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The electroejaculation (also transrectal electroejaculation ) is a method for the production of sperm in the Human - and Veterinary Medicine . Various nerves that are responsible for triggering ejaculation are stimulated with an electrical probe inserted into the anus .


Electroejaculation enables sperm to be obtained from men who are unable to ejaculate in the conventional way due to anejaculation or anorgasmia . If the quality of the sperm obtained is sufficient, it can then be used for artificial insemination .

Another special indication is the collection of sperm for cryopreservation in young cancer patients in adolescence before the initiation of radiation or chemotherapy if the semen cannot be obtained naturally through masturbation . Since the fertility can be impaired by cancer therapy, artificial insemination is possible with the sperm obtained in this way in the event of a later desire for children.

In veterinary medicine and animal breeding , electroejaculation is mainly used to obtain semen from mammals when other methods, such as natural mating or the use of an artificial vagina, are impossible or not feasible with reasonable effort due to the circumstances.

The engagement

In the course of history, different variants of electroejaculation have been tried out, some of which differed considerably in the type, number and positioning of the electrodes used , the electrical voltage , the frequency and the duration of the stimulation. The currently most effective method has been transrectal electroejaculation according to Dr. Stephen WJ Seager prevailed.

In Seager's electroejaculation, a probe with two or three electrodes is inserted into the anus so that the electrodes come to rest on the intestinal wall in the prostate area . The electrical stimulation then takes place with an alternating voltage in the range of 5 to 30 volts (usually 6–12 volts) and a current strength of up to approx. 500 milliamperes . Usually, the stimulation takes place in several cycles of a few seconds, with the tension increasing with each cycle until ejaculate flows from the urethra . The entire procedure takes an average of 5 minutes; If the stimulation is carried out with a higher voltage right from the start, semen can be released after just a few seconds.

Occasionally, electroejaculation results in complete or partial retrograde ejaculation , in which semen is expelled backwards into the urinary bladder . For this reason, the urinary bladder is emptied using a urinary catheter and filled with a special fluid before the procedure . If there is no visible discharge of semen despite multiple stimulation, the fluid is removed from the urinary bladder and checked for existing sperm.

Electroejaculation is very painful and for this reason is usually performed under general or regional anesthesia. In patients who have no pain perception in the abdomen due to paraplegia , the procedure can also be carried out without anesthesia. During the stimulation there are usually strong cramps and twitches of the buttocks, legs and feet. The cramping of certain muscles is sometimes taken as a sign of the correct position of the electrode.

In patients suffering from complete or incomplete paraplegia, electroejaculation can lead to autonomic dysreflexia with a sharp rise in blood pressure , which can be counteracted with appropriate medication.

Differentiation from erotic electrical stimulation

Erotic electrical stimulation is a sexual practice that uses electricity for sexual stimulation. Electroejaculation and erotic electrical stimulation differ significantly from each other, both in the way they are carried out and in the mode of action. With erotic electrical stimulation, different areas of the sexual organs, such as the penis , scrotum , anus or perineum , are stimulated with special electrical stimulation devices that repeatedly emit short impulses (a few milliseconds) with high voltage but very low current. If the stimulation is perceived as pleasurable and sexually arousing, this can lead to an orgasm and thus to ejaculation, which, however, does not differ in terms of the physiological processes in the body from an ordinary sperm effusion in other sexual practices, whereby the orgasm is certainly particularly intense for some people is experienced.

In contrast, electroejaculation uses very high currents with a pulse duration of several seconds. The direct, strong stimulation of the relevant nerves leads to a purely mechanical triggering of the ejaculation reflex. There is no sexual pleasure. Depending on the position of the electrode, an erection can occasionally occur, but this is not important for the success of the procedure.


While electroejaculation in humans is almost always performed under anesthesia or regional anesthesia due to the painfulness, the procedure in breeding animals is often performed without any form of anesthesia. Although this is already prohibited by law in many countries, it is still permitted and common practice in some countries. In addition, electroejaculation is often used without a compelling indication because it is quicker and easier to carry out than other methods of semen collection that are less stressful for the animal. Animal rights activists criticize the fact that the animals are exposed to unnecessary suffering and demand a ban on electroejaculation without prior anesthesia of the animal.


  1. ^ Male infertility in cancer patient. Retrieved September 8, 2014 .
  2. Semen production in adolescent cancer patients. Retrieved September 8, 2014 .
  3. John P. Mulhall, Peter N. Schlegel (Ed.): Fertility Preservation in Male Cancer Patients . 1st edition. Cambridge University Press, 2013, ISBN 978-1-107-01212-7 , pp. 243-247 .
  4. New advances in the electroejaculation of the bull. Retrieved September 8, 2014 .
  5. ^ Paralyzed man hopes for a family: New procedure may help with pregnancy. Retrieved September 8, 2014 .
  6. Electroejaculation in neurogenic sexual dysfunction. Retrieved September 8, 2014 .
  7. ^ Electroejaculation: its technique, neurological implications and uses. Retrieved September 8, 2014 .
  8. Ri-Cheng Chian, Patrick Quinn (Ed.): Fertility Cryopreservation . 1st edition. Cambridge University Press, 2010, ISBN 978-0-521-51778-2 , pp. 48-49 .
  9. ^ Electroejaculation: a welfare issue? Retrieved September 8, 2014 .
  10. ^ Male Sexuality and Fertility. Retrieved September 8, 2014 .
  11. ^ Actions for Animals - Ban Electroejaculation of Bulls in Canada. Retrieved September 8, 2014 .