Edict of Villers-Cotterêts

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Edict of Villers-Cotterêts
First page of the Edict of Villers-Cotterêts.

With the edict of Villers-Cotterêts ( French Ordonnance de Villers-Cotterêts ) of August 15, 1539 , King Francis I carried out an extensive reform of the judiciary and administration, including the French language ( langage maternel francoys ) in Article 111 sole document and administrative language in France. Up until this point in time, Latin was used in legal matters.

The edict is named after the place Villers-Cotterêts in Picardy , where it was issued.

Article 111

Original text translation
Art. 111. - Et pour ce que telles choses sont souventesfoys advenues sur l'intelligence des motz latins contenuz es dictz arretz. Nous voulons que doresenavant tous arretz ensemble toutes aultres procedeures, soient de nous cours souveraines ou aultres subalternes et inferieures, soient de registres, inquestes, contractz, commisions, sentences, testamens et aultres quelzconques pronouns actes et aultres quelzconques pronce dependent, so quienti exploictz dez ouienti ence , enregistrez et delivrez aux parties en langage maternel francoys et non aultrement. Art. 111. - And since many things have often happened due to the (lack of) understanding of the Latin words contained in the edicts, We want all edicts, together with other procedures - be they from princely courts or other subordinate ones or subordinated bodies, be it registers, inquiries, contracts, orders, records, wills and any other arbitrary - as well as acts and notarizations of the judicial power or related, in the future in French and no other pronounced, registered and sent to the various [dispute -] parties are to be handed over.

Article 51

Original text translation
Art. 51. - Aussi sera fait registres, en forme de preuve, des baptêmes, qui contiendront le temps et l'heure de le nativité, et par l'extrait dudict registre, se pourra prouver le temps de majorité ou minorité, et sera pleine foy à ceste fin. Art. 51. - In the future, an official baptismal register is to be created that contains the time and hour of the birth. An excerpt from the aforementioned register can prove when you have reached the age of majority.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Jacques Aldebert et al .: The European History Book , 4th edition, Klett-Cotta-Verlag, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-608-91855-8 , p. 27