Salary of honor

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Under Ehrensold refers to an appendage to a Merit in the form of money or material benefits. The honorary salary is usually granted for life. The pay is a term from the military system, from which the pay of active civil servants and other people grew over time . The pension of the German Federal President is also called honorary pay.

Federal President

The honorary pay for former Federal President of the Federal Republic of Germany is regulated in the law on the Federal President's pension:

"If the Federal President leaves his office at the end of his term of office or before for political or health reasons, he receives an honorary salary in the amount of the official remuneration with the exception of the expense allowances."

- Paragraph 1 of the Federal Preschool Act

The surviving dependents of a deceased Federal President receive the honorary salary for the three months following the month of death as a death benefit .

The current regulation was introduced in July 1959. Previously, federal presidents (like the Reich presidents in the Weimar Republic) would have received their full pay in the first three months after their departure, then 75% of the pay for one year, then until the end of their life the honorary salary, which corresponded to half of the pay. The new regulation was adopted at the end of the term of office of the first Federal President Theodor Heuss (1949-1959) in order to make a move to the Federal President's office more attractive for the aging Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer . However, Adenauer withdrew his candidacy and remained Federal Chancellor; nevertheless the change was decided by the Bundestag.

Local election officials

Bavarian mayors who exercise their office as voluntary municipal electoral officers are entitled to an honorary salary after their departure:

"A mayor can be granted honorary pay for the period after his departure if he does not receive any benefits from this activity apart from a transitional allowance, has held office in the same municipality for at least ten years (...) and has either reached the age of sixty or is incapacitated. Honorary pay is to be granted to a first mayor if he has held the office of first mayor in the same municipality for at least twelve years or leaves this office after at least ten years due to incapacity and if the other requirements of sentence 1 are met. "

- Art. 138 KWBG

Insofar as honorary pay is drawn, this amounts to one third of the last compensation drawn, but a maximum of 732.24 euros per month. Similar regulations apply to the elected deputy of the district administrator and the district assembly president.

Since 1972, Rhineland-Palatinate has had a "state law on the payment of honorary wages to former honorary mayors , councilors and local administrators (honorary wages law)."


An honorary salary was paid in the Federal Republic of Germany to certain medal holders from the time of the Empire . The former § 11 of the law on titles, medals and decorations from 1957 regulated that bearers of one of the highest German war awards of the First World War named in a “decree on honorary pay” of 1939 receive an honorary salary of 50 DM . The entire regulation has since been repealed as irrelevant (due to the death of the last beneficiary). The last recipient of Ehrensold as the last holder of the military order Pour le Mérite was Ernst Jünger, who died in 1998 .

The following awards were listed in the 1939 decree:

The honorary salary was not subject to income tax and should not be counted as income when calculating social assistance , old-age pension , etc.

French Legion of Honor

Winners of the French Order of Merit, Ordre nationel de la légion d'honneur, receive a symbolic honorary salary of € 6.10 to € 36.59 per year for civilians and € 4.57 per year for members of the military.


From the German artist help an honorarium mentioned support is paid.

Individual evidence

  1. Legal regulation in the Weimar Republic, which never came into use because both Ebert and Hindenburg died in office.
  2. a b Severin Weiland: My honorarium, my car, my office. In: Spiegel Online . March 2, 2012, Retrieved March 5, 2012 .
  3. Lutz Polanz, Sandra Schmidt: Thanks to Adenauer: How the honorary pay became honorary gold. (PDF; 65 kB) In: Monitor (TV magazine) . March 1, 2012, accessed March 5, 2012 .
  4. Law on Local Election Officials
  5. [1]
  6. Droits et devoirs you décoré website of the French Legion of Honor, accessed on July 26, 2016

Web links

Wiktionary: Ehrensold  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations