Archeparchy of Latakia

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Archeparchy of Latakia
Basic data
Rite church Melkite Greek Catholic Church
Country Syria
Ecclesiastical province Immediate
Diocesan bishop Nikolaki Sawaf
founding 1961
surface 4,252 km²
Parishes 18 ( 12/31/2004 / AP2005 )
Residents 1,693,000 ( 12/31/2004 / AP2005 )
Catholics 10,000 ( 12/31/2004 / AP2005 )
proportion of 0.6%
Diocesan priest 11 ( 12/31/2004 / AP2005 )
Religious priest 4 ( 12/31/2004 / AP2005 )
Catholics per priest 667
Permanent deacons 1 (December 31, 2004 / AP2005 )
Friars 4 ( 12/31/2004 / AP2005 )
Religious sisters 13 ( 12/31/2004 / AP2005 )
rite Byzantine rite
Liturgical language Arabic
cathedral Cathedral of the Annunciation (Latakia)
address Rue Al-Moutannabi, BP 151, Lattaquie, Syrie

The archeparchy Latakia ( lat. : Archieparchia Laodicena Graecorum Melkitarum ) is in Syria located eparchy of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church , based in Latakia . It includes the governorates of Latakia and Tartus .


Pope John XXIII founded it with the Apostolic Constitution Qui Dei Consilio on April 28, 1961 from cessions of territory to the Archeparchy of Tripoli . By this act the Pope confirmed the decision of the Melkite Synod , which had decided to restore a titular bishopric .

Archbishops of Latakia

See also

Web links