Ernst Bloch

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Ernst Bloch (1954)

Ernst Bloch ( Ernst Simon Bloch ; born July 8, 1885 in Ludwigshafen am Rhein , † August 4, 1977 in Tübingen ) was a German philosopher . Bloch followed the tradition of the writings of Karl Marx and is today assigned to neo-Marxism .


Origin, youth, education

Bloch's Stolperstein in his native Ludwigshafen in front of the house Rheinblock 54b

Ernst Bloch came from a Jewish family in the Palatinate . His parents were Markus (later Max) Bloch (1853–1926) and Barbara (Berta), geb. Feitel (1861-1935). Bloch's father rose from a worker to an official of the Palatinate Railways .

According to Bloch, the comparison between the working-class city of Ludwigshafen am Rhein and the bourgeois city ​​of Mannheim was formative for Bloch. He became interested in philosophy and literature from an early age. After graduating from the grammar school in Ludwigshafen, he studied from 1905 at the University of Munich majoring in philosophy at Theodor Lipps , finishing as minor subjects physics, German and music. He then switched to Oswald Külpe at the University of Würzburg . In 1908 he received his doctorate with his work Critical Discussions on Rickert and the problem of modern epistemology . Already in this treatise he developed ideas of utopian thinking by dealing with the “not yet become”.

Before and during the First World War: Turning towards socialism

After completing his doctorate, Bloch moved to Berlin . During a colloquium with Georg Simmel , he made friends with him and with Georg Lukács . The friendship with Simmel ended because of his enthusiastic support for the German war effort in the First World War .

Ernst Bloch lived in southern Germany with the sculptor Else von Stritzky from 1911. The two married in 1913. After a trip to Italy, he met Max Weber in Heidelberg . In contrast to the more sober circle around Weber, Bloch was - influenced by the bourgeois Wandervogel movement - expressive in his style of expression and unsteady in his lifestyle. As Max Weber noted, the young philosopher was extremely self-confident. Bloch saw himself as the prophet of a new Messiah.

As a committed opponent of the war , he was commissioned to write about pacifist utopias in Switzerland. What was meant was the pacifist settlement of Monte Verità in Ascona . In their vicinity, to Locarno-Monti, he moved with his wife in the spring of 1917. There he finished his work Geist der Utopie and drafted the essay “On the moral and spiritual leader”, in which he himself as a “spiritual leader” alongside the “Moral leader” Gusto Gräser represents the “brother striving for sanctification” (Desert 99), who “wanted to live Franciscan instead of on the master side” (Desert 143). At that time he shared the settlers' criticism of modernism, their "utopian tendency", but could not adopt the "Tao" and the "amulet of the bare heart", ie "the gospel of non-violence" (CC 234) of the conscientious objector Gräser . Belief in his own messianic vocation collapsed, and instead he turned to politics and Leninism. His respect for the “original religious wish” of the settlers and his passionate interest in utopian ventures were preserved.

Weimar Republic

After the end of the war, after Germany had become a republic , he left Switzerland and went to Munich. In the 1920s he lived again in Berlin as a freelance journalist without a permanent job, interrupted by numerous trips and the like. a. to Italy, Paris and Sanary-sur-Mer . In 1925/26 he stayed in Tunisia , in 1929 in Vienna. His friends at the time included Bertolt Brecht , Kurt Weill , Theodor W. Adorno and Walter Benjamin .

In 1922, after the death of his first wife, he married the painter Linda Oppenheimer. This marriage also remained childless and was divorced in 1928. The daughter Mirjam, born in 1928, comes from his connection with Frieda Abele. She married the Swiss sculptor Hans Josephsohn .

Memorial plaque on the house at Kreuznacher Strasse 52 in the Berlin artists' colony of Berlin-Wilmersdorf

During this time his study on Thomas Müntzer appeared , a revision of the spirit of utopia in the sense of a Marxist philosophy as well as essays, stories and aphorisms. He also wrote articles for the Frankfurter Zeitung , the weekly magazine for politics, art and economy Die Weltbühne u. a. Periodicals. Bloch was very active politically and fought the rising NSDAP early on .

