chairman: Ramón Lanchimba
  • Cotopaxi : MICC - Movimiento Indígena y Campesino de Cotopaxi (Panzaleo), Chairman: Jorge Herrera
  • Tungurahua : MIT - Movimiento Indígena de Tungurahua (Salasaca, Chibuleo, Tomabela, Kisapincha), Chairman: Polibio Punina
  • Chimborazo : ME - Movimiento Indígena de Chimborazo (Puruhá), Chairman: Delfín Tenesaca
  • Bolívar : Fecab Brunari (Waranka), Chairman: Vicente Ninabanda
  • Cañar : UPCCC - Unión Provincial de Cooperativas y Comunidades de Cañar / Kañari Runakunapak Tantanakuy (Kañari), Chairman: Antonio Caizán
  • Azuay : UCIA (Kañari), Chairman: Carlos Carchi
  • Azuay : UNASAY (Kañari), Chairman: Manuel Montero
  • Loja : CORPUKIS - Corporación de pueblos kichwas de Saraguro / SAKIRTA - Saraguro Kichwa Runakunapak Jatun Tantanakuy (Saraguro), Chairman: Carlos Sarango
  • Zamora Chinchipe : ZAMASKIJAT (Saraguro), Chairman: Miguel Sarango
  • Esmeraldas : UOCE (Campesino y Afroecuatorianos), Chair: Mariana Solórzano
  • Carchi : CCM (Pasto), Chairman: Milton Carapaz

Web links

See also