Erec et Enide

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Erec et Enide (Eng. Erec ) by Chrétien de Troyes is a story from Arthurian epic , written around 1160.

Erec and Enide about 7000 includes verses and is Chrétiens first Artus -novel based on the Artussage Celtic origin on the historical film of the fighting between the Celts and the Saxon invaders. Shortly afterwards, the material was adapted by Hartmann von Aue in the Erec of the same name and thus developed its European effect. Erec and Enide tells the story of the Arthurian knight Erec, who in his first aventure his wife Enide freed (→ Sperber fight ) and then with this faithless lives. Only in a second adventure does Erec regain the right to sit at Arthur's table.

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