Time of National Socialism: Exile

Shortly after Hitler came to power , Bloch was expatriated and emigrated to Switzerland with his also Jewish partner Karola Piotrowska . There he was arrested as an "accomplice" of an "agent of the Comintern" and expelled in September 1934. The couple then stayed in Vienna, where they married in 1934. Piotrowska was an architect of Polish origin. The connection lasted until Bloch's death. After he had published the sensational anti- National Socialist book Erbschaft der Zeit in Zurich in 1935 as a stateless person , the couple spent the years 1936 to 1938 in Prague. In 1937 the only child was born, Jan Robert Bloch . Bloch worked for the small re-edition of the Weltbühne , led by Hermann Budzislawski after political differences , at the same time wrote on the problem of materialism in philosophy and was involved in the disputes over a popular front against National Socialism. This led to fierce " expressionism debates " with his friend Georg Lukács .

Since the mid-1930s Bloch spoke out in public for the so-called Stalin Purges , in particular he defended the Moscow trials . This attitude weighed heavily on some of his friendships, including his trusting relationship with Adorno . It was not until much later that he publicly confessed to the error of judgment of the Moscow trials and Stalinism . In connection with the publication of Bloch's work edition, the topic briefly became topical again in 1968/69, when Bloch did not include a corresponding article in the volume Political Measurements, Plague Time, Vormärz . After harsh criticism of this approach, Bloch agreed to present all political articles from the Weltbühne in a separate volume outside of the work edition. Even in the early GDR era, he praised Stalin as a "real leader in happiness".

After the Munich Agreement shortly before the German troops marched into Prague on March 9, 1939 , the family was able to flee to the USA. There Bloch, like many German exile authors, suffered from financial difficulties due to a lack of English skills. His wife Karola was able to work as an architect. While in exile in America, he wrote important texts, including his book The Principle of Hope and Subject - Object, which is often referred to as a major work . Bloch was one of those emigrants who clung to the German language. Together with other famous German authors and artists who had fled Germany, he was involved in founding the small Aurora publishing house in New York in 1944 , which was almost exclusively self-published.

GDR 1948–1961

Memorial plaque on Ernst Bloch's house in Leipzig-Schleußig, Wilhelm-Wild-Str. 8 (based on a design by the Leipzig artist Ulf Puder )
Ernst Bloch on the XV. Writers' Congress in Berlin, 1956

In 1948 he was offered the chair of philosophy at the University of Leipzig after Herbert Marcuse had rejected a possible appointment to this chair in preliminary talks. He moved there the following year at the age of 64. In 1955 he was awarded the GDR National Prize. In addition, he became a member of the German Academy of Sciences in Berlin (DAW). With that he had advanced to become a state philosopher of the GDR . His assistant Manfred Buhr , who received his doctorate in 1957, became a full professor in Greifswald and then director of the Central Institute for Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences (AdW) in Berlin was one of his numerous academic students from this time , and he developed into one of his harshest critics.

But the Hungarian popular uprising in 1956 put the convinced Marxist Bloch on the opposite course to the SED regime: his last lecture on December 17, 1956 dealt with the “Problems of the further development of Marxism after Marx”, but for the party historical and dialectical materialism was considered unchangeable and completed. Because he's humanistic teaching ideas of freedom, he was in 1957 for political reasons - not because of his age of 72 years - emeritus . At that time, a number of scientists and students spoke out publicly against this forced retirement. a. his well-known professor colleague Emil Fuchs and his grandson Klaus Fuchs-Kittowski, who is studying with Bloch . In addition, Rugard Otto Gropp , a colleague from Leipzig, had started a political campaign against Bloch with an article in Neues Deutschland on December 19, 1956, in which he a. a. criticized as idealists. According to Arno Münster , Gropp wrote the article on instructions from a higher authority and was intended to prepare an indictment against Bloch for revisionism. After the construction of the Berlin Wall , Bloch never returned to the GDR in 1961 from a trip to the West and the associated visit to the Bayreuth Festival.

Federal Republic and Student Movement

Ernst Bloch in the seminar “Appearance and Appearance in Art”, University of Tübingen, Feb. 1971.

