Erika Steinbach

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Erika Steinbach (2014)

Erika Steinbach (* 25. July 1943 as Erika Hermann in Rumia , Danzig-West Prussia ; today Rumia , Pomorskie , Poland ) is a German politician (from 1974 to January 2017 CDU , independent since 2017). From 1990 to 2017 she was a member of the German Bundestag and from 1998 to November 2014 President of the Federation of Expellees (BdV). She was the spokesperson for human rights and humanitarian aid for the CDU / CSU parliamentary group and was a member of the parliamentary group's executive committee. At least in 1993 she was spokeswoman for civil protection in her group.

On January 15, 2017, she resigned from the CDU and its parliamentary group and became a non-attached MP . One of the reasons she gave was the lack of German refugee policy in her view . In the 2017 federal election , she supported the AfD without being a member of the party. In March 2018 Steinbach became chairwoman of the Desiderius Erasmus Foundation , which was founded by the AfD in 2017 and was recognized as a party-affiliated foundation in June 2018 .


Origin and Flight

Erika Steinbach is the daughter of the Hessian Hanau -born electrical engineer Wilhelm Karl Hermann, who in 1941 as a sergeant of the Air Force in the 1939 from the German Reich occupied Rumia / Rahmel was ordered and in February 1945 from there into Soviet captivity came. Her mother, Erika Hermann née Grote, came from Bremen , grew up in Berlin and came to Rumia / Rahmel as an air force helper in 1943 , where she gave birth to two daughters. According to Steinbach, one of her grandfathers was a communist in a concentration camp . According to the birth certificate, “Rahmel Air Base No. 102” is Erika Hermann's place of birth. In January 1945 her mother fled with the 18-month-old Erika and the three-month-old second daughter from the Red Army across the Baltic Sea to Schleswig-Holstein , where the family lived on farms in Kleinjörl , Großjörl and Stieglund until 1948 . The family lived in Berlin from 1948 to 1950, after which Erika Steinbach grew up in Hanau. Her father came back from Soviet captivity in 1950.

education and profession

After attending elementary school and a grammar school , Steinbach worked as an employee in Hanau. She devoted herself to studying the violin privately and played in professional orchestras. Steinbach acquired the academic degree of Diplomverwaltungswirtin (FH) in 1970 as part of a dual course of study that included attending a university of applied sciences for public administration and integrated practical blocks at the municipal data center in Frankfurt am Main . From 1974 to 1977 she was a computer scientist project manager for the automation of the libraries in Hessen .

Party career

Steinbach on a CDU poster for the 1994 European elections

Steinbach became a member of the CDU in 1974 , where, as Der Spiegel reported, she quickly made a career as Alfred Dregger's foster daughter and made a name for herself “on the right wing” of the party. Until the end of 2009 she was deputy chairman of the East and Central German Association in the CDU and, since 2012, a member of the Berlin Circle , an informal CDU-internal conservative group of modernization and Merkel skeptics.

Steinbach resigned from the CDU on January 15, 2017. She justified her step in a five-page declaration with the policy of Chancellor Angela Merkel, particularly in relation to the refugee crisis and her decision, “not only to allow more than a million migrants to enter Germany for months without being controlled and unchecked, but also to allow them to come here by buses and trains to transport ”, although many came from a safe country of origin and“ practically all ”entered via other EU countries.


She was married to the conductor Helmut Steinbach from 1972 until his death in January 2019 . For this reason it was previously known as Steinbach-Hermann.

Steinbach resigned from the Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau in 2003 on the grounds that "the Evangelical Church behaves in parts like a substitute party instead of providing security and orientation in faith" and "rather flat and bluntly secular politics" operate. She switched to the old confessional independent Evangelical Lutheran Church .

Public offices and mandates

From 1977 to 1990 she was city ​​councilor and parliamentary group assistant of the CDU city ​​council group in Frankfurt am Main.

In 1990 she was elected to the German Bundestag for the first time by direct mandate in the constituency of Frankfurt am Main III .

Steinbach was a member of the Bundestag - Committee on Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid , and substitute member of the Committee for Culture and Media and the Civil Liberties Committee and, since November 2005 until her resignation Chair of the Working Group on Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group. She also sat on the ZDF television council between 2000 and 2016 . In 2002 she missed a direct mandate and entered the Bundestag via the state list . In the 18th Bundestag Steinbach was again a full member of the Interior Committee . In the summer of 2015, Steinbach announced that he would no longer run for the 2017 federal election.

