One day makes history - April 30, 1945

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Television series
Original title One day makes history
Country of production Germany
original language German
Year (s) 2011
length 30 or 60 minutes
Episodes 14th
genre documentation
idea Michael Kloft
Frank Hoffmann
production Alexander Kluge (dctp)
Michael Kloft (Spiegel TV)
First broadcast April 30, 2011 on VOX

One day makes history - April 30, 1945 is a fourteen-part documentary series by Michael Kloft , produced by Alexander Kluge's company dctp in cooperation with Spiegel TV , about the course of April 30, 1945 and the last hours in the life of Adolf Hitler . The series produced in 2011 was broadcast for the first time on the 66th anniversary of Hitler's death on April 30, 2011. All fourteen parts were shown for the first time in succession on the private broadcaster VOX as part of this theme day.


The series shows the course of April 30, 1945 in fourteen half-hour or one-hour parts. First, the most important events of the following hour are presented in hourly protocols, followed by reports from contemporary witnesses, film recordings or diary lectures. While the fighting is still going on in Berlin, for example, shops are already reopening in Aachen, which is occupied by the Allies. Among other things, the liberation of the Sandbostel concentration camp near Bremervörde and the suicide of Adolf Hitler and his wife Eva are discussed.


The series works without an actor. The hourly minutes at the beginning of each episode are read out by Spiegel TV presenter Maria Gresz . The documentary contributions to the show are all authentic. Among other things, tapes can be heard that were recorded during the interrogation of Hitler's adjutant Otto Günsch and his valet Heinz Linge in 1956, when both were interrogated by the Munich public prosecutor. In addition, a protocol of an interrogation by Hitler's secretary Traudl Junge was used for the first time for this production , which US investigators had carried out with her in 1946 and which was only published in 2010. The diary quotes are presented by actors.


At the beginning of each episode there is a ten-minute summary of the events of the following hour, which is read out by Spiegel TV presenter Maria Gresz . Contemporary witnesses will then have their say, and unpublished images and films will also be shown showing the respective events.

The idea for this documentation came from Alexander Kluge and Vox managing director Frank Hoffmann. Both developed the idea for a twelve-hour documentary from a four-hour contribution by the company dctp . On the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 , a twelve-hour documentary entitled One day writes history - September 11, 2011 was broadcast.


  1. Hour protocol 12:00 noon , Germany on April 30, 1945
  2. Minutes of the hour 1:00 p.m. , brutality in stone - the party convention grounds in Nuremberg
  3. Minutes of the hour 2:00 p.m. , Hitler's mountain - the power center in the Alps
  4. Hourly minutes 2:30 p.m. , Eva Braun - The dictator's mistress
  5. Hour protocol 3:00 p.m. , Hitler's will - an analysis
  6. Hour protocol 3:30 p.m. , Hitler's suicide - a reconstruction
  7. Hour protocol 4:00 p.m. , Where is Hitler? - Hot tracks in the Cold War
  8. Minutes of the hour 5:00 p.m. , Joseph Goebbels - seducer in the service of Hitler
  9. Hour protocol 6 p.m. , decision to go to war - the summer of 1939
  10. Minutes of the hour 19:00 , film star Hitler - The Dictator and the Dream Factory
  11. Hour log 8:00 p.m. , Hitler's death: The bunker
  12. Hour protocol 9:00 p.m. , Hitler's death: The will
  13. Hourly minutes 10:00 p.m. , Hitler's death: The suicide
  14. Hourly protocol 11 p.m. , Hitler's death: The surrender

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