In the Federal Republic of Germany, Bloch, now very old, accepted a visiting professorship at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen . In 1967 he received the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade , in 1970 he was made honorary citizenship of his hometown Ludwigshafen. Honorary doctorates from the University of Zagreb , the Sorbonne and the University of Tübingen followed. He accompanied the student movement in the late 1960s with critical benevolence. Sections of the 1968 movement referred to his writings . A relationship of paternal friendship developed between Bloch and Rudi Dutschke in the 1970s. Bloch saw in Dutschke a possible successor to his ideas. In 1971, together with Karola Bloch , he founded the association Help for self-help in the field of criminal work.


Ernst Bloch , pencil drawing by Hans Neubert , 1977
Ernst Bloch's death mask, removed by Gerhard Halbritter , August 5, 1977
Bloch's grave in the Tübingen mountain cemetery . Inscription: Thinking means going beyond - The principle of hope - Ernst Bloch July 8th, 1885 - August 4th, 1977

Ernst Bloch died on August 4, 1977 at the age of 92. About 3,000 students gathered for a torchlight procession on the day of his death . He found his final resting place in the Tübingen mountain cemetery .

Bloch's philosophy

Ernst Bloch is the philosopher of “concrete utopias ”, daydreams , the principle of hope . At the center of his thinking is the person who thinks beyond himself. Man's consciousness is not just the product of his being, it is rather endowed with “surplus”. This “surplus” finds its expression in social, economic and religious utopias, in the fine arts, in music and in daydreams.

As a Marxist , Bloch sees socialism and communism as the instruments to put this “surplus” into practice. Atypical for a Marxist is his strong focus on metaphysics . At the center of his considerations is the “not yet become”, which is characteristic of our “now”. The human being, the society “has not yet arrived” because we still feel lack. Everything that is, however, surrounds a "court of meaning" of its unrealized possibilities, which can "get us on the way", the "not-yet-having" into a having, the "not-yet-being" into a being and the "still- To transform the unconscious into a conscious.

Ernst Bloch is not only "the German philosopher of the Russian October Revolution " ( Oskar Negt ), but also developed a self-confident philosophy of the "tertium", i.e. the third, a position between not-more and not-yet, based on social science and methodology has hardly been recorded so far; it differs historically and methodologically from other approaches of Marxist philosophers also in that Bloch saw a close relationship between socialist and Christian ideas.

Ernst Bloch's conceptions of non-simultaneity as he expressed them in the 1930s and 1960s are also significant . In “Inheritance of this Time” (1934) he explained the attractiveness of National Socialism through non-simultaneous contradictions in capitalism, which added “crookedly” to the simultaneous contradiction between capital owners and wage workers. Due to the lack of revolutions in Germany, certain classes (“small farmers”, “small producers”, “small traders” and employees as a petty bourgeois special case) are not only backward (“fake asynchronism”), but also intertwined in their anachronistic modes of production (“genuine asynchronism”) the capital. The Marxist analysis should not only coldly analyze the simultaneous contradiction, but should also take into account the heat flow of unresolved struggles and utopias. In the "Tübingen Introduction to Philosophy" at the beginning of the 1960s, Bloch referred non-simultaneity to different progress . Here he distanced himself from the “reactionary culture group theory”, since all cultures are subject to the same dialectical laws in their development and pursue the same goal of humanity (a “concrete utopian humanity”) in a “realm of freedom”. Bloch speaks of the “multiverse” here : “The concept of progress does not tolerate any 'cultural circles' in which time is nailed reactionary to space, but instead of one-liner it needs a broad, elastic, completely dynamic multiverse, a continuous and often intertwined counterpoint to the historical Be right."

Ernst Bloch had a great influence on theology in the second half of the 20th century, for example on Jürgen Moltmann and Dorothee Sölle , due to his knowledgeable and original statements on topics of religion , especially Judaism and Christianity, as well as atheism . This is exemplified by the corresponding titles The Principle of Hope by Ernst Bloch and Theology of Hope by Jürgen Moltmann and Ernst Bloch's Atheism in Christianity and Dorothee Sölle's Atheistic Belief in God .

He spreads his religious philosophy in particular in the third volume of Principle Hope : “Real Genesis is not at the beginning, but at the end, and it only begins when society and existence become radical, that is, get to the roots. The root of history, however, is the working , creating man who transforms and overtakes the given situation. If he has grasped himself and established his own in real democracy without alienation and alienation, something arises in the world that seems to everyone in childhood and in which no one has been: home ”. Later in the volume Atheism in Christianity it says: "Only an atheist can be a good Christian, but also certainly: Only a Christian can be a good atheist".

Bloch criticizes the traditional hierarchical structures of Christianity , derived from a god who is “above” and thus reminds of Marduk or Ptah , the gods of the Babylonians and Egyptians, but not of Yahweh , the god of Exodus , who leads to liberation.

In atheism he objects to the emptiness, the “hollow space” that is left behind when one removes religion. According to Bloch, new, dark and dull contents enter these cavities. He cites the time of National Socialism as an example .

Central terms of Bloch's philosophy are:


Ernst Bloch Center in Ludwigshafen

There is no philosophical school that refers to Ernst Bloch, but his philosophy is received worldwide. His works have been translated into more than 30 languages.

As far as is known, there are currently seven intellectuals and students of Ernst Bloch from the Leipzig years living in Germany: the writer Ingrid Zwerenz , the columnist and philosopher Günther Zehm ( Pankraz ), the writer Volker Braun ( training the upright gait ), the writer Friedrich Dieckmann ( Many chambers in the Welthaus ), the radio play author and dramaturge Siegfried Pfaff ( Regina B. A day in her life ) as well as the philosophers Burghart Schmidt , Gerd Irrlitz ( Kant Handbuch ) and Thomas M. Haase ( A study on the older work of Max Kretzers ) (Viernheim ).

The Ernst Bloch Center in his native Ludwigshafen am Rhein maintains the Bloch archive with writings and materials on his life and the history of his impact; a library publishes the Bloch Almanac and awards the Ernst Bloch Prize every three years .


The General Student Committee (AStA) of the Eberhard Karls University of Tuebingen dedicated the university after Bloch's death in 1977 symbolically to "Ernst Bloch University" to. The decision was reversed in 2017 on the grounds that not all students could identify with Bloch's political orientation; a university group of the same name continues.

See also


  • Critical discussions on Heinrich Rickert and the problem of epistemology , dissertation, 1909.
  • Spirit of Utopia , Munich, 1918.
  • Thomas Müntzer as the theologian of the revolution , Munich 1921.
  • Through the desert - critical essays , Paul Cassirer Verlag, Berlin 1923.
  • Spirit of Utopia, final version , Paul Cassirer Verlag, Berlin 1923.
  • Traces , Berlin, 1930.
  • Inheritance from that time , Zurich, 1935.
  • Freedom and order , Berlin, Aufbau-Verlag, 1947.
  • Subject-object , 1949.
  • Christian Thomasius , 1949.
  • Avicenna and the Aristotelian Left , (Leipzig 1949) Rütten & Loening, Berlin 1952.
  • The Principle of Hope , 3 volumes, 1954–1959, ISBN 3-518-28154-2 .
  • Resistance and Peace. Essays on politics , Suhrkamp Verlag, 1968, new edition 2008, with DVD: Ernst and Karola Bloch. The Tübingen time , ISBN 978-3-518-41981-6 .
  • Traces , 1959, ISBN 3-518-28150-X .
  • Natural Law and Human Dignity , 1961.
  • Tuebingen Introduction to Philosophy , Suhrkamp Verlag, 1963, ISBN 3-518-10011-4 .
  • Atheism in Christianity , Suhrkamp Verlag, 1968, ISBN 3-518-28163-1 .
  • Political measurements, time of plague, Vormärz Suhrkamp Verlag, 1970, ISBN 3-518-28160-7 .
  • The problem of materialism, its history and substance , Suhrkamp Verlag, 1972, ISBN 3-518-28156-9 .
  • Experimentum Mundi. Question, categories of publishing , practice , Suhrkamp Verlag, 1975, ISBN 3-518-28164-X .
  • Fabulous thinking. Essayistic texts from the “Frankfurter Zeitung” , Klöpfer and Meyer, 1997, ISBN 3-931402-19-3 .
  • Logos of matter. A logic in the making. From the estate of 1923–1949, Suhrkamp Verlag, 2000, ISBN 3-518-58278-X .

Literature (selection)

  • Richard Albrecht : “Destroyed Language - Destroyed Culture” - Ernst Bloch's lecture in exile seventy years ago: History and current issues. In: Bloch-Jahrbuch 13 (2009), ISBN 978-3-89376-130-2 , pp. 223-240.
  • ders .: On the 125th of Ernst Bloch. In: sociology today 3 (2010) 11, pp. 24–26.
  • ders .: The Bloch Compensation File. In: sociology today , 5 (2012) 24, pp. 34–35, online version: The Bloch compensation file .
  • Alexander Amberger: Ernst Bloch in the GDR. Hope - Utopia - Marxism , in: German magazine for philosophy. Volume 61, Issue 4 (October 2013), pages 561-576
  • ders .: Ernst Bloch in the GDR - between political opportunism and philosophical discrepancy , in: Hans-Christoph Rauh, Alexander Amberger, Andreas Heyer and Michael Eckardt: Beginning and End of East German Philosophy. Studies on the work of Ernst Bloch, Wolfgang Harich, Georg Klaus and other philosophers in the GDR, Helle Panke, Berlin 2017, pp. 18–31
  • Hermann Deuser, Peter Steinacker (ed.): Ernst Bloch's mediations for theology. Munich / Mainz 1983.
  • Beat Dietschy, Doris Zeilinger, Rainer Zimmermann (eds.): Bloch dictionary. Key concepts of Ernst Bloch's philosophy . De Gruyter, Berlin 2012, 678 pages, ISBN 978-3-11-020572-5 .
  • Michael Eckert: Transcending and immanent transcendence - The transformation of the traditional two-world theory of transcendence and immanence in Ernst Bloch's two-sided theory. Vienna 1981.
  • "Hope can be disappointed". Ernst Bloch in Leipzig. Documented and commented by Volker Caysa , Petra Caysa, Elke Uhl and Klaus-Dieter Eichler . Hain, Frankfurt am Main 1992. ISBN 3-445-08573-0 .
  • Gvozden Flego , Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik (ed.): Ernst Bloch, utopian ontology. Germinal, Bochum 1986, ISBN 3-88663-512-0 .
  • Vincent Geoghegan: Ernst Bloch. Routledge, London 1996, ISBN 978-0-415-04903-0 .
  • Hanna Gekle: The Fall of the Philosopher. An archeology of thought using the example of Ernst Bloch. Vittorio Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main 2019, ISBN 978-3-465-04364-5 .
  • Hans-Joachim Gerhards: Utopia as a historical aspect of eschatology. Ernst Bloch's concrete utopia under the eschatological reservation of Paul Tillich's theology . Gütersloher publishing house Mohn 1973.
  • Ruth Groß Maß : Ernst Bloch . In: Heinz Kimmerle (Hrsg.): Models of the materialistic dialectic - contributions of the Bochum dialectic working group . Den Haag 1978, pp. 161-184, ( online at
  • Rugard Otto Gropp (Ed.) Festschrift Ernst Bloch for his 70th birthday . German Science Publishing House, Berlin 1955.
  • Jürgen Habermas : Ernst Bloch. A Marxist Schelling. (1960) In: ders .: Politics, Art and Religion. Essays on Contemporary Philosophers. Reclam, Stuttgart 1978, (current new edition 2006), ISBN 3-15-009902-1 , pp. 11–32.
  • Rudolf Hiller von Gaertringen (ed.): Thinking is going beyond - Ernst Bloch in Leipzig. (Accompanying volume for the exhibition of the custody of the University of Leipzig from May 13th to July 17th, 2004). Custody of the University, Leipzig 2004, ISBN 3-934178-34-0 .
  • Rainer Hoffmann: Assembly in a cavity. On Ernst Bloch's “Traces”. Bouvier Verlag, Bonn 1977, ISBN 3-416-01285-2 .
  • Hans Heinz wood : Ernst Bloch: system and fragment. (together with Silvia Markun.) Projekt-Verlag Cornelius, Halle 2010, ISBN 978-3-86237-073-3 .
  • Johannes Heinz (Ed.): Ernst Bloch's revision of Marxism. Critical discussions of Marxist scholars with Bloch's philosophy. German Science Publishers, Berlin 1957.
  • Detlef Horster , Thomas Leithäuser, Oskar Negt , Joachim Perels , Jürgen Peters: Ernst Bloch on his 90th birthday: It doesn't always have to be marble. Verlag Klaus Wagenbach, Berlin 1975, ISBN 3-8031-1068-8 .
  • Detlef Horster: Ernst Bloch: An introduction. (Reprint) Panorama, Wiesbaden 2005, ISBN 3-926642-52-1 .
  • Detlef Horster: Ernst Bloch . In: Bernd Lutz (Ed.): Metzlers Philosophen Lexikon . JB Metzler, Stuttgart 1995, ISBN 3-476-01332-4 ( or ( memento of September 10, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) [PDF; 70 kB ; accessed on March 27, 2017] Bloch biography without appendix).
  • Heinz Kimmerle: The future meaning of hope. Examination of Ernst Bloch's “Principle of Hope” from a philosophical and theological point of view. Bonn 1966; 2nd edition ibid 1974.
  • Kurt Lenk : Ernst Bloch and SED revisionism . According to Kurt Lenk, it also deals with the "most demanding Bloch criticism on the part of GDR philosophy" by Manfred Buhr
  • Martin Korol (Ed.): Ernst Bloch. Fight, not war. Political writings 1917–1919. edition suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1985, ISBN 3-518-11167-1 .
  • Volker Michels (Red.): Ernst Bloch. From hazard to disaster. Political essays from 1934–1939. Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1972.
  • Arno Münster : Ernst Bloch. A political biography. Philo & Philo Fine Arts, Berlin / Vienna 2004, ISBN 3-8257-0357-6 , table of contents.
  • Werner RauppErnst Bloch. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 14, Bautz, Herzberg 1998, ISBN 3-88309-073-5 , Sp. 783-810. (with detailed bibliography).
  • Dieter Schiller : “Inheritance from this time”. Ernst Bloch and his Moscow opponents 1935/36. In: Pankower Lectures , Issue 182. Ed. Helle Panke eV, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Berlin 2013.
  • Hans-Ernst Schiller (Ed.): State and politics with Ernst Bloch. Nomos, Baden-Baden 2016, ISBN 978-3-8487-3365-1 .
  • Burghart Schmidt : Seminar: On the philosophy of Ernst Bloch. Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1983, ISBN 978-3-518-27868-0 .
  • Burghart Schmidt: Ernst Bloch. Metzler, Stuttgart 1985, ISBN 3-476-10222-X .
  • Eberhard Simons: Ernst Bloch's expressive thinking: categories and logic of artistic production and imagination . Alber, Munich 1983, ISBN 3-495-47533-8 .
  • Gert Ueding : "Utopia in poor time" - studies on Ernst Bloch. Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2009, ISBN 978-3-8260-3989-8 .
  • Gert Ueding: Where no one has been. Memories of Ernst Bloch . Klöpfer & Meyer, Tübingen 2016, ISBN 978-3-86351-415-0 .
  • Christina Ujma: Ernst Bloch's construction of modernity from messianism and Marxism. Discussions taking into account Lukács and Benjamin. Dissertation from the University of Marburg , 1993. M and P, publishing house for scientific research, Metzlersche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart 1995, ISBN 978-3-476-45141-5 .
  • Rainer E. Zimmermann (Ed.): Nature Alliance. From physics to politics in Ernst Bloch's philosophy. Kovac, Hamburg 2006, ISBN 3-8300-2111-9 .
  • Peter Zudeick : The devil's bottom. Ernst Bloch - life and work. Elster, Baden-Baden 1985, ISBN 3-89151-004-7 .
  • Short biography for:  Bloch, Ernst . In: Who was who in the GDR? 5th edition. Volume 1. Ch. Links, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-86153-561-4 .