On January 15, 2017 Steinbach resigned from the CDU and the CDU / CSU parliamentary group and became non-attached .

On February 12, 2017, she was a member of the 16th Federal Assembly for the election of the Federal President as a non-attached member of the German Bundestag; but she was missing excused.

Political commitment

IDP organizations

Steinbach was a member of the federal board of the Landsmannschaft West Prussia . She has been a member of the Federation of Displaced Persons (BdV) since 1994 and has been its president since May 2, 1998. She was last confirmed as BdV President in 2012 by the BdV Federal Assembly with 97.5% of the votes. In November 2014, she no longer stood for the new presidium elections.

She is chairman of the “ Center against Expulsions ” foundation established by the BdV in 2000, together with him until Peter Glotz's death in 2005. She chairs the jury for the award of the Franz Werfel Human Rights Prize by the Center against Expulsion. The prize has been awarded since 2003.

Steinbach wrote about the background of her commitment to the BdV and a central memorial site for the displaced in her book Die Macht der Demokratie ( The Power of Memory) , which appeared in 2010.

Compensation claims

In 2004 Steinbach proposed a domestic regulation for the compensation claims of the displaced in order to end the foreign policy conflict. The proposal met with resistance in the presidium of the BdV. She accused the red-green federal government of referring displaced persons to Poland in response to displaced persons and asserting their rights there, while at the same time publicly contesting legal claims in Germany. She continued to pursue the line of domestic regulation. Together with the BdV Presidium, Steinbach distanced itself from the compensation claims of the Prussian Treuhand , whose action the European Court of Human Rights rejected in October 2008 .


In 1991 Steinbach voted against the recognition of the Oder-Neisse border in the Bundestag . She was one of 13 members of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group who, when voting on the German-Polish border treaty, gave an explanation as to why they could not agree. In particular, questions of property and assets remained open. She justified her vote at the time with the statement: “You cannot vote for a treaty that separates part of our homeland.” In 1991 she approved the German-Polish treaty on good neighborliness .

In her lecture at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw on October 20, 1999, she emphasized the cultural similarities between Germans and Poles and promoted an open dialogue. At the same time, she recalled the appeal of the Polish bishops to their German ministerial brothers for reconciliation and their statement "we forgive and ask for forgiveness" in November 1965. The event of the BdV, which on Steinbach's initiative on July 19, 2004 in the French Friedrichstadtkirche in Berlin held a commemorative event on the 60th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising with the motto “Empathy - the way to get together”, in which Erika Steinbach Cardinal Karl Lehmann , Ralph Giordano , Hans Maier and Bogdan Musiał participated, met with rejection in Poland and with the Polish historian Władysław Bartoszewski even outraged. The Polish reaction to the exhibition of the Center against Expulsions “Forced Paths” in 2006 in the Kronprinzenpalais in Berlin was similar . For the first time in Germany, the expulsion of Poles was publicly remembered. In a survey carried out by the Rzeczpospolita as to which person causes the most fear among Poles, Erika Steinbach was named by 38% of those questioned and thus came in second; Only Vladimir Putin would trigger more fears with 56%.

Steinbach said in 2007 about the government of Kaczyński : "The parties that govern Poland are comparable to the German parties Republicans , DVU and NPD ". From the Polish perspective, this reinforced the impression that Steinbach was playing down National Socialism . It was repeatedly subject Steinbach also Polish satire, as in the case of a reprinted in Germany photomontage of the Polish news magazine Wprost , which they in SS uniform on Chancellor Gerhard Schröder is riding. The website and leaflets of the association Powiernictwo polskie (“Polish Treuhand”) showed Erika Steinbach in 2007 in a row with an officer of the Waffen SS and a knight of the Teutonic Order , supplemented with a quote from Hitler . The Polish association was forbidden by all German courts to further publish this defamation .

Czech Republic

In 1997, Steinbach described the German-Czech declaration of reconciliation as “a final declaration”, which means that anti-human rights laws are still valid.

In 1999 she emphasized to students at Charles University in Prague that through the centuries Germans and Czechs have been more united than divided and that against this background it must be possible today to overcome the shadows of the past.

