EU summit December 2017

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The EU summit in December 2017 took place in Brussels from 14 to 15 December 2017 . It was chaired by EU Council President Donald Tusk .


For summit which started Permanent Structured Cooperation (engl. Pe rmanent S tructured Co operation - PESCO) in European defense policy. Other topics were binding asylum quotas, Brexit and EU reforms.

Asylum quota

Even in the run-up to the summit, Council President Donald Tusk caused outrage when he wrote to the summit participants that he believed that the idea of ​​a binding asylum quota was ineffective and divided the European Union . According to Germany , Austria and some other western and southern member states , this corresponded to the ideas of the Visegrad states in particular , which categorically rejected a binding quota for the acceptance of asylum seekers in the EU , with which the great burdens of Greece and Italy were to be reduced.


The EU and the UK had a week before the summit in the three main issues Finance, Ireland reached limit and civil rights in the foreign country an agreement. During the meeting, therefore, negotiations on the future relationship between the EU and Great Britain after a Brexit began .

Security and Defense Policy

In the field of defense policy , the so-called Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) was officially introduced with a ceremony, which is intended to support joint European projects and enable Europeans to act more coordinated in military matters. PESCO was also described by the German federal government as the first step on the way to a European defense union .

EU reforms

The French president Macron wanted to use the summit to agreements for a reform to achieve the EU's financial resources. Macron's goal was to provide the EU with a budget to support economically troubled member states. He also spoke out in favor of a joint budget and an EU finance minister. The German government reacted cautiously like the majority of the EU countries. An audit mandate was only issued on the banking union issue.

Individual evidence

  1. EU countries celebrate the start of the new Pesco Defense Union., December 14, 2017, accessed November 4, 2019 .
  2. Why is the refugee quota dispute breaking out again in the EU? The most important answers to the EU summit., December 14, 2017, accessed November 4, 2019 .
  3. EU summit in Brussels: Where's the solidarity? The eastern partners do not want to accept asylum seekers., December 14, 2017, accessed November 4, 2019 .
  4. a b The EU summit begins with a dispute., December 14, 2017, accessed November 4, 2019 .
  5. ^ EU summit in Brussels: dispute over refugee quotas divides EU members., December 15, 2017, accessed November 4, 2019 .
  6. a b EU summit The countries are still sticking together in the Brexit negotiations., December 15, 2017, accessed on November 4, 2019 .
  7. EU starts second phase of Brexit negotiations., December 15, 2017, accessed November 4, 2019 .
  8. Rejection of the extra sausage., December 15, 2017, accessed November 4, 2019 .
  9. EU has made a "good step" forward., December 15, 2017, accessed November 4, 2019 .
  10. Stronger together through "PESCO"., December 13, 2017, accessed November 4, 2019 .
  11. 23 EU states lay the foundation for a defense union. November 13, 2017, accessed November 4, 2019 .
  12. Macron urges reforms., December 15, 2017, accessed November 4, 2019 .
  13. How the EU makes Macron fidget. Refugee debate instead of euro reform., December 15, 2017, accessed November 4, 2019 .
  14. EU member states continue to argue about refugee policy., December 15, 2017, accessed November 4, 2019 .