Films (selection)

  • Ernst Bloch. Hope made in Ludwigshafen documentary film, Germany, 2015, 29:38 min., Script and director: Andreas Berg, production: SWR , series: Known in the country , first broadcast: July 5, 2015 on SWR television , synopsis by ARD , online video , available until July 29, 2018.
    With many archive recordings; u. a. with Bloch's daughter Dr. Mirjam Josephsohn, Gert Ueding , Francesca Vidal (President of the Ernst Bloch Society ), Klaus Kufeld (Ernst Bloch Center), Frank Degler (Ernst Bloch Archive).

Web links

Wikisource: Ernst Bloch  - Sources and full texts
Commons : Ernst Bloch  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files

Bio and bibliography

Article on Bloch

Individual evidence

  1. Bernhard Kukatzki: The Palatine ancestors of the philosopher Ernst Bloch. In: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Alemannia Judaica , March 6, 2009, (PDF; 6 p., 66.5 kB).
  2. Biographical data. In: , accessed on August 17, 2017.
  3. Cornelius Tittel : The stone strategy. In: Die Welt , September 15, 2013.
  4. ^ Jörg later: Siegfried Kracauer. A biography . Suhrkamp, ​​Berlin 2016, p. 333.
  5. ^ Theodor Bergmann, companions , VSA Verlag, Hamburg 2010, p. 25.
  6. ^ Arno Münster: Ernst Bloch. A political biography. Philo & Philo Fine Arts GmbH, Berlin / Vienna 2004, ISBN 3-8257-0357-6 , p. 212f.
  7. "Thinking means going beyond". On Ernst Bloch's philosophy of walking upright. (No longer available online.) In: Universität Tübingen. July 13, 2003, archived from the original on January 19, 2014 ; accessed on March 27, 2017 .
  8. Ernst Bloch. Excommunized. In: Der Spiegel , August 17, 1960, No. 34.
  9. Karola Bloch, From my life , ISBN 3-7885-0240-1 .
  10. according to a report in the magazine Information Philosophie. Early 1990s.
  11. ^ After Ingrid Zwerenz: Bloch's last lecture in Leipzig. In: Leipzig -lese , June 9, 2012, accessed on August 17, 2017.
  12. ^ See: Arno Münster, Ernst Bloch. A political biography , Europäische Verlagsanstalt, Hamburg 2012, ISBN 978-3-434-46240-8 , p. 280.
  13. See: Arno Münster, Ernst Bloch , 2012, ISBN 978-3-434-46240-8 , p. 281.
  14. ^ Werner Maihofer : 1967 Ernst Bloch. In: Peace Prize of the German Book Trade , laudation, (PDF, 16 p., 190 kB).
  15. See Paul Nellen: "New Youth, New Vormärz" - Ernst Bloch and the student movement. In: Socialist Journal for Art and Society , 1977, No. 3–4, Issue: Ernst Bloch - Actuality and Concrete Utopia , ed. by the Association of Socialist Cultural Creators (VSK), (PDF; 13 p., 162 kB).
  16. ^ Manfred Papst : Plea for Ernst Bloch. In: NZZ , May 13, 2007.
  17. ^ Epilogue to: Ernst Bloch, Vom Hasard zur Katastrophe. Political essays from the years 1934–1939 , edition suhrkamp 534, 1972, p. 429 ff.
  18. See, however, the sociological continuation of the multi-valued logic by Gotthard Günther .
  19. Ernst Bloch, Tübinger Introduction to Philosophy , Frankfurt am Main 1977, p. 146.
  20. Bloch, The Principle Hope , 1954–59, p. 1628.
  21. See Henning Pietzsch: Review of: Zwerenz, Ingrid; Zwerenz, Gerhard: slave language and revolt. The Bloch Circle and its enemies in East and West. Hamburg 2004. In: H-Soz-u-Kult , June 8, 2005.
  22. Honors and Dedications. ( Memento from September 10, 2011 in the Internet Archive ). In: , accessed on March 27, 2017.
  23. Ernst Bloch University. In: TÜpedia. City wiki Tübingen. Association for the Promotion of Free Knowledge in the Reutlingen-Tübingen Region, Till Kopper, accessed on November 2, 2019 .
  24. Contains Bloch's 1968 Peace Prize Speech (PDF; 195 kB) and the laudation by Werner Maihofer .
  25. ^ Cf. Das philosophische Radio with Peter Zudeick on Ernst Bloch. ( Memento of August 21, 2010 in the Internet Archive ). In: WDR 5 , August 20, 2010, accessed on March 27, 2017. Conversation with Jürgen Wiebicke , announcement , audio file, 24.4 MB. ( Memento from August 17, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Introductory text to the podcast contribution, but the MP3 file itself has not been archived and is now lost.