In 2003 they recorded together with Peter Glotz , the Czech Youth Initiative for the "Cross of Reconciliation" in Czech Teplice nad Metují (German Weckelsdorf ) and the Mayor Vera Vitova with the Franz Werfel Human Rights Award for the commitment from where murdered Sudeten Germans "and all victims of national conflicts in this region [to be remembered] and for a courageous sign of the dialogue between Germans and Czechs ”. In November 2010, the Czech filmmaker David Vondráček received the Franz Werfel Human Rights Award from Steinbach's hand for his controversial film Killing the Czech Way . At both awards, Steinbach pointed out the “necessity of German-Czech truthfulness”.

Eastern expansion of the EU

In 1998, at a Pomeranian meeting in Greifswald , Steinbach demanded that EU expansion to the east should not take place “without healing the injustice of the displaced”. When this was imminent in 2003, she regretted in a press statement on the vote of the European Parliament that Europe had failed to “warn and enforce the cure for the consequences of human rights violations” vis-à-vis the respective accession countries, especially the Czech Republic. Nevertheless, in 2004 she voted for the admission of those countries to the European Union and concluded with the remark “The people of our neighboring countries are very welcome”.


In September 2008, she expressed, after the Second World War, the Germans were, for example, in Yugoslavia a genocide have been exposed. In several publications Steinbach pointed out that - in cooperation of post-Yugoslav governments with the compatriot of Danube Swabians  - large memorial institutions could be inaugurated at the mass graves.

Center against evictions

One of Steinbach's political goals is to set up a center against expulsions in Berlin, which will also be dedicated to the fate of the German expellees . She was (until August 2005 together with Peter Glotz ) the chairman of the foundation established for this purpose in September 2000 . In 2018 she handed over the office to Christean Wagner .

Foundation for Flight, Displacement, Reconciliation

In February 2009, the Association of Displaced Persons proposed, along with two other representatives, Erika Steinbach for a seat on the Advisory Board of the Flight, Expulsion, and Reconciliation Foundation . This foundation is to initiate a documentation center of the Federal Republic of Germany with the working title Visible Sign . Steinbach's nomination was politically controversial; it was criticized primarily from the Polish side. The SPD and opposition parties in Germany spoke out against Steinbach's participation in the foundation's advisory board. On March 4, 2009, the BdV withdrew Steinbach's nomination: they wanted to “dissolve the blockade that was not caused by us [and] not be the cheap pretext for not implementing the foundation law and so the foundation in the last few meters to prevent". The Presidium of the BdV announced that it would not name any other representative to replace Steinbach: "It demonstratively wants to leave this position vacant in order to make it clear that its original right of appointment cannot be dictated by anyone," it said in a statement by the BdV . The German federal government made it clear that the association of expellees has the right to a list of proposals, but that the advisory board members are not appointed by it, but by the cabinet . This is how it is laid down in the law establishing the “German Historical Museum” (DHMG) foundation . After the change in the governing coalition in 2009, Steinbach was again brought up for a seat on the advisory board; In February 2010, however, Steinbach finally renounced it. The Bundestag will decide on the composition of the Advisory Board.

Doubts about "displacement"

Her commitment to the displaced is rated critically in connection with her place of birth: In an article in the Polish daily Rzeczpospolita she was portrayed as a “false displaced person”. Her parents were not at home in the Reichsgau Gdansk-West Prussia , where she was born, but only moved there from West Germany after its annexation, which was contrary to international law, in the Second World War. Steinbach is consequently not displaced from his home country . She commented on this by stating that “you don't have to be a whale to stand up for whales”. The Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said of her: "[...] with Hitler came to our country and Hitler had to go again."

Accusation of relativizing Nazi crimes

The historian and journalist Erich Später sees Steinbach's policy on expellees as an attempt to relativize the crimes of the Nazi era by focusing on the German expellees: the center against expulsions under the leadership of the BdV should "manifest the view of the German right." He later criticized Steinbach's “achievement” for having “aligned the discourse of German rights with the international human rights debate”. Due to Steinbach's commitment, the expellees would appear “now [as] victims of world history, of inhuman regimes, of a policy of expulsion that has been going on for thousands of years”. The Second World War was "one event among many in a chain of world-historical fatalities". "The mass murder of the Jews" is sinking "in the sea of ​​history." In this context, the administrative scientist Jochen Franzke took the view that Steinbach pursued "reconciliation as a missionary ego trip" and represented "the 'modern' historical-political revisionism", "with the below the 20th century should be turned from the age of totalitarianism into an era of expulsions ”.

The journalist, writer and director Ralph Giordano in a contribution from February 2009:

“A personal word on the German-Polish dispute over the Advisory Board of the 'Escape, Expulsion, Reconciliation Foundation': Anyone who calls Erika Steinbach a revanchist in this context is character assassination! More than once she has called the displaced persons 'victims of Hitler's policy' who had 'opened Pandora's box'; she has unmistakably distanced herself from the indeed revanchist legal advisory firm 'Preußische Treuhand' and expressly emphasized that the Association of Expellees (BdV) no longer makes any demands on Poland. It was she who rejected the equation of displacement and the Holocaust and called the genocide of the Jews in German-occupied Europe during World War II what it is: a singular crime. And it was she who was responsible for the first exhibition on the fate of the Polish displaced persons. "

At a meeting of the CDU board on September 9, 2010, Minister of State for Culture Bernd Neumann distanced himself from statements by BdV officials Arnold Tölg and Hartmut Saenger . In January 2000, in an interview with Junge Freiheit , Tölg said that “the countries that are making the most massive demands against us” have enough “filth on their hands”; Saenger had published an article in the Pommerschen Zeitung in August 2009 in which he accused Poland of having been “particularly belligerent” after the First World War and for having threatened Germany “even with war” in the Danzig conflict . On the occasion of Tölg and Saenger's acceptance as deputy members of the Foundation Board of Flight, Expulsion, Reconciliation , the Mannheim historian Peter Steinbach criticized both of them trying to relativize German crimes and advocating theses “which, above all, are common within a right historical perspective would be “. The general secretary of the Central Council of Jews , Stephan Kramer , accused Tölg and Saenger in a letter to Neumann of "revanchist positions" and announced that he would suspend his membership in the foundation council.

Erika Steinbach is said to have defended the two functionaries and argued that Poland mobilized as early as March 1939 . This remark was taken as a relativization of the German attack on Poland and the German war guilt in the Second World War and sparked outrage at the meeting. The deputy chairman of the parliamentary group, Andreas Schockenhoff, described the statements as "absurd" and "a misunderstanding of history ". Steinbach rejected the allegations, but announced that she would withdraw from the CDU executive committee because she no longer had any support in the party and no open debates were possible.

Support the AfD

After the success of the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) in the 2014 European elections , Steinbach said that, according to her observations, this party was “a constitutional, democratic grouping and thus our competitor as well as our possible partner.” Your CDU party colleagues spoke out against such a coalition out. After leaving the CDU, Steinbach said that she was currently not going to switch to the AfD, but hoped that the AfD would move into the Bundestag so that “there would finally be an opposition there again”.

In July 2017 she wrote the column “Why we need a real opposition again” in the AfD-affiliated weekly magazine Deutschland-Kurier , but excluded membership in the AfD. In September 2017, she gave an almost one-hour speech at the AfD election campaign evening in Pforzheim . According to his own statements, David Bendels financed newspaper advertisements in which Steinbach called in 2017 to vote for the AfD.

In 2018 she was elected chairman of the Desiderius Erasmus Foundation , which was founded by the AfD in 2015 and recognized as an official party-affiliated foundation in 2018 .

On the refugee crisis since 2015

On November 10, 2015, she tweeted about the death of Helmut Schmidt, his quote "We can no longer digest foreigners, that leads to murder and manslaughter" from a DGB event in 1981. This led to outraged media reactions.

A picture published on her Twitter account on February 27, 2016, showing an Australian boy with blond hair and surrounded by Indian orphans under the title “Germany 2030” , once again sparked outrage in social networks and in politics. Steinbach defended himself by saying that “they are friendly Indians who look at the child with curiosity and interest” and emphasized that there is already a large proportion of “non-German populations” in large cities. According to an analysis by the Rheinische Post, the picture has been circulating as a meme on right-wing extremist websites for years and came from a visit to an Australian family in a children's home in India. Both the parents of the boy pictured and the director of the children's home were outraged about the later use of the motif from 2011.

In November 2017, she also tweeted disparagingly about an advertising poster from the city of Elmshorn that had been in use since 2011 and showed a girl of color.

Immediately before she left the CDU in 2017, Steinbach accused the federal government of an intentional legal violation:

“The fact that unidentified people were taken across the border on buses and trains for months was not an exception, but a deliberate measure contrary to our legal regulations and EU treaties. (...) At the Federal Office for Migration , thousands of passports have been identified as forged without the legally envisaged consequences for the respective migrants having been drawn. No federal authority dares to ignore our law in this way at its own risk. There is a political will behind it. Past the right. "

After the killing offense in Frankfurt's main train station in 2019 , in which an allegedly mentally ill Eritrean man had pushed an eight-year-old and his mother in front of an incoming ICE and the child was killed in the process, Steinbach claimed that only because of Merkel's migration policy "the murder of the 8 Year old boys and many others before “could have happened. However, the alleged perpetrator did not come to Germany as a refugee in 2015, but had lived in Switzerland since 2006.

Participation in the smear campaign against Walter Lübcke

In June 2019 it was reported that Steinbach had contributed to the spread of a smear campaign against the Kassel district president Walter Lübcke by sharing posts by other social media users on statements made by Lübcke several years old. The aim of these contributions was to raise the mood against Lübcke. In addition, Steinbach did not delete comments directed against Lübcke, including death threats , on her Facebook account. The former CDU general secretary and Hessian member of the Bundestag Peter Tauber said: “Erika Steinbach, once a woman with education and style, demonstrates this self-radicalization every day on Twitter . Like the Höckes , Ottes and Weidels , she is complicit in the death of Walter Lübcke through a language that uninhibits and leads to violence. ”Steinbach, for his part, raised allegations against the CDU. She said that political forces were in a panic in view of the upcoming state elections in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg and wanted to stigmatize AfD supporters and silence them. On Deutschlandfunk , she admitted that the tweet had drawn a lot of hateful and “extreme” comments. She is not responsible for the reactions: “The person who makes a comment is always responsible.” A few days later, Tauber responded to Steinbach's rejection of responsibility and wrote directly to Steinbach on Twitter: “There is no action for which nobody is responsible . Has Bismarck said. In this sense, you are of course responsible for the consequences and reactions to your agitation against Walter Lübcke. You are partly to blame for his death. ”Shortly thereafter, he added, among other things:“ And even worse is that you knew him and you know what an upright and fine guy he was. ”The CDU politician Michael Brand wrote about Steinbach In an open letter addressed to AfD politician Martin Hohmann (ex-CDU), he had "observed with regret, incomprehension and later also with clear rejection the self-radicalization of a woman who once felt obliged to the victims of discrimination, violence and displacement . What has become of Erika Steinbach and you (= Hohmann) that you make yourself available as a projection surface and platform for agitation, even calls for murder? "

Against equality of homosexual and heterosexual partnerships

Steinbach turned against a family law equality of homosexual and heterosexual partnerships several times. Steinbach rejects equal taxation of registered civil partnerships of homosexual couples with marriage.

Other memberships and honorary positions

Steinbach has been a member of the German-Israeli Society since 1985 and a member of Lebenshilfe for the mentally handicapped since 1986 . From 1987 to 1997 Steinbach was the patron of the Frankfurt group of the Women's International Zionist Organization . With the two other patrons of the SPD and FDP , she demonstrated in 1985 against the premiere of the Fassbinder play Der Müll, die Stadt und der Tod . Furthermore, she is represented on the voluntary council of the Committee of the Memorial and Reconciliation Hill in Oświęcim (Auschwitz).



Web links

Commons : Erika Steinbach  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Press release: Dr. Bernd Fabritius elected as the new BdV President ( Memento from February 6, 2015 in the Internet Archive )
  2. ^ Board of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group in the German Bundestag ; Overview of working groups of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group in the German Bundestag ; Working group on human rights and humanitarian aid
  3. Interview with Erika Steinbach-Hermann. In: Civil Protection - Magazine for Civil Protection and Disaster Protection No. 5/93, pp. 9-14. Published on behalf of the Federal Ministry of the Interior by the Federal Association for Self-Protection, Deutschherrenstrasse 93-95, 5300 Bonn 2, published by the Federal Association for Self-Protection, 1993, accessed on February 28, 2020 (d).
  4. ^ A b c d Robin Alexander : Leaving the party: Erika Steinbach leaves the CDU and accuses Merkel of breaking the law . In: The world . January 14, 2017
  5. ^ German Bundestag - Steinbach, Erika . In: German Bundestag . ( [accessed July 2, 2017]).
  6. Erika Steinbach is campaigning for the AfD ( Memento from September 14, 2017 in the Internet Archive )
  7. a b Erika Steinbach new chairwoman of the AfD-related foundation. In: ( Frankfurter Rundschau ). March 4, 2018, accessed March 4, 2018 .
  8. Philip Eppelsheim: Erika Steinbach: Just don't be a follower , Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, September 19, 2017
  9. Gerhard Gnauck : Poland gives Erika Steinbach the cold shoulder. In: Die Welt , May 23, 2011.
  10. Jochen Arntz: Memories of the end of the war. In: Frankfurter Rundschau . May 8, 2015, accessed May 12, 2015 .
  11. a b Jan Friedmann: Displaced persons: Persistent and provocative . In: Der Spiegel . No. 47 , 2007, p. 6061 ( online ).
  12. Thorsten Denkler: Conservatives in the Union - Five that go round in circles . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . November 2, 2012.
  13. Steinbach: Merkel has "massively damaged" Germany . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . 15th January 2016.
  14. Erika Steinbach ( memento from December 20, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) at Retrieved March 29, 2013
  15. Frankfurter Rundschau of January 3, 2003, p. 25.
  16. ^ Members of the Interior Committee - 18th Bundestag ( memento from September 24, 2014 in the Internet Archive ), Bundestag Online, accessed on September 18, 2014
  17. [1] Erika Steinbach ended political career in 2017 in Die Zeit on August 7, 2015
  18. Severin Weiland: Erika Steinbach on leaving the parliamentary group: "So the CDU is now liberated from me". In: Spiegel Online . January 17, 2017, accessed June 9, 2018 .
  19. ↑ Election of the Federal President by the 16th Federal Assembly, accessed on February 17, 2017.
  20. Erika Steinbach - Association of Expellees ( Memento from February 5, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF)
  21. Die Pommersche Zeitung , No. 47/2012, p. 1.
  22. ^ Website of the Center against Expulsions ( Memento of April 30, 2004 in the Internet Archive )
  23. ^ Website of the Center against Expulsion: Jury Franz Werfel Human Rights Prize ( Memento from April 30, 2004 in the Internet Archive )
  24. ^ Website of the Center against Expulsions: Franz Werfel Human Rights Prize ( Memento from April 23, 2004 in the Internet Archive )
  25. Erika Steinbach: The Power of Memory , Vienna 2010.
  26. BdV press release of August 6, 2004, The President of the Federation of Displaced Persons Erika Steinbach MdB declares before the Federal Press Conference in Berlin on August 6, 2004 ( Memento of October 5, 2007 in the Internet Archive ); BdV press release of August 2, 2004, on the speech of Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schröder in Warsaw, the President of the Association of Expellees, Erika Steinbach MdB ( Memento of November 13, 2011 in the Internet Archive ); BdV press release of November 10, 2004, courtesy report cannot replace a political solution ( memento of November 13, 2011 in the Internet Archive ); German Eastern Service. News magazine of the Association of Expellees. Special edition for the Day of Homeland 2004, “Conducting a Dialogue - Shaping Europe”, p. 10.
  27. a b Konrad Schuller : Warsaw's Escape Forward. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , February 19, 2009.
  28. ^ Daniel Brössler : Coalition argues over Steinbach. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , February 17, 2010.
  29. Oliver Hinz: Anti-German tones in Warsaw. In: Die Welt , August 19, 2006.
  30. a b Stefan Dietrich: Mrs. Steinbach's offense. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , March 10, 2009.
  31. a b Radio Berlin-Brandenburg, Erika Steinbach . Retrieved March 6, 2010.
  32. Minutes of the plenary session of the German Bundestag, 12th electoral term, 50th session, Bonn, October 17, 1991, p. 4199 f., Declaration in accordance with Section 31 of the Rules of Procedure of the German Bundestag on the EU Accession Treaty Act of September 18, 2003 ( Federal Law Gazette 2003 II P. 1408) on joining the European Union on July 3, 2003.
  33. Erika Steinbach: The Power of Memory , pp. 140 ff.
  34. German Ostdienst. News magazine of the Association of Expellees. No. 8/2004, p. 5.
  35. Severin Weiland: On a thin line. In: Spiegel Online , August 10, 2006.
  36. Jens Jessen : The complicity of the victims. In: Die Zeit , February 28, 2007.
  37. Steinbach and Putin scare Poland. In: Spiegel Online , March 30, 2009.
  38. Peter Carstens: Recognition through renunciation. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , March 4, 2009.
  39. Severin Weiland: Nazi comparison outraged Union. In: Spiegel Online , September 18, 2003.
  40. ( Memento of October 5, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF) p. 32.
  41. ^ Ansgar Graw : Defamatory montages before expellees day. In: Die Welt , August 18, 2007.
  42. Regional Court Cologne, Az. 28 O 42/07 of April 16, 2008; Higher Regional Court of Cologne, Az. 15 U 93/08 of December 23, 2008; Federal Court of Justice, Az. VI ZR 16/09 of June 22, 2010.
  43. Erika Steinbach, The Power of Memory , pp. 132 ff.
  44. ( Memento of March 30, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 43 kB), Franz Werfel Human Rights Prize Laureate 2003, Prize for the initiators of the "Cross of Reconciliation" in Wekelsdorf (Czech Republic)
  45. ^ Welt am Sonntag of June 29, 2003, Prize for Opponents of Expulsions ; Die Welt on February 17, 2003, dispute over the Franz Werfel Prize of the Center against Expulsions
  46. ^ "Killing the Czech Way" - a controversial film about mass murders after May 8, 1945. , on:, May 6, 2010.
  47. Junge Freiheit, February 3, 2010, Expellees worthy of filmmaker Vondracek
  48. German Ostdienst. News magazine of the Association of Expellees. No. 9/2010, p. 47.
  49. ^ Displaced persons: Rigid positions . In: Der Spiegel . No. 23 , 1998, pp. 18 ( online ).
  50. EU expansion with deficits in terms of human rights . ( Memento of March 23, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) BdV press release of April 9, 2003.
  51. We welcome our neighboring countries. BdV press release of April 26, 2004
  52. ^ "Steinbach speaks of genocide against Germans", Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg from September 6, 2008.
  53. German victims in Serbia are commemorated on Europe Day . ( Memento of May 10, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) BdV press release of May 4, 2007.
  54. Center against Displacement: Erika Steinbach is chairing the Displacement Foundation ,, article from February 28, 2018.
  55. Merkel plays for time. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , May 17, 2010.
  56. "Board of Trustees for Displacement Center: Steinbach will not be nominated for the time being" on from March 4, 2009 ( Memento from August 1, 2010 on WebCite )
  57. ^ "Decisions without time pressure" In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , February 18, 2009.
  58. Text of the law establishing a foundation "German Historical Museum" (DHMG)
  59. Steinbach renounces her seat on the Board of Trustees. In: Die Welt , February 11, 2010.
  60. "… przyszła do naszego kraju razem z Hitlerem iz Hitlerem musiała się z niego wynosić" , Steinbach przyszła z Hitlerem , , February 23, 2009.
  61. Hans-Hermann Kotte: "Concentration on Steinbach distracts" . In: Frankfurter Rundschau , February 11, 2010.
  62. ^ Jochen Franzke: chief diplomat versus missionary . In: world trends . tape 70 , 2010, p. 142-143 ( [PDF]).
  63. Erika Steinbach is not a revanchist. In: Hamburger Abendblatt , February 27, 2009.
  64. a b c "Steinbach did not doubt the war guilt question" . Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . September 9, 2010. Retrieved September 14, 2010.
  65. Dirk-Oliver Heckmann: "There is no reason why I should give up this task" . Deutschlandfunk . August 3, 2010. Retrieved September 14, 2010.
  66. Hartmut Saenger : Historical Context . Pommersche Zeitung , quoted from the Preussische Allgemeine Zeitung . August 29, 2009. Retrieved September 14, 2010.
  67. Stephan Karkowsky: "The damage is great" . Deutschlandradio Kultur . July 23, 2010. Retrieved September 14, 2010.
  68. Central Council of Jews angry about the foundation for displaced persons . The time . September 6, 2010. Retrieved September 14, 2010.
  69. Ulrike Quast, Naima El Moussaoui: Steinbach causes a scandal . German wave . September 10, 2010. Retrieved September 14, 2010.
  70. a b After the European elections: Steinbach promotes a coalition between the CDU and the AfD. Handelsblatt , June 1, 2014, accessed June 6, 2014 .
  71. Personally: Erika Steinbach. . . makes for the AfD election campaign , , July 12, 2017
  72. New publication from AfD circles: Right as the "Bild" , taz, July 12, 